With regard to the blog articles linked above
Thankyou for your blog. I am interested in uncovering the modes of thought and intention that I feel are reflected in the world as deception used to control. In some way not unlike the dog in the film the Wizard or Oz – who pulled the curtain on the old man with the levers. A role not unlike your own in the world. This is because I feel that deception – smoke, mirrors and false promise – uses nothing in such as way as to seem to be not only something – but a something that is different in kind and in nature from Truth – Reality – That Which Is – as it is – and not as it is presented via symbol, concept, image and derivative definitions. I cannot explore this with mere thinking – as concepts are the ‘currency’ of the mind that defines itself – but I can follow the guidance of thoughts that arise from a genuine and innocent desire to know truth rather than determine, assert or control truth.
The promises that seduce, appeal to a sense of lack that is itself an effect of the attempt to ‘get’ for oneself alone or indeed to grasp and possess life instead of sharing in it.
I felt to share this much as a token of appreciation and connection.
All levels of shared purpose are one. My own sense is to work at the level that sees insanity for what it is – in my own mind – (albeit served by my experience of the world in which it seems ‘other minds’ act out that which I find hateful – excepting I see the seed in my own thought and know that getting, grasping and private self interest, though writ large in the world – is also in my own mind’s habit – so I seek to notice it and nothing it – if you see what I mean.
The Commonwealth that is stripped and wasted by the mentality of seeking to possess and wield power has a Divine Root – and this is the Original Uneditable Love that remains true as our inherent nature, even if covered with wishes and lies and alibis. But unless that is expressed in a currency based on true wealth (gold standard) – it is just itself wishful thinking or at best a potentiality untapped.
Exactly how being saved from our own illusions translates into a rising of health and wholeness is to be uncovered. But for it to be so must needs to desist using them as a currency – but instead being vigilant to SEE directly without investment.
Perhaps I appear quite mad – but perhaps those who awaken to an insanity have taken the first step away from living within its dictate.
Thank you for your attention
(For attention is the focus of our giving value or validation – (even if given to reinforce and recycle one’s own concepts) – but I have a sense of you as giving value where value truly abides.
In gratitude
Thankyou for your blog. I am interested in uncovering the modes of thought and intention that I feel are reflected in the world as deception used to control. In some way not unlike the dog in the film the Wizard or Oz – who pulled the curtain on the old man with the levers. A role not unlike your own in the world. This is because I feel that deception – smoke, mirrors and false promise – uses nothing in such as way as to seem to be not only something – but a something that is different in kind and in nature from Truth – Reality – That Which Is – as it is – and not as it is presented via symbol, concept, image and derivative definitions. I cannot explore this with mere thinking – as concepts are the ‘currency’ of the mind that defines itself – but I can follow the guidance of thoughts that arise from a genuine and innocent desire to know truth rather than determine, assert or control truth.
The promises that seduce, appeal to a sense of lack that is itself an effect of the attempt to ‘get’ for oneself alone or indeed to grasp and possess life instead of sharing in it.
I felt to share this much as a token of appreciation and connection.
All levels of shared purpose are one. My own sense is to work at the level that sees insanity for what it is – in my own mind – (albeit served by my experience of the world in which it seems ‘other minds’ act out that which I find hateful – excepting I see the seed in my own thought and know that getting, grasping and private self interest, though writ large in the world – is also in my own mind’s habit – so I seek to notice it and nothing it – if you see what I mean.
The Commonwealth that is stripped and wasted by the mentality of seeking to possess and wield power has a Divine Root – and this is the Original Uneditable Love that remains true as our inherent nature, even if covered with wishes and lies and alibis. But unless that is expressed in a currency based on true wealth (gold standard) – it is just itself wishful thinking or at best a potentiality untapped.
Exactly how being saved from our own illusions translates into a rising of health and wholeness is to be uncovered. But for it to be so must needs to desist using them as a currency – but instead being vigilant to SEE directly without investment.
Perhaps I appear quite mad – but perhaps those who awaken to an insanity have taken the first step away from living within its dictate.
Thank you for your attention
(For attention is the focus of our giving value or validation – (even if given to reinforce and recycle one’s own concepts) – but I have a sense of you as giving value where value truly abides.
In gratitude