Friday 11 December 2020

Is the Vaccine Safe?


The vaccine is what it is.

Lets see it as an offer that is made under very pressured conditions of both carrot and stick.

Though each may perceive potential threats and potential benefits in different ways with different weighting.

I see the context of a decision to be the determiner of the nature of the decision and its results. This is 'terrain theory' applied to our own consciousness.

I do not recognise the offer as being meaningful or aligned with who I recognise and accept myself to be. And so I align in what does, and leave that offer unchosen.

My consent is not given.

How safe is it to engage in acts of self betrayal?

How safe are habit-patterns set in dis-integrity?

I cannot see any basis for any of all of this except to reset a control agenda over a harvest of fear. If this is your call, makes sure it is your call, and not someone else hijacking your vote. The default runs to reinstate the habit at a deeper level.

If you feel a call to NOT be on that ticket, don't fight what you are not choosing.

Align in what you are choosing. Grow what you love, by holding the conditions where love can extend and reflect because such is the nature of love - and not as a mask or a weapon of attempt to manually replicate life, or intervene and suppress life.

We cannot make another choose against their will, and so we can either seek to trick or coerce them to fit with ours, or honour and support their freedom to make their own choices for their own reasons and live their own consequences.

But we are never alone in our choices, because we are never really a locked down, distanced, and masked over private mind. If you truly WANT the persistence of the experience of a mask-made-real, then you will align in whatever immunises you against the messengers of life - because they are threats to the premise of a control agenda suckled on as power and protection.

Learning to see the symptoms for what they truly represent instead of as a cover story of diversion and displacement, is the result of releasing investment in the cover story or 'narrative identity' in an active ongoing willingness to open to recognise what identifies you truly - and through such a self-honesty - your world of relations - without whom you would have no basis for experience at all.

The vaccine is not just a thing in itself to evaluate in relation to a seeming self-in itself.

It is the whole mindset it represents - which to those who seek profits on its premise - is a new world in the image of its maker. But to me reveals an alien agenda - and that can be read on many levels. Fear given power, alienates us from our Self. The alien agenda may be the disclosure of what we took for our mind or self, while our denied Self is masked over and demonised. How do we truly know anything? We have to be true to ourself.

How can a self-evasion recognise its own Good? By the underlying prompt and guidance of an abiding Spirit or Purpose that can be covered over but never truly lost.

What is the active purpose running here - and do I align freely in this, as the basis to stand in receipt of its results because I trust the purpose in my heart?

I see many pre-creating their 'reality' by projecting a fearful imagination. We can hypnotise ourselves while projecting an imagination framed by the manipulators of illusions. But we can notice this and withdraw such 'energetic' consent already given by doubts and fears.

Center and align in the living if in truth you accept the embrace of Life by extending it.

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