Tuesday 3 March 2015

Consciousness Engineering

The Folly and Presumption of the Social Engineers
By Richard Ebeling - at the Daily Bell
One of the social mythologies of our time is that it is in the power and ability of governments to remake society in any image or shape that those with political authority consider "good," "right" and "just" for mankind. No other idea has caused more horror and hardship in modern times. - more

Social Engineering can take many forms and serve different purposes. Parenting has its place and at times the role is quite apart from the appearance - i.e.: there are times when a child is to be listened to an recognised for wisdom and the 'parent' be in the 'role' of learner.
But guidance and education are one thing - whereas coercion is another.

'Consciousness engineering' sets up the foundation from which and as which a coercive mindset operates. This is not really addressed by personal-political agendas - all of which are tied by reaction TO achieving or coercing an outcome - even if it is simply a negative goal of identifying AGAINST other.

We all share a Universal motivation - towards the good, the pleasurable and the positive and away from the bad, painful and negative AS WE EACH DEFINE ourselves in any situation to be. Then it can be seen that definition is operating as the 'shadow' power that limits perspective and determines perception - AND THEREFORE EXPERIENCE.

The framing of perception in ideas is the magic of redefining experience as an asserted expression of a personal sense of power - felt to be DIFFERENT from the innate or natural 'Life Purpose'. This act constitutes the sense of 'individual' consciousness that seems to be disconnected from the whole and threatened by the reintegration of Wholeness.
True individuality is a unique indivisibility, but an engineered consciousness has been subjected to 'divide and rule' - that is - it is a split off mentality operating parasitically upon the whole in SUBSTITUTION for true presence, relation or communication.

Ultimately - indeed actually - this operates as a 'self-attack' - not unlike a black op false flag, or psy-op - by which to use 'evil' to justify acting in likewise loveless and blind exploitation of 'Other' - for a seeming self-interest which works against one's Good and one's true Presence.

The 'world' is reflecting back the CONSCIOUSNESS that we are engaging, identifying and validating by acting from it. To dissociate from the error is not to fight it, but to uncover it where it is... in our own consciousness participation.

Any attempt to engineer the world - the Outside - the Otherness of our living relationships... is part of the automatic attempt to protect and maintain the separate-self-sense of personal power that operates by grievance, scarcity and conflict.

Of course 'engineering' can mean the considering of all forces in play, and the balancing them within wholeness to alignment of whole purpose. It has been said that a divided house cannot stand. A mind at war with itself cannot BUT undermine and sabotage itself in all its endeavours. Wholeness of purpose may be attempted via the negative or segregative will, but the 'elite' will never be a unified expression of Living Will - for fear is incapable of truly integrated purpose. It can only force or coerce, trick and deceive in order to SEEM almost all powerful and then only be limiting and controlling all expression. But to such an appetite, there is never 'enough' control - because control cannot bring the fruits that the fearful deceit promised.

Insanity multiplies in the mind of the lie. Truth does not need to be asserted, to be true, but it can be rested in, wholly. If you truly enjoy something, it is not a struggle - even if it contains challenge. The sacrifice of joy led to the pain of its loss and subsequent redefinition within socially engineered frameworks. Struggling with frameworks simply evolves a cat and mouse complexity of more sophisticated beguilement and entanglement. Embracing the true joy of being MUST bring to the surface and HEAL all that would 'engineer' you out of your own existence - your own presence in communication and relationship... in Life. There is a different order of control within Life that is NOT a SEEMING separateness acting upon the flow of Life - but the discernment of the part/whole relationship as a totality WITHIN Life.

Truth shall show you you ARE free. In truth your word is the self-DEFINITION you accept and thereby share - albeit unknowingly or 'unconsciously'. All the clamour of the world that agitates the mind is serving the purpose of distracting and diverting attention AWAY from a false self-definition that would NOT STAND in the light of simple awareness - and so its survival depends on YOUR allegiance to it as YOUR mind. But notice the mind that limits filters and distorts the ONLY THING GOING ON - 'Life' - can just as well align with and serve Life. All things in the world serve double purpose - that is they can serve the purpose YOU accept as a result of correctly identifying what is NOT you and releasing it as a foundation from which to live. Of course this calls for self-honesty and of course the allegiance to a war-mind cannot afford honesty for truth is its first casualty. Self attack is insanity of denying one's true presence. Nothing that follows on from it can grow true fruit. The insane project their fear and hate onto other personalities and fail to recognize it is their own - but fight the love that would restore them TO THEIR OWN - because that is the ONLY freedom. One cannot change what one first does not own, and nor can one meet or become what one is not the vibration of.

Let the 'bad guys' show up residually un-owned false definitions and beliefs so as to undo them, that otherwise would operate 'in the dark' in your name forever. Let them serve the truing purpose YOU set. Ultimately - that means actually - we are not free to escape what is our own. We cannot un-know or not become 'other' to what we truly are - though of course one is free to deny freedom in asserting such futility over and over, and over again.

There are many channels to choose from and perspectives to view from - but is the basis of choice fear-driven or joy driven? It is Life-driven but fear or joy are a matter of your self-definition. Each can masquerade as the other in a mind that sought to hide in confusion. To define one's joy in terms of being protected from one's fears is to give power away.
The Folly and Presumption of the Social Engineers
One of the social mythologies of our time is that it is in the power and ability of governments to remake society in any image or shape that those with political authority consider "good," "right" and "just" for mankind. No other idea has caused more horror and hardship in modern times. - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/36125/Richard-Ebeling-The-Folly-and-Presumption-of-the-Social-Engineers/?uuid=6F80D9F3-5056-9627-3C0CA91B0E668782#sthash.jafBv2b9.dpuf
One of the social mythologies of our time is that it is in the power and ability of governments to remake society in any image or shape that those with political authority consider "good," "right" and "just" for mankind. No other idea has caused more horror and hardship in modern times. - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/36125/Richard-Ebeling-The-Folly-and-Presumption-of-the-Social-Engineers/?uuid=6F80D9F3-5056-9627-3C0CA91B0E668782#sthash.jafBv2b9.dpuf
One of the social mythologies of our time is that it is in the power and ability of governments to remake society in any image or shape that those with political authority consider "good," "right" and "just" for mankind. No other idea has caused more horror and hardship in modern times. - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/36125/Richard-Ebeling-The-Folly-and-Presumption-of-the-Social-Engineers/?uuid=6F80D9F3-5056-9627-3C0CA91B0E668782#sthash.jafBv2b9.dpuf

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