Wednesday 9 December 2020

Are You Angry?

 (Cannot recall contect)

In effect we have been abandoned or sold out to a narrative or narratives running in the minds of the captured institutions we once felt some measure of protection through.

A fundamental requirement of a revolutionary goal is to learn not to react to the necessary collateral damage, which may be framed in the mind of the revolution as a denialism that must not be reasoned with but must be broken and retrained, restrained or eradicated.

The ego of fear set in control will adapt and subvert the forms of insights that could have served awakening from fear, to weaponise them into a mask of virtue justifying the intensifying of a control agenda against a growing dissonance that can only be evaded by a denial of consciousness.

So yes there is a lie running, to cover for, and confuse those who are intended to be undermined, left behind or normalised.

But not everyone enlisted as a proxy tool to such agenda is altogether willing to operate under coercion and deceit - but cannot openly speak for fear of penalty.

Note that Dellingpole has been friends with some of the people that are now dissociating from a fundamental humanity and he cant really answer that either.

While it is only symbol, I offer that IF an alien intelligence were in a position to terrorise our leaders, institutions to act from terror as such inconceivably insane robots, then we would at least emotionally understand why.

In a teaching I find value in, a seemingly oppositional will against God, love and life is expressed as an 'alien will' - and indeed the intensity of self judgement in self-hate will seek to kill itself under such a will. This may seem very exaggerated within a world made to mask or hide in, and yet leaks through all the time in a love that cannot bear to hate and yet masks over in the wish to love  that actually cannot be love - and this love-hate alloy characterises the human conditioning.

Many I have shared love and life with have become on surface 'lost to me' under the growing spells of identity set in a mask of virtue that knows not what it does, because, the mask is saving them from a direct exposure to what they are not ready or yet willing to openly own in themselves. All forgiveness is ultimately self-release.

So feeling deep disturbance is in one sense a sign of not being so heavily masked over as to deny the discernment of a self honesty within.
The fear of loss of face or control can be intense at times, and yet a decision to meet what is here as best you may and in whatever way you can, will soon learn the need to ground in nature, or centre in presence and open gratitude for each and every true kindness or moment of joy or beauty shared. And even if apparently alone, it is the nature of joy to radiate, as of fear to contract. One extends light unselfconsciously and the other may receive it never knowing where the grace of noticing arose from, by which they released a pattern of 'thinking' that they recognised had no true belonging or meaning to persist in.
Opening free awareness and attention from the grip of fear is the freedom of a native curiosity to ask, and trust the answer is given as we have asked to unfold in a way that meets our need and not our terms and condition.

As for MP's many are being 'answered for' by teams of trained ignorance.
And also using all feedback as data to feed into the program rather than recognise and respond in human fellowship. Are they being 'made safe'?
Hollowed out as tools of a machine agenda?
Let the dead bury the dead - to me follows directly as wholly attend to the living (and to all signs of life in those whose willingness stirs).
Perhaps I might add that we can only extend what we are willing to open and receive in ourselves.
True safety in not in fear and control, but in aligning truly in the heart's decision.

The decision to disinvest in an evil and not engage in its terms is 'resisting temptation' to the point of no longer being 'tempted' to react, so much as present in discernment.

So while I don't suggest passive defeat, I also point beyond the attempt to engage in a war framed in deceit. Jesus is a wayshower.

If we are conflicted we drain in conflict. But unequivocal communication may seem to be conflict - when it may be witnessing to an integrity that ultimately serves the truth of those currently suffering from dis-integrity.

A theme I noted in both our hosts was of being drawn to spiritual resource. regardless the outer forms of our faith in life the territory is moved through as a transformative experience. that is what I see going on, rather than the drama of diversion in a complex mindtrap that can serve to deny or mask out both our disturbance and our heart's revealing, to be 'made safe' under a loveless and hollow narrative dictate - regardless how many checkboxes of masking virtue are ticked.

Extend freedom to have it, That others choose to lose it for 'being made safe' is a masking over of truth that remains uncoverable to a better choice.

The belief that strength is in power set over others is also the belief that life is war and love is a manipulative leverage of illusions that are heretical and treacherous to open to. So don't!

This belief is part of the conditioning of our psyche and world.
The logical outcome of loveless premise  is a breakdown of the capacity to maintain masking deceit.

The power of Life is not IN any one or thing.
Awareness is not really IN the room or IN the objects of attention, and yet is the truth of the room and the experience taken from whatever kind of focus of attention and value is engaged in and shared.

Freedom to be who we are is not waiting on conditions so much as on recognition, acceptance and appreciation - which extends.

Equality is not at the level of a world set in hierarchies of judgement.
But you can recognise another as yourself when judgement falls away.

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