Thursday 10 December 2020

Facing futility, to release it

It would seem to me that the gang in government don't have to listen to anything a kettled public say, but can shift to the next stage of their ratcheting reset to something much worse than feudalism - because there was a two way pact there, whereas a corporate bio-tech asset or liability is to be so owned as to own nothing, and so without consciousness as to recalibrate mere existence as the happiness of the new normal.

The insider gangs are global stakeholders in their own PR. 
Appeals to reason are lost on the insane who are trained in how to speak past anyone anywhere to the public of a collective battery pack, that they need to run their un-human machine intelligence.

I can get some of the ideas if not the lies of leveraging them. But I don't get, jibe or align in lovelessness of the hollow masking concerns, It speaks to me a a dissociation under deep fear.
I don't care to judge their persons. I don't know their circumstances or the narratives they are working under that they may well believe or believe they HAVE to believe to save their own lives or  a larger narrative of forfending or navigating a transition that is set as an offer they cant refuse.

For if any of these converts to the 'reset religion' believed in their heart that any of this is truly worthy or even truly necessary, and not a betrayal of humankind, we would see a genuine relational expression rather than mind-control techniques. We would feel the heart's presence and a quality of statesmanship in those taking difficult or deeply unpopular decisions.

But we see evasion and strategies of obfuscation and lies that make perfect sense if they had a gun to the head and to the heads of their loved ones - even us.

If more of us write in what seems a crazy  response, it is because the PR of controlling the virus in all its novel mutations is complete and utter bollocks - or would be if not operating an insidious agenda of backroom planners who decide a future to which life itself is sacrificed.
Yes, improving the stock... all in a good cause. How can weak, inadequate and unworthy specimens be expected to know or accept what is good for us - when we represent all that they despise and seek to cast out from themselves and eradicate, control or manage?

This is not openly stated, but always leaking through the nature and manner of the actions and the framework of thinking that supports and reinforces them. This is not of course absent as a recognisable pattern of the presumption of the right to judge others and 'make it so', but we generally neither maintain such inclination long enough to commit to it, or have the means to effect it.

Hancock and co are a lost cause. Or rather, they have no real substance or foundation if the background support of Global Financial controllers wasn't scripting their handlers.
They are legally holding positions of entrusted office to represent the people of what is still legally a United Kingdom but under the misrule of 'king covid'.

"One narrative to rule them all and in the darkness bind them",  has a ring of resonance to the nature of the mind-trap.

How many ex-microsoft ceo's does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, he declares darkness to be the new standard. ('normal').

The Stockholm syndrome is the result of despair. 
If we persist in futility we frame ourself in failure and cast our mind in blocks, instead of recognising bollocks and no longer regard it as a currency of meaning in the heart.
And so meaning is in the heart that extends and shares it - rather than in persisting an appeal for sympathy or reason that casts the supplicant to the role offered and accepted.

If I missed something, I am open to listen, reconsider, weigh up and realign in new perspective as a result of new information. I don't tell anyone what to think or do. I bring myself to relationship rather than angle for what I can get out of 'it'.
The idea of human relationship is being replaced now with Al Gore's Rithm and blues.
Resistance is futile?
I agree. But from the other side of the current mind-framing.
Resist ye not evil - said Jesus, because what we resist persists, and frames us in futility.
Let it be meaningless, so as to free the mind to align in sharing the Meaning that relational being is, and does, instead of persisting the futility of a split mind set in M.A.D.
Give unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar, not what is due unto the heart and truth of a Life that extends infinitely beyond a self-limiting lockdown set in fig-leaves made into 'lord covid's new robes'.
There is Disclosure in process. It is deeply unsettling. Fear can become psychotic and destructive. True control is aligned freely in the presence of life and is not coercive, but can be forcefully held. resisting temptation is not a battle of wills, but a persistent valuing of what we truly desire.
If there is a true 'reset' or renewal, it shall be the re-wakening alignment and discipline of true desire. The chaos management of a seeming control is out of order. Making no sense. Unfit for purpose. Its abilities and tools are redeemed by aligning to the true need, instead of to the survival of the 'model' of definition and control.
This cannot be a collective organisation but has to be our own free will, honoured, listened to, discerned and lived from. If we set the 'problem' before all else, we sacrifice all else to be defined by the 'problem'. Problems expand to fill the space available, replicate and mutate.
Fear is a mind-virus. Rest the mind. Live the day, and attend the moment at hand.
Restore perspective. Be vigilant to thought and reaction that robs us of our peace.
If you look for trouble you can always find it, and magnify it to make a 'positive case' for taking offence, withdrawing from relationship and withholding the blessing that we have by giving.
Life is a process of enriching exchange - even at bio-code level. There is no 'monopoly' in life as Expression. But there is a centred wholeness of embracing polarities. 


Derek Reynolds:

Quite so.

'Lets see what a little fear can do. We'll introduce an airborne virus (doesn't have to be real), tell people they must stay home, protect the NHS or whatever, wear masks to 'save lives'.

This will give a basis to judge how many will be compliant and accept further restrictions on movement; dish out a vaccine with whatever we want as adjuvants (useful that nanotechnology stuff), then coerce others by preventing access to essential places, surgery, dentists, essential shopping, travel. Then we will have a record of who to anihilate - the dissenters. The remainder will be slaves to do our bidding - and they will.

This reply is to the theme - not aimed at your person!

The invested identity in fear has to first attack, undermine and deny its own wholeness or truth to join in the mind of the way of creating scenarios that then come back and bite their maker.

So while it can be see that fear is used as a weapon, it can only be used on those who agree to use fear as a weapon.

Seeing that fear is used to manipulate, offers the basis to recognise it gives us nothing that we truly want. But if we vicariously project these roles to others or to shadow powers, are they hidden fantasies being played out under masking imagination?
"Get rid of the hated and feared - the unworthy and undesirables! And set the world to rights!".
Judgement is a two edged sword. It cuts both ways.

All the motives that you posit or assign to 'Them' must also be in your own mind - if not openly owned or recognised as scripts.
I am not saying that scripts held in mutual reinforcement do not run the minds that hold them. But that we can become so dramatically engaged and identified as to act out the masking personae as our choice for life - and die in it.

A lie set as war against the truth does not call for annihilation, but recognition and release in self honesty. Speaking collectively as a generalisation; we have painted ourselves into a corner from which there is no escape. The key is in the capacity to paint or imagine, as invested identity cast out as the wish to 'make it so', and suffering the perceived attack or rejection and abandonment of our self-specialness as an alien encounter that sets 'otherness' in fear against which we attack by holding such a past as the distrust of the present by which our pre-emptive defences are fully self-justified.

Power framed as control over others is a corruption of truth. If we give truth to such a notion we strengthen and share it by teaching it and learning it.
Ideological possession is not just a 'left' out resentment. It also operates as presumed 'right' to judge, attack and deny the lives of others.
If there were not two polarities, there would be no tango.

However, dancing as one together, and recognising the fact, is never going to 
flower through terror and coercion - even if a mimicry of life is acted out by slave-puppets. How shall you escape what you made of yourself and your world? There never was an exit strategy to the desire that regime change be 'The Answer'. 

Fantasy cannot satisfy or fulfil, and so must repeat in ever tightening gyre of depletion, conflict and pain of loss and isolation.
This is not a call for sympathy, but for the honesty of awareness of self-recognition and release.

What is real and what is given reality?
What is the power to give reality and react (conditioned adaptation) to such meanings as if true?
We are integral participance to our own experience and are giving and receiving in like kind. Giving 'Other' the power to block out your fear, is assigning your inner conflicts to 'External power' and then dancing to its bidding! Is this freedom? It seems so when the bad things have gone away, but then they all leak out of what was supposed to be the answer to 'come back with a vengeance' - for what is the attempt to stamp out fear but vengeance?
If we give vengeance to the truth of a direct awareness, we are released of its self-reinforcing vicious loop. One willingness at a time.

To Whom are we exposed when we 'come out' as Human?
The Establishment?
Our Brothers?
Like attracts like. 
'Where are we choosing to think and act from?' is the key to recognising results. A masking manipulation of compliance doesn't want to recognise what is actively denied and reframed. The need is for real connection - so as to grow trust, rather than push information that cannot but increase fear and reinforcement of 'masking defences'.
Judging others, blanks them, to assign roles from our own script.

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