The Void does not contradict anything.
Such is Unconditional embrace and support for even the most hollow parody of life.
As a wise book said recently -
"Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial..."
"Everything is permissible, but do you still seek that which is untrue? If your answer is no, why do you still go after it by partaking of illusory thoughts? That which you think is that which you experience. If you have tired of the experience that is untrue, stop feasting on its thoughts. Let them pass by without tasting them".
Because we are Free(dom) we can contradict our own thought and as a split or divide and rule mind, operate the doublethink of illusory thought that has the nature or reactive, conditioned or machine thinking - under which Adam sleeps. The hollowing out of a mis-taken identity winds up in its prodigal wasteland. This in truth is the grace of the limit to pain, such that we cannot become locked in self-illusion forever, but at some point stir with a question that the mask CANNOT ask - not answer - but only strive to actively ignore.
Resting or yielding to the 'Void' - in the sense of 'no thing' we can step apart from to make word or definition of, is resting a miscreant mind to yield to our source-nature - from which our sense of self and world rise as a whole or a synchrony of thought, feeling, purpose and accomplishment. Until the mind-habit of possession and control kicks in and runs AS IF your true desire, (You), to manage your conflicted thought, perception and behaviours. For once we identify in image, we perceive imagery - as a 'screen reality' of thinking that has found an external technological replication in our current development OF the consciousness assigned to set 'face' as a masking over 'control'. Beholding reality is a true or resonant Participance. You cannot speak it - but that it Speaks You and all things through You - but not you as your are cast out to seem to be in division.
I was also a techno-avoider during its first phase of adoption. Whatever the hype of personal computing was - it was nothing resonant with life as i lived and grew by living.
I bought in in 1998 as a digital virgin - (apart from a word processing typewriter that I previously used to generate my own business stationary mouse-less and only a small screen for the typed text) - ostensibly to make my own brochures, but also a curiosity to uncover what it is in the context of the purpose I hold in life. Or whether and where or how this digital processing machine serves the Spirit. I didn't connect it to the Internet (Extranet? or Intern-Net?) for over a year which I used to learn of it in my own way, by exploration and experience of both intellectual and intuitive participation.
In short, Tolkien's vision - while clothed in a fantasy form, has the nub of the matter - but Sauron (reptilian brain) is not 'out there' - any more than any else of the cast are truly cast out. Technologism, masks in science or reason, to serve possession and control - which is the underlying 'archetype' for a self raised OVER loss of control, loss of face, loss of love and loss of power.
We react to the meanings we have given the world we perceive. And such reaction is in large measure conditioned reflex or an internalised structure rendered invisible by its incorporation to our 'mind-as-defence' mechanism.
We may learn by reading the fruits, results or expression of our 'reality' experience when it is brought to the living 'territory' or Current-cy that it purports to symbolically define, model, unfold meaning of, or 'make sense of'.
That which resonates true is truly lived and shared in and one with all else true.
Nothing else truly is, but only seems to be, while we choose to delay accepting and aligning in who we truly are created to be - which is as ineffable as our Creator or Prime Radiance. Freedom as Imagination can only create along the line of its Thought, and as conflicted lines of thinking cannot know itself free.
How this shall unfold our world is our participating experience.
If we give priority to 'thinking' that has no resonance with All That Is - we put up masking or blocking signal against a Greater Communication. That this is within our Freedom does not mean it reflects freedom to contradict our Self, unless we realise that the conflicted world we see and expereince is a valid result to the 'inputs' of conflicted premises or and parameters.
Prisoners can jockey and fight for position and privilege within the prison so as to have relative freedoms or comforts set over their fellow inmates. Even 'Stockholm syndromed' worship and allegiance to their captor in exchange for a lead role in a cage - or at least set over someone else 'pushed down'. The resistance to freedom in the many who are both imprisoned and convicted poor, is of so long in chains as to trust nothing else to keep the little that they hath. While those who protect their status and position in 'wealth and privilege' will deny any light that would come nigh and dispossess them of the sense of possession they have learned to 'love' as power in a locked down world of deceits defeats and destruction.
Jesus said "Man was not made of the Law, but the Law was made for Man".
In his time the reversal of consciousness under fear operated a system that had become a prison and a sacrificial racket over the lives it was intended to serve.
Our 'systems' are still operating as if representing Authority in the world, but include the same corruptions that effect regulatory capture by which the guardians are transformed to prison guards. And though the forms are different, nonetheless his core message resonates true - regardless time and space, for it is of the Eternal that Speaks even in a world of deceits and death, not just in his witness, but in everything true - that has no-thing for you outside your Participance.
How to love in such a world?
Can be translated to reveal;
Love to release yourself from loveless habits.
Which is to first, seek and find anything truly resonant as a basis for living From a connected sense of life - rather than from a sense of lack masking in virtue and be-living the lie AS IF it saves your life.
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