Thursday 24 September 2020

Communication is the true ground of being - not infection or guilt 


What is important is not the mechanistic medium…

(Oh, I remember the days when the ‘printing press’ and the ‘publication of book’s was scorned as:


bound to make the population ‘dumber’ because they would no longer use their memories,

and all around the work of underhanded mountebanks! )

Books are obviously to blame for all social ills.

Or is the Authors who have the power?

There is a trade off.

Our forebears held almost the whole of their Way of Living in the living generation - who also had access to information in ways that we either do not, or do not trust - or actively fear.

The externalisation of a relational dialogue (ask and receive answer) for a coded set of symbolic meanings is a technological development that no longer operates within the constraints of a relational field, but within written and reinterpreted meanings that become self-referencing self-justifications for what can be called a base nature of lack-based 'getting' that is masked in coded virtues, so as to seem civilised in its appetites.

Infants would perhaps devour the world if it would fit in their mouth and 2-3 year olds commonly suffer greatly at not being able to rule the world.

But back to your point, the pattern I pointed to is the issue, not the book or the tool. However if something is specifically tooled to serve a control agenda, that proclivity will be in its structure from the bottom up, and its liabilities will operate through any but the most aware, who are the least likely to want to use it.

Structures set up to capture and marketise or subjugate, may be set up as honeytraps that witness what could be shared or achieved, but that was only to get the flies into the parlour.

If a dissociated and split mind set in lack-based 'getting' - to which it is blindly driven and dramatically engaged is the greed that is the root of all evil (because  there will never be enough of any thing to substitute for loss of the power of love), then all technologies can be subverted to marketising and weaponising for impact if our core cultural identity is forsaken for identity in grievance, that both fears reliving, and yet seeks vengeance from a sense of lack, and wound backed up with emotional intensity and locked in by guilt and blame.

Author-ity is power, but true power is always of a relational root - while a usurping authoritarian mindset operates from a dictate appealing to 'mysteries' by which to robe a lack of true substance in seeming expertise or knowledge.

If you are the authority in your own life, your word is command - not coercion, for a true command only witnesses to the willingness of the whole, while a coercive control seems to 'command' by fear, threats and promises.

As we do not create or author our own existence, we have no authority in and of ourselves alone, because we are not such a creature. And yet the attempt to take such a role and run with it always delivers us to a lockdowned, isolation from the very life that lives us - and yet we distrust, actively fear and attack it as some kind of contagion that would weaken our defences. Which in a sense is true because it would reveal they are a self-defeating and taxing burden no longer needed.

Power is in sharing - and even the lie of a sick and sinful unworthiness for love and life is given power by being 'shared' - although if there is no real meeting, there is no real sharing, and its power is sandboxed to the minds of the believers.

A newish term for this 'sharing' is resonance. For those who share of the qualities of life are in now way lesser for sharing them, and the more who share, the stronger and more integrative the consciousness of such a life.

If the usurping attempt to 'make life' in our own image operates on a manipulative set of filters and distortions, our true authority rests in being exactly who we are - without adding or taking away. This quality of transparency to life can happen gracefully despite all our defences, and yet we can learn to grow the conditions that do not block, but actively invite the 'contagion' of a truly shared being - in which our unique signature characteristics shine - because we are no longer masking against the light of a feared exposure.

Communication is the true ground of being - not infection, or guilt for muddying the channel with fears that self-replicate until truly owned.

The end of self-illusion, is not the end of the capacity to imagine, but the release of the wish to give such imaginations priority over Reality - which our human experience is always an uncovering of - as we are willing to receive ... according the the questions we hold in our hearts. When the mind overrides the heart and induces the heart to support its illusion, it is still the heart's allegiance and support that empower the acting out of the mind as experience. Therefore such thought has no power without the vibrational field of true desire - which in this world is love's fulfilment or recognition, through experience of polarised expression.

What would it be like if there were a different reality than what is?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (ROTFL!)

No - listen...

What would it be like if we made a different reality than what is, from which to explore and experience what isn't - AS IF it is?

The instant of a truly shared decision is where power is accepted and given.

An 'alien will' crept into the minds of those who thought to be as gods in a world of their own making. And yet nothing we make is wholly without some deeply hidden spark of life.

In choosing Not to use the means for denial of life, are those means repurposed to serve re-cognition and appreciation of life. This means free-willingly putting aside the mind we made to hide in - that we also keep hidden from a full awareness. The free will is a gift to share in. If you want for yourself alone you have to self-isolate under judgement that splits off to lock down and mask over. But whatever we choose sets the measure of our receiving, which is the gift of freedom - whether we use it to 'deny itself' or to extend the gift by which we know who we are.

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