Saturday, 23 December 2023

An Over Abundance of Stress of Strain

 An Over Abundance of Stress of Strain

 in response to the themes in:

(The world I experience invites me to speak the 'deep end' - anyway. As I am alive.

"an over abundance of stress or strain"
 Mass hysteria shows up as anomalous to physical reality for those Not in its grip or after the shock has subsided.
Personal hysteria can mimic or pass off as disease - with or without symptoms - such as to be socially invisible.
The nature of our personal & social identity is a masking over, as a means of maintaining a functional focus in 'our consciousness' (as mental 'health') and world (as social function).
But for most, identity is set in dogma of a mind set in its own postulates. We learn & grow a masking adaptation within our self as with others and world - through which to live our experience of an embodied life running beneath an augmented or virtual frame of meanings set within a self-conditioned sense of self – taking its 'reality' from awareness of existence within the specific terrain of inner correspondences to outer conditions.
The former is of the nature of embracing Soul or Communication of, in and as Life - direct Participance cannot be substituted for by thought, but mind can be phished by its own image, to 'suffer or abide as' the grasp of a possessive or the recoil of attempt to get rid of its self - (hated or feared).
The psyche and its pathic or split minded conflict are one coin with two sides.
But a conflict persisted in must mask as a unified 'self' by the projection of its denials to the 'othered' by the Accuser as the basis for the Adversary by which to substitute struggle in terms of a masked deceit or threat 'hidden' in a world of treachery - for does not a seeming love so readily turn to hate? When the Enemy is 'scaped' or denied, does it not shift to another - indeed to any form or nature?
The need for 'enemy' is the 'defence-complex' running in our name as if self-protective but in truth sacrificial to defences that DO (or persist) the very thing they are held to save from.
Truth as our given or created awareness is no more trapped in thought by the emotional physical experience of thoughts given priority by reaction. But we have this experience as the framing of our life, self and world. More or less masking over a qualitatively felt nature of being that seems to be absent, denied or powerless to an inertial drama of a seeming compelled or driven momentum.

"And who told you you were naked?" said the Lord - represents the rising awareness of our being to the belief & experience of death of love or connection by which a separated, abandoned, rejected sense of self-lack must become the means of its own 'survival' in the set of its own 'terms'. As such is the living questioning of a dead world set in image & concept, by which to be healed or undone of our own grasping predicates and consequences or interpreted judgements.

Sickness as defence against truth, is extension of the use of body as masking limit and distance - by which attack is made real, and love weak, powerless & false.
Yet body-as-communication is the spectrum of tangible experience from 'gross to subtle'.
To use the body as the mind is in this way to be phished by a framework FOR experience, and tooled by technology of a-tempt to manipulate externally in 'solutions' to un-owned or discarded and denied inner relational conflicts.
Thus we inhabit or are entranced or our own 'solutions' running repackaged 'reality' as a world of 'lies' that runs out of space and time in which to hide or push out conflicts into be-live-able experience. So we experience a breakdown of world in ways our minds cannot understand but can only double down in existential survival - each as framed by our own interpretative condition.
Deconstructing the mask is the gift of the Holy Spirit (the movement of truth of being), the ego will gladly 'deconstruct its own masking' to more deeply hide in its own 'solutions'.
The difference is qualitative. Joy in being is wholeness now - as a flow of communication of true with-ness in shared worth-ship. Extension of life is its-our Nature, while the recoil of a self-inflation sets a withholding & withdrawal from our Field of Relation, as "an over abundance of stress or strain" seeking to normalise its condition by framing in limitation serving redistribution of fear, pain & loss.
In our terms read wealth, possession and control.
We cannot 'think' our true need met from the mind that set us in false 'solutions' that drive an abundance of lack (debt & misery). But our mind & thought shall be renewed by yielding up our 'predicates' to a love of unmanufactured truth.
As we release invested self-illusion, intuition of Life rises unobstructed.
That the mind-habit is persistent reflects a basis for natural discipline in place of struggle set in 'will to power'.
To be with our experience is in a sense undefended yet willingly present. Unconsciousness is not a solution to pain - which always has a root in the heart of life - even if 'justifiably' attributable to pathological or diabolical agents.
Thanks for the text box for sharing in the themes of our times!

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Separation Trauma

 in response to the themes in:


Separation Trauma

Separation trauma is not fundamentally at body level (or the mindset of adaptation to that level). But is of Separation from Self, Life, Existence. or rather- of FEAR of such separation made 'real' in our mind by masking defences against truth FEARED - which is only possible in CONCEPT.

However, our experience of our self & world (each other) has all the power or reality we give it, un-knowingly as the attempt to escape or overcome its inherent conflicts and contradictions. Re-presented to us as the human condition, the mortal experience, of a timeline running blind to true nature.

There are many ways to share reflections to the regaining or re-acceptance of truth as true, such as to undo or release the lie & the father of it, by which we are deceived - even as we think to gain of fictions seeking to become real. But image & form does not determine or define reality - regardless how intensely it matters to us to save face or control over its exposure to fear of pain of loss.

The use of trauma as grievance of self-specialness set against the nature of an always changing yet always rebalancing disequilibrium of embodied life is thus the 'father' of the war on life as weak, unworthy, treacherous & malicious. For we receive in the measure of our giving -regardless investment of identity in false 'solutions' of scapegoating or guilting exclusion of consequence to others - operating as a social or mutually reinforced 'reality' of judgemental dictates.

The social order AS sacrifice is a primitive psychic coping identity that limits overwhelming violence & breakdown of conditions for support of life, for all it repackages violence to ritualised forms of organised displacement. We each have this in our own individual timeline as the special love that saves us from special hate. But notice that such 'love', while making a realm of fear, threat and violence tolerable, shifts to hate if its conditions are not met - as the permission to 'love; is conditional on masking out direct exposures to 'raw conflict'. As the basis for 'virtue signalling compliance' in alignment of a repackaged hatred running beneath a mask, seeking social reinforcement as boosting its sense of normality within a defence complex rendered invisible by an effectively managed unconsciousness running 'self-protective' under mis-taken identity - just as the Prodigal Son is a spin off in a phished identity for 'getting' or becoming his own will - within the trauma of False Evidence Appearing Real. This futility ignores the already reality of a true Inherence, and yet gathers unique experience that cannot but 'come home' to know our starting place for the first time, for blind trauma shapes the charge of a grasping of life set in judgement.
But looking on fear releases the masked compulsion to a freedom of creative alignment.

The shaping displacement & dissociations of trauma represent fear given creative power - or accepted as the lens through which Living Thought is fragmented to a fragmentation of conflicted self. Fear of Mind is thus our 'father' in body-as-limit; as masking separation; as denial of Power in Life set in sickness and death.

All of this sketch is of a different predicate than the mind to which we are trained. And to the same quality of being in the reader. In that sense it is not IN the world but through the appearances as an invitation to receive and give - or know - from a willingness to heal that cannot be manufactured, patented or brought into a  control mindset. By this do we give a true with-ness to a world we made stranger by withholding the blessing we believed it denied us.


Monday, 20 November 2023

An alternate reading of inheritances

An alternate reading of inheritances

in response to the themes in:

(actually to themes in the comments)


An alternate reading of inheritances:
What we resist, persists.
What we disregard fades from non use.
The patterning of physical & biological structure is assigned 'laws' in our genetically based evolutionary backstory of a materially determined focus in object continuity.
Workability is integral to function. So that our intent or desire to focus in experience as a specific representation or embodiment of significance, value and meaning is a functional consciousness within an infinite or unbounded field of probabilities drawn from 'potential' both of 'past & future' - which thus shift the gestalt of the framing consciousness through which a 'self' & a world of selves, arise as if 'self-existing' separate organisms.
That we acknowledge shared Biome reflects a shared life in terms of the edge of our visible structures, yet all perception is an organised selectivity that - like quantum probabilities - has collective predictabilities when we generalise and normalise rather than engage the specific directly - as a unique expression of the Field - that we each are as well as participate in.

My point is to notice our framing assumptions or ideas that have practical of commonplace usage - but are not directly participating in the field of aligning our current appreciation of meaning or value-fulfilment in both significance and gratitude for being.
Group-think is a habit that goes along to get along within a world of masking over back-grounded conflicts to persist a past onto a present into a future - or continuity of self-imaged meanings, as identity-complex given permission to run as 'subconscious' framing for the life we are choosing now (knowingly or as determined by narrative or mythic identity.

There's nothing but reality to experience - but we cannot define without a representational image or concept of 'What Is'. Where we 'come in' to our sense of self & world will thus shape all experience that derives from it. The release or 'death' of an identity pattern opens multiple perspectives as an integrative consciousness of resonant compassion - in place of exclusive identity struggle. Resonance is a quality of being - that can be framed by hindsight to object continuity, but is qualitative & thus the field of energy information as consciousness that we assign to levels of shifting judgement.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Action & Reaction?

Action & Reaction?

 in response to the themes in:



For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction, allowing for dampening effects within the situational context - -(NB I also appreciated not using the cybernetic term 'system' there).
The 'users' of systems are contextual in terms of shifting or flipping polarities - as in being used while ostensibly identifying as a user. Such shifts are interesting moments or momentum shifts of perspective but the dependency & complementarity of polarities runs beneath the cat & mouse driven development of strategies for control or domination - as distinct from symbiotic functional resonance - the 'win-win' of unfolding coherence as contrasting with 'win-lose' of polarising exclusive identity- the cyclic boom & bust of a rotational torque of a cancel 'culture'.

What we resist, persists.
I appreciate your expansion to underlying principles.
War on 'whatever' is THE way to feed and grow the thing ostensibly being cancelled.
The lure of a fake virtue as gain of function is 'follow the credits' or in the same arena of charge - escape the debit - to someone somewhere else.
The fear of loss can drive an insanity just as can a magical wish to gain.
It's the human ego-thing given permission to run in our name.

The use of tech or the identity of Technos seeks & is possessed by technical 'solutions' to relational conflicts whose inner conflict are thus projected out as weighted judgements setting forced inclusion & exclusions externally. As a result the resort to narrative control as the distribution of blame/exclusion & credit/inclusion. "Permission to associate, move, buy or sell (live)" according to 'WHO says?'
Does such a structurally programmed tyranny induce a shift of consciousness by which consciousness can feel & know itself conscious - because the winding up of 'control' is robotising a 'screen' dissociation of 'selfie-ism' as a fragmented id in its own (externally derived) movie adaptation?

What we choose to leave un-used fades by non use.


Saturday, 11 November 2023

From Scapegoating to Gaslighting Psychosis

From Scapegoating to Gaslighting Psychosis


 I don't usually transfer my twitter/X output to blog but here's an exception:


1. While some of us are opening eyes that see,
the nature of structural tyranny remains the basis for 'seeing' only as dictated by the 'survival' of its mythically framed identity, relative to false accusation of guilt & penalty of 'justified' collective sacrifice.
2. Accusation of one's own sins in the other runs such a survival mechanism, in escaping them to the goat.
The intent to manually 'lead' the mind of social 'following' becomes a mindset of deceit; the psyop seeking gain of possession & control function by the projection of guilt
3. Corruption of power hides & yet reveals itself in who & what is not allowed to be spoken or brought to question. The question of guilt & penalty of ritual violence is set by grievance, made sacred to the glory now assigned to victory of war & death over life as arbitrary power

in response to:

Prominent anti-lockdown critics like Murray said some useful stuff. Now, he is spouting utter gibberish. Herein lies the danger of "following" anybody. We should always listen to each other but you are the only leader that counts in your life. Your opinions are yours alone.

TalkTV: (Douglas Murray tells Julia what he thinks is the main driver of antisemitism in the West in recent years.

"It's been from the importing of millions of people from the Muslim world.")

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Remembrance - Grievance or Blessings?

Remembrance - Grievance or Blessings?


in response to the themes in:

Neil Oliver: ‘Remember’


Social masking of collective violence runs as part of the nature or nurture of systemic conflicts seeking solution by sacrifice.
Competing for possession and control rooted in fear of dispossession and loss of face - as a direct result of identity in image or symbol - idol substitution for a living relationship.
Live not by lies! - is very laudable, but if we are born into a world where truth meets rejection - do we not each grow a mask for surviving, learning and making or supporting such a world as is our survival?
The lie given power or priority as filtered and ruled permission to think & speak or move - demands sacrifice of truth.
Self-illusions have coasts (oops - but also yes boundary conditions) - but Self-illusions have COSTS in terms of true function - or joy in living.
The dream of a gain of function breaks down to a nightmare entrapment in a machine of death - be that physical or hollowing out of the living to a ghastly parody of life.

It is my faith or intuition that our Holy Spirit - Wholeness of truth masked over but never lost - harvests all that is true from what we live. This Is my beloved!
The sanctity often assigned to the dead is a reflection of the intuiting of the love that they lived (and are) regardless the faults or confusions of a conflicted human existence.
Giving or releasing to God (under any or no name) is the receiving O God - The Comforter is not a 'feel-good' self medication but a restoration and renewal of heart in life - with the love that Is integrally part of who we are.

It is the nature of the masking over conflict to hide in the form or appearances of virtue, and to protect its hiding place in the name of virtue by accusing its exposure to the sin of the Messenger. So the 'glorious sacrifice' for whatever symbols are held up draws on the sanctity of love for support and protection.
And in some ways, the pattern of ritual sacrifice for ongoing survival is part of what has brought us to the freedom to recognise the difference between freely given love in action, and coercive gaslighting to guilted 'virtue signalling' by which to save the Appearances of the established order.

But war masking as righteous serves only the continuity of war by other means. The post WW1 treaty primed the WW2 primed the World Order that few are aware of as a continuation of the same - though is that not revealing just as a WW3 looms as a world reset to locked down dictates under false gods?

Every time awareness grows toward a breakthrough to healing - terrorism claims its own. But we do not 'come here' to 'survive' or to be in 'control'.
But to live and share in the unfolding or our being - as an experience & exploration of all that we are - through the human experience - which doesn't just happen to a subjected victim, nor is it just as we think, claim or believe it to be. We are active participance - perhaps phished by compelling self-illusions set on Plato's Screen of projected Idols?

As we think in our hearts so shall we be-live. Mind-manipulations work to deny the feelings of pain, loss, rage, shame, apathy in exchange for an unconsciousness.
But all these are the fragmented result of a loss of true enthusiasm - joy in living. How to realign but right now - right this instant - without a thought?
When the Game is no longer worth the candle - will we consent to die, fight the dying light or put it behind us in the decision to give light to truth revealed that we do not manufacture?

I has a closing thought on the empty tomb - a bit like Fort Knox. A bit like Jesus.
To let the dead bury the dead is to accept and embrace the living - in Spirit.
If we use the Past as a burden or grievance by which to stamp on the face of the living - is that choosing to live the love that creates new ways to be that honour what we have been rather than demonise and deny the hates that then run dark as shadows of masked & loveless agenda?


Friday, 3 November 2023

The Map is Never the Territory; the Model is Never the Reality


The Map is Never the Territory; the Model is Never the Reality

This response was to comments on that question many of the assumed scientific modelling for biology.


I understand the map is never the territory; the model is never the reality.
But there can be applicability or use for them as an augmented focus or extension of awareness to specific directions & results or experiences - as long as we don't get lost in the model. Else we become Narcissus framed in our own image of self & reality.
Mythic archetypes reveal psychic realities of framing identity.
But my point is enzymes or magical powers are assigned to observable processes or results, such as sugary or fruit waters into wine, some form of energetic exchange within our bacterial biome that operates transformations and even transmutations of fundamental or underlying physical & biological structure.
As we regard our 'self' the doer of a controlled sense of experience (within a greater context often seen a threat - or asset to be ate) - we make a world of things that cause effects - rather than a Field-understanding of a symbiotic or homoeostatic balancing within an organised disequilibrium (Balance in motion & exchange).
A fractal holographic approach to phenomena of common experience is participant rather than subject to a world that is in some sense framed by intent to marketise and weaponise for 'getting' or boosting a sense of self-lack-driven control also known as fear, set in polarised conflicts that effectively filter or block a felt awareness of being, to gain a specific psychic-emotional focus as a temporary basis for exploring experience of totality via limitations.
In some sense our 'cover story' enable buying time to think some more - along the current framing of identity as 'cultural development' or unfolding experience of meaning-as framed by an internalised & defended mythos, of shifting narrative filters that as archetypal patterning, relate to Past as Separation trauma or catastrophic shock of loss & dissociation & recoil from Infinity (Wholeness beyond measure). 

Monday, 23 October 2023

Violence in Psyche & the Social Order

Violence in Psyche & the Social Order


in response to the themes in:

Violence goes much deeper than that.

A Course in Miracles reveals the mis-taken identity from attack as the basis for masking 'defenses' that do the thing they defend against.

Rene Girard has uncovered some of this from observation.

The mind we are framed to 'think in' is 'hidden' by its nature.

Jesus speaks of those who know not what they do.

Judgement set over & apart would do violence of attack of denial of the living truth - if God were mocked! But as we judge so are we in receipt of our own measure.

A sense of self-lack, set in fear of pain of loss seeks to GET or Boost itself from 'outside' - or rather from the misperception of Totality. It does so by GETTING rid of - or sacrifice, as a subconscious ritualised survival reflex of a mind locked down and distanced by a body of limiting & masking defences in a world of threat & grievance set in (power) struggle.

Rationalising masks of self-justification result from the weaponising of love & Reason - against their Source-Nature. This makes NO sense. Nor does a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; (everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner).

We have learned/trained our mind to see effect as causes - by the attempt to GET RID of or dissociate true Cause by framing reactions to False Evidences Appearing Real by Separation trauma of relational pain - within the heart, thus with one another.

The Prodigal is a replacement for the Promethean nightmare.

There Is a basis for seeing with new eyes of true Inherence as the release of a false or mistaken inheritance. It doesn't require more than recognising that (of myself) I do not know (and cannot know), for I am not OF my self (my own making -excepting image given power or priority).

But I can and do know that I do not WANT what I have made of my own attempt to create or manipulate reality, and thus release in the desire or prayer to be shown or revealed in truth I do not manufacture.

A true Foundation is never truly lost, but can be deeply hidden by the attempt to 'scape it' for the experience of our own thought & result or reward. The sin is not our mind, but the reversal of Natural Order of persisting self-illusion at expense of awareness of truth. Which is 'spiritual death' or dissociation from a truly felt embrace of and for life.

I didn't address the cultural expression of our particular circumstance, but the reversal of a false reversal is bringing the problem of fear-conflict to the felt light of truth, rather than trying to bring our light to the conflict - as if to fix, change or eradicate it.

Is this not why Jesus warned "resist ye not evil"?

Presuming to act for God or Good on the basis of hated and feared threat of pain and loss will be shaped or framed by our respective personal & cultural survival strategies.

Core beliefs and self-definitions are hidden by our focus in their results as our means of self-boosting reinforcement.

Let me be still a while, that awareness rise of itself to re-cognise the qualities of being beneath the Appearances by which I can so easily be 'phished'.

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Inner conflicts are not truly resolved externally

 Inner conflicts are not truly resolved externally

 in response to the themes in:


Any moral judgement of the Other is an assumption of superior or better or right that seeks to guilt the other as priming for sacrifice.
The self-image is how we present to others AND to our self.
Saving the Appearances then becomes the preservation of the social order to which the perceived assigned threat is sacrificed for virtue's sake. This ritualises the violence by which to raise it above vengeance - in a culture that shares the same moral 'conscience' of belonging - from which the scapegoat is excluded or denied.

Of course I see the denial or erasure of consciousness of felt connection, to a ghastly pardody of life, but I also see it is the result of our basis for seeking and applying ‘solutions’ that do not work, but deliever us to the evils we thought to escape.

In terms of magical or external ‘solutions’ to masked or dissociated inner conflicts, we buy time perhaps to a mitigated experience before all the elements of the original conflict partake of the arena of the wished for ‘solution’. What have people ‘injected’ - regardless of the sales & marketing claims of bent and bought ‘science’. For our science is also used to seek external ‘solutions’ to inner conflict, as the predictive control - to which our felt sense of participation is sacrificed to the Model or idol of ‘Progress’ - which is predicated on the demonising or invalidating of the past.

Deep cultural framing in guilt and fear born of self-lack seeking external boosting is ‘responsible’ for the unchecked ‘correctness’ toward groupthink of a collectivised mob or herd identity - cast out in any number of ‘individualised’ and constantly mutating ‘identities’.

Polarised identities are tyrannous, while also operating in sync with their shadow or double - in which they are intimately entwined.
To seek & find or be found in a ‘greater love’ than self-seeking (which easily masks in virtue signalling, is to release the judgemental convictions of self-& other AND therefore the face of control, to acknowledge in truth, “I do not know what I truly need, and above all esle I want to know”, Real questions open the receptive to real answer - that rises of and as our very being - not as a repackaging of a manufactured identity. And always as a quality of connection from which to take encouragement in recognising direction or guidance and support.


Sunday, 15 October 2023

The nature of a masking reality experience

The nature of a masking reality experience

I started writing into the theme of a comment:

But decided to post here for those with interest or resonance in the framing of consciousness to its experience of self and world.(The linked page focuses in questioning predicates of the genetic dogma or model of life as genetic structural determinism).


I appreciate the gist of this and your last long posted reply as putting forth a positive framework rather than simply saying x,y, z doesn't exist.

I see the pattern of cover story for persisting in self-illusion (set as conflict with Source-Nature) as a mythic (narrative) self-image cast in -and thus casting out archetypes of Separation trauma to a self-dissociation of grievance set in fear-conflicted, pain of loss.

Lies by which we live are thus the masking of fear, pain and loss within the family, social & cultural 'consciences' of belonging - as existential survival in terms of a dissociation that can also be framed as an addiction to the masking personae as the means to get perceived needs or get away and get rid of perceived threats. As a getting mechanism it masks in forms of social manipulations that operate a collective but generally tacit set of rules and filters by which to maintain separation within appearances of limited 'joining'.

Maintaining face or control has a private or inner masking against looking within, and a public face of seeking reinforcement, acceptance or vindication.

All the above is usually considered intellectually as if operating in terms of rational concepts but the most part is pre-verbal developments of learning, acquisition and inherited adaptations that constitute our respective and collective sense of self and world as experience and exploration of idea through experience.

Therefore I see the patterns of beliefs and behaviours in the world running for the most part covert to the casting of identities acting out a self-reinforcing or compelling experience of the currently active 'beliefs' running as structurally framing rules and filters of attention and intention as meanings given acceptance.

Casting out or projecting is a distortion of what mind is and does as the extension of Idea - which is Creative unfolding and expansion of qualitative appreciation in all it parts whole. Projecting to get and get rid of is the 'extension' of the mind of conflicted dissonance, by which to perceive instead of know. To exchange the intimate intuitive Participation of being, for a world of false appearances seeming real to which we give our reality as to an image that we love because we made it, but that cannot love us because it we made it for getting or boosting a sense of self-lack set into defences of masking limitations and imitations of a love framed in pain of rejection, abandonment, treachery and betrayal. Intelligence as ingenuity dedicated to artifice set over and against fear of total overwhelm is a cover story by which to buy time against the Inevitable - for illusions are temporary appearances of substitution for reality, given 'life' by our reactions - such as being phished by image and forms that do not represent the meanings we assumed true.

Our models of life and world are for most part representing the mindset of predictive control. rather than the unfolding and extension and thus participation in Meaning - that is qualitatively integral and innate to being, yet hidden or masked over by the wish or attempt to grasp, possess and define or control.

Gene genie is trapped by the wish to rule its own world.
Not unlike the Prodigal Son.
But the willingness to release a false inheritance for a true inherence as a servant or extension of a true will, is not a regression or stamping out of all we have lived, but its refinement and repurposing to a reintegrative expansion of a living.
"Behold I make all things new!" as the living moment.
Stamping the grievance of a past on the present into a future forever like itself is a decision that can never rest fulfilled, because Presence is not as presented, but that we insist by acting out.

The true nature of thought is masked over by doublethink of self contra-dictions by which we think to think alone, apart and besieged by fears set in ever shifting threats. This is the word we give our embodiment yet live as if subject to being externally or physically defined and determined. Because we want -or believe we need what that gives us.

Nike's comment:

How does the System cover up the fact that our body is harmed by factors that are mainly attributable to those who are in power?

How is the fact that our organism is harmed by conditions and situations generating hatred, envy, worries, fears, annoyances, sorrows and soul sufferings covered up? 

How is the fact that our body is harmed by conditions and situations that force us to overexert ourselves physically, overexert ourselves intellectually, not sleep for 8 hours at night, have a restless night’s sleep, not have enough food, eat poor quality food, drink water contaminated with chemicals, metals and minerals, breathe polluted air, be exposed to noise pollution, be exposed to light pollution, be exposed to the elements and be exposed to shock thermal?

How is the fact that our body is harmed by synthetic chemicals that are toxic, used in industry, in agriculture and animal husbandry, in food processing, and in the production of drugs and vaccines, covered up?

How is the fact that our body is harmed by artificial electromagnetic radiation, which is unnatural, covered up?

How is the fact that our body is harmed by some of the investigative medical procedures, some of the medical therapy procedures, and some of the tissue replacement medical procedures masked?

The answer is simple:

1) Some so-called Medical Faculties are created, in which some so-called doctors and some so-called pharmacists are trained.

2) At the same time, the population is trained by teachers, journalists and television people to believe that these so-called doctors and pharmacists created by the System are very intelligent and honest, which is why they fully know how things are with health and disease and are sincerely concerned with healing the sick and keeping people healthy.

3) After which, these so-called doctors and pharmacists created by the System blame the ruination of people’s health on some so-called bacteria, on some so-called viruses, on some so-called genes of heredity and on an alleged permanent abuse of salt, sugar and fats that almost all people would be guilty of.

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

The Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares


in response to the themes in:



The cultivation and use of terror threat is 'the power of nightmares' against which can be set the will to power (as 'powerful' solutions that reinforce or glorify the problem that begat them).

When I was a boy cancer was often not said out loud - as in "Voldemorte' (Harry Potter's shadow).
Name magic set in fear of invocation became fear of social exclusion for speaking openly.

The application of 'The Science' to life as biological machines set in battlefields has both a bent and bought aspect. Seeking fame & status to set a career sets intense competition - as in seeking the Nobel to prove radiation caused mutations proved the theory of Evolution (false claimed, later retracted but then shifted to 'causing cancer' as part of the genetic hijack of life by physical determinism. The Science is always socio-politically framed, and philanthropathic  resources masked for the buying of The Science through networks of influence set systemically or behind the scenes, in the framing or focus and selections that deliver the answers that serve its sense of self-interest as the means and the will to power via masking as benefactors.

The use of The Science to discover or define officially/legally accepted facts, is in modelling risks set in frameworks of hidden manipulation. Such risk is then propagated via Media to capture and focus public attention and even demand for marketing 'solutions', investor & tax funding and more insidiously regulatory capture.

Protected or securitised narratives are then set as definers of the distribution of rights and immunities to reasoned or lawful accountability by the power of nightmares weaponised by 'morally' dictated solutions, to gaslighting or social guilting compliance as the parameters of official acceptance. Cancer is a securitised narrative. Whatever cancers are or do in biological function is overlaid by deeply set fears compounded by deeply toxic 'treatments' dictated and protected as 'standard of care' – such as to compound mortal fear as set in a battle with an 'attacker' cast in shifting shadows backed by (fed by) a trillion dollar industrial war on life defined as a closed system under attack (Life=War).
Psychic-emotional(or Spiritual) expression to physical tangibility is ruled out by a closed system of physically defined or caused life & world. In fact such an influx is associated directly or indirectly with deep Separation trauma - that a mindset of control is invoked to mask over and make safe from (in terms of direct awareness of). So our true creative impulse is demonised by the judgements and filters of the mind - that is to a very large degree conditioned or operating without conscious awareness in such a framed set of personal and social meanings projecting as our surface appearances to which we then adapt or align and accept as physicalised or given conditions, rather than conditionings that serve or served us in our past.

This effects a bubble 'reality' defended against greater fear that runs beneath the terror symbols that operate as guardians for who or what we accepted our life and world to be. Such is a 'personal and collective control mindset' that is easy to see and judge in 'Them' or Others and less evident in a self-justified assumption of ongoing normalised self-interest.

No one can pop or rip open another's bubble or mind to force acceptance of what they are as yet unready or unwilling to see, or know, and so regardless - they will 'see' something 'else' in terms of mitigating or substituting for deeper self-attack or self-denial to a dissociating displacement or encapsulated sense of saving a fragment from a lost or broken wholeness of being.

The replication of the 'solution' of dissociating, displacement is fragmentation leading through persistent unhealed crises to unconsciousness & death in life - as a 'saviour' from powerlessness, rage, grief and pain given welcome and function us guide & protector of broken love or love set in war.

Joy in being - as enthusiasm of endeavour is felt presence of connection to qualities that are timeless and therefore deathless - yet forever or by definition behond the grasp of a mind to possess and control - taking in vain.

The Eternally 'Immune' or Holiness of a light unstained runs within the mask of time and place, as a giving & receiving in true with-ness and worth-ship - not as the result of a self and world set for getting.

Who would save his life shall lose it.

"& those who earnestly are lost, are lost and lost again" - The Guests L. Cohen.

Thanks for the 'text box' of comment to the theme!

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Masking in a Cover Story - Lest The Light Gets In

Masking in a Cover Story - Lest The Light Gets In


in response to the themes in:



Amidwesterndoctor's blog shares perspectives that expand or break the control-model of pharmaceutical pathology - yet also stands as gatekeeper for- no disrespect in the term as I use it for protection of established identity.

The issue of bent & bought science, or indeed giving false witness into official record, runs as corruption in the modern remit of science as the sole arbiter of meaning that matter, or meanings that rule out and therefore over others.

To say we have collectively been groomed, entrained or conditioned to a model predicated on predictive control is to abnegate our own participation in seeking its personal comforts and conveniences relative to pains and conflicts pushed under or brushed away.

The representational model is taken as the reality to which all must conform, comply and sacrifice to. It runs internally as if self-evident or common sense, but at variance with evidences that then must be ignored, denied, repackaged and sold as extension to the model - rather than reveal the model as no more than a limited and limiting representation that became idol by its lack of participation in reality.

The seeking for external causes of inner relational conflict is for a cover story by which to buy time against exposure of feared or hated truth. Investment in the personae and strategy of such a world-view has all the energy of such emotional intensity set in presentations of self-justifications or moral compulsions even to the extent of gaslighting, in which guilt must assign to the other by which to undermine the message or evidence they not only represent but are.

Giving power to lies that protect us requires a blind eye, an unjust weighting of issues by which to attend always to something else but the thread of our own unravelling to a more direct participation than thinking would allow.

The psychic element to our physical experience is largely disregarded or airbrushed away - excepting where the model-as-idol permits hubris to glorify its image of delivering a progress that stamps the past in its image as unworthy - if not genetically bio-insecure and demanding protective controls against life defined pathologically by vested authorities set over and against life.

Mind capture is always also an inside job. Regardless the protestations of a hindsight set in blaming, the act or decision to participate was ours - even if running covert to our self and social masking presentations. So what would simple curiosity reveal if not framed in guilt associated with fear of pain of loss? Are we not 'self-revealed' by our reactions - & Self-revealed as the stirring awareness in which such patterns can be recognised and released?

The virus - and the gene and even the nano-bio-tech are all of the archetype of hacking and hijacking life as the intent & attempt to possess and control or indeed create in our own image.
We are thinking beings with an innate desire to make civilisations (social orders) through which to explore experience of Reality as can be-lived or shared.

If we are to lockdown in dissociated fragmented paralysis of will under mind-control set externally as The Model, then it is not simply done to us, but through our determination to persist the illusions of possessive control that find support and reinforcement in our psychic, emotional and physical 'experience' - as if proven real.

The Law of Life is innate to living, who would control, receives in like measure. Who would save-for him/her self alone, has lost awareness of truly shared being to a falsely framed Gain of Function.
World as Psyop does not need a 'devil' - we generate lies to protect cover stories, that replicate and mutate as if an autonomous identity complex - of all that we identify 'against'.

Negatively identified self is not a true and direct receiving of the Gift of Life - but a mis-taken inheritance by which to be-live exclusion or denial set in grievances seeking vindication, if not vengeance acted out on body & world.

I would not underestimate the power given self-hate - that runs masked but unwitting as our projections to become our world, but I would release and be released of pain that interjects between unselfconscious joy in living and true desire - as a rules-based order or mind-control structure to which love comes to die.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Masking Artifice as Lockdown in Denial?

Masking Artifice as Lockdown in Denial?


in response to the themes in:



What God creates, shares being. What we make is artificially derived - except that we participated in the extension of Creation. Such that 'judgement' sets over and apart, as an artificial construct set in and by conflict & struggle under fear pain and loss; while discernment reveals knowing within All That Is - as felt awareness of the qualities of integral being - to which thought aligns in service instead of running dissociated, as mis-taken inheritances.

Narcissus in addicted image can figure for Human thinking. Is this our first begotten 'son' that we are called to yield in exchange for a conscious Covenant with Living Thought?
God is Source-Nature of Self in All and All in One - we cannot 'think' miraculously but that we release or yield to That Which Is - as the moment at hand. Always nigh - yet an perpetually busy mind has every kind of self-justifiction running for why to attend its own unfinished business first.
So don't just Do Something - Stand There!

Our resort to being is not an answer or response to any framed problem set to seek answer in some other moment, place or time. but re-alignment in and of the life we are as the basis to draw from and be moved by a true of being - to which all else must serve if we hold faith in purpose of healing and renewal.

How then shall I think, say and do? - but of a living will that I do not and can not make - but that receives all I thought to make to use for the healing of the split mind, that thinks it thinks alone, cast out, and beset by guilted fear set irrevocably by judgement.

Artifice is a masking 'reality' - but WHO told you you were naked?
Self-imaged consciousness serves a stepping stone to conscious co-creative being in true relational endeavour. But as grievance set holy, runs dark to its own Calling, perceiving threat in every situation as the call to war justified! In which a self made of lack and denial claims vindication in death set over life as 'victory'. There is no satiating such an 'appetite'. No resting point of sufficiency. True forgiveness accepts release from our grievances & hates in the 'othered' - be that our body, or our world. Give only as in truth we would receive, now and now - for willingness is always a present receptive to the unique discernment of the moment at hand. Through which is recognition extended - with or without a word. A qualitative consciousness is the root and branch of a true cultural endeavour.

Saturday, 16 September 2023

A World Where Love Comes to Die?

A World Where Love Comes to Die?


 in response to the themes & comments in:


peter mcloughlin

The flaw of all ideological and teleological viewpoints is 1) they see power as real and 2) they believe they can know the end purpose of history. Both premises are false: power is an illusion and the end-purpose is determined by reality. Unfortunately humans do not fully control reality. The one thing history tells us that everyone eventually faces the war they are trying to avoid. That makes our teleological outcome one thing – nuclear Armageddon. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate is to accept it.



You will be very glad you do not & can not control reality!

Power OVER is the illusion. Or if you prefer; control masks as power, while what we think to possess, possesses us.

History tells us whatever we choose to hear - but if we use it to stamp continuity of narrative identity set in lack & grievance, it tells us we are made by conflict and pain of loss to struggle in a world where love comes to die.

The desire to heal receives a blessing shared.

Sow & reap is cast out in time and place of differentiated or fragmented sense of self/reality, but is the true nature of the timeless. How can all the king’s horses and all the king’s men put Humpty together again but as in-silico/virtual models to which life must be sacrificed - over, over and over again.

On the other hand, leave them alone and they'll come home, dragging their tales behind them, suggests a natural alignment to a homing signal or indeed innate Nature.

Our denials never truly leave the mind, but they do limit & filter the range and focus of awareness as attention - so as to compartmentalise a sense of self in its own 'chosen' reality augmentation - or substitution. (Image & thought).

Human being is a verb. Life is a verb - but a nounce or reporter/bearer of news - translates to an object model of weighted significances taken as currency.

So the use of mind for judgemental denial or limitations by which to focus in specific arena of experience, sets its own 'fate' as a jack-in-the-box of charged psychic conflict under a disintegrating masking dictate. Though we may humanly experience the compression of being denied as impending death, barbarians at the gate or madness pushing through the bolted cellar doors. The power of love is not control, but to a covertly set control ID must be seen as threat or contagion, to be demonised and killed.

As in the parable of the tenant farmers & the messengers of the 'absent Master'.

To the practically minded - have I said anything (that can be useful in their ongoing focus of problem solving or war on...whatever)?

How separate are we really - right now and in every now - from our source and true Nature - but that thinking makes so?

Individual expressions of the whole are recognisably felt as qualitative but the concept individual can be quantitatively represented as locked down 'meanings' competing for acceptance at cost of awareness of wholeness or Soul.

The wish or desire to create (reality/experience) is itself creative, but only within the light of the always already creative. Anything we sow or give value to by sharing will frame what follows on - while its premise is protected (as self). Conflicted premises follow false profits. A true prophet reveals the healing of conflict as alignment in true Currency of with-ness and worth-ship.

Our grip on self/control is its grip on us. Releasing an unworkable or self-conflictive covert identity cant be magically effected (though we may die over and over in the tempt), but as the recognition of what we are not, in the light of what we are -regardless any belief or judgement set against its Messengers.

The time of compression enforces a release of the unworkable to a unified focus within life. There is no true unity in war, but there is siding with freedom to be that you are. Unless we give it, how shall we know we have it?


Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Predictive control - In our DNA?

Predictive control - In our DNA?

written in response to the themes in:

The article refers to the use/abuse of "DNA"


I think it a human coded model of interjection and control imposed to what is really the biofield interacting through 'living waters' or the nature of structured water.

So yes to the medium of translation for giving & receiving energetic information that ultimately forms the patterns of physics and biology.

But noticing the psychic 'hack and hijack' or a replicant-competent identity-complex running within and yet as if over and apart from All That Is.

Separated life as a concept believed, holds the Promethean or indeed the Prodigal journey of s mis-taken 'life' running of false inheritance - or gas-light - that is by definition set in defence against awareness of true Inherence, in which Life as Source-Nature is masked out and distanced as a contagion of undermining and undoing of defences for survival in terms of the face of control.

Note the nanotech operates the physical hacking of the biofield, that virus performs only as concept or model, and mRNA only as the lab produced anthropogenic 'mutation' of the marketing , mindshare of the securitised model.

The nature of interaction of consciousness - thought aligned in desire of emotional focus - on the biofield, water & 'cells', is also largely background and backstage to the engaging in the durface consciousness of the experience given by our current or active core beliefs & definitions - that effectively run as tacit agreements through which to share the experience of the world as a 'separate' domain for separate ones to explore, define and seek possession as control. As a sense of self made 'real' by it external associations of significance - that reflect both collective and personal meanings.

'Doing time' in the mortal coil as a specific take from eternity or the timeless, non-physical qualitative nature of our Source-Nature is necessarily set in a dramatic tension of tragi-comic contradictions. Yet the turnabout of the self-sense from false premises following false profits is the release of the identifiction in the masking defence of autonomy or self-control set in thinking.

Whatever 'thinking' is, we can notice by its fruits - what it does, The thinking that separates or rather segregates and partitions to mask over conflicts as control can seem to boost a sense of self-agrandisement from a release of awareness of pain or dissonance. But the 'hit' or 'fix' is transient and must be repeated, yet also diminishes with repetition as the hollowing out of inner connection or integration to an externally derived identity in dependence that extends to physical adaptation and psychic withering of faculties, as an extension or puppet to the 'control mindset' to which it has chosen to live through.

Yet thought can also connect us directly without any intermediary across place and time to - as as one with the quality of love - in any and all of the qualities of resonance of being self-aware.

So to put this into the reflecting genie of identity theft seeking control though wished or virtual experience, are we or an I the puppet (mere effect) of a 'Getting' mind-set of a sense of self-lack seeking external boosters? Or a unique appreciation of a Universal love through being not more and not less than myself - always becoming new?

Our human experience aligns in life when true qualitative function guides and informs our quantitative weighting of structural or systemic tools or thinking.

That “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! is a reflection to our securitised or protected narratives, by which lies are set in power of priority over truth.

In terms of pay as you go - this is the definition of sin. For within its logic, betrayal is set irrevocably in guilt by which 'love' must be distanced, masked, and re-presented as control. But logic can only extend a premise, it cannot truly create. You cannot but be of the Creative - regardless the guide you choose to extend and share in. But joining in fear or hate cannot know and be truly known when the very function of the alliance is to reinforce a sense of control over and against knowing that cannot be defined, or controlled or in truth denied, but in concept of conflicted identity set in deferred or delayed decision.

The nature of guilted & guilting conflicts protects fear by giving it to shadows & scapegoats as necessity for self-survival in concept as truth. If we want responsibility externalised, how shall we release what no longer serves us from our field of manifestation? Blame is not responsibility. But what is yours belongs with you, I will no longer carry it for you - nor put on you what is mine to integrate and accept.




Haaretz had a scientist claiming DNA was easy to forge.

The 'discovery' of a code for predictive control might generate a demand for the most rigorous oversight & accountability. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The 'DNA' (metaphorically speaking) of science as mutating, is predictive control or invested technologism masked in scientism. I would rather see it as underlying archetype running in a mask of complex mathematical instruments of obfuscation by which to dump out toxic conflict to a shrinking mind & world as the 'will to power' that runs corrupted over fear of pain of loss.

Friday, 25 August 2023

Polarising Reaction as a Contagious Identity in Conflict

 Polarising Reaction as a Contagious

 Identity in Conflict 


I wrote this into Mike Stone's Viroliegy site with regard for the schism opening along the claim of 'no virus' and the denigration and denial of such as worthy or meaningful. As I make clear the issue is of the freedom to question bent & bought science, as is used to usurp and lockstep social institutions under regulatory capture on pretexts of risk modelling set on false premises.


Having returned from a freedom festival in which Robin Monotti participated as a 'panel speaker' ergo spokesperson. He had some interesting cultural inputs, but in the same event I saw the 'virus question' being denigrated as a divisive distraction by Tess Lawrie.
Patrick Henningson was there - very present and alive - but didn't as far as I recall engage this issue.
I had a distinct sense of a shared decision to suppress the 'virus' issue - which in terms of grass roots there was 'hot' - that is many felt it was a vital part of freedom to a new paradigm not regaining an old normal. We cant go back to unsee what we now see.

However Robin's tweet was a shock to read. Its as if he is identified within Operation Covid from the first while protesting against political measures & bad actors. I engaged many of his points. he doesn't engage or respond. I was not attacking his person but reaching to a meeting of minds.

But there is something I have some sympathy with in those who denigrate the 'no virus' and which frames Monotti's response; the shoutdown of "There is No Virus!" as a stock attack on anyone and anything NOT aligning in that view - often without any real engagement or support.
Frankly, if I was Pharma - nothing would serve to disrupt the virus questioning more than to polarise in a battle of wills from a virus-woke sense of moral superiority. But I don't think they need pay anyone to do this as polarising emotionally reactive identity is  a contagion that cares not what side or whatever conflict is involved. Heowever I also feel the emotional pain involved is deep and disturbing so I understand that anger leaks out and hopefully reveals that attacking the 'wrong' in others is not the way to undo the cultural beliefs that are more complex than 'being right' or limiting to a single issue as THE leading or determining basis for 'freedom'.

As I have said more than once - making a counterclaim to the virus claim is setting up an identity to defend, (& thus to double down in its terms when attacked), that can be easily and diversely engaged in false, diversionary and resource exhausting obfuscation and smear by those with enough resources to overwhelm & cast out not just the questioner but to bury the question - as in 'Wakefielded'.

So I invite refining our stance in terms of  holding and clearly communicating the rich perspective of lack of factual verification for the basis of virology and its spin off pharma & biologicals.
In my own 'furrow' I am always weaving tis within its larger context - because that  is what 'terrain' is - the larger context of which the specific event is an expression of.

Being 'right' is dangerous if it makes us blind or uncompassionate and reactive. Such as to leave no way for those defined 'wrong' to transition. But exactly that mindset is as tangible in the woke and in those claiming to be awake and no less in the agenda pushing of the top-down control mob.

I hold that love of truth opens to the truth of love and vice versa.
Robin sets great store by his 'lived experience' as a covid sufferer along with 'millions of others'.
This phrase is part of woke or disruptive ideology in setting interpretations of our reality over the right to question them. The protected or securitized narrative identity is the means for both masking loveless or manipulative agenda as well as claiming immunity from consequence. It is the necessary basis for tyranny by which a diversity of perspectives are reduced to a monoculture - that of course becomes unfit for life in its own term.

The right to question bent and bought science is the core factor that I hold the virus questions along with many other no less heavily invested and thus defended dogmas, models and applications for social and economic control.

The phrase Too Big To Fail was applied to Banksters - but is applicable to the entirety of a corrupted 'science' and manipulated currencies of thought that are shaped by 'the science' or rather by a technologism set in marketising and weaponising goals.

Is it possible to grow a movement of the freedom to question without being suppressed and denied - not necessarily by 'THEM' but by our own peers or brothers in a shared love of freedom from tyranny?
I don't know - but I live the movement of a reintegration of a mind of judgements to a felt discernment within life. Heart and mind as one.

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Be-lived experience as a Scripted 'Reality'

Be-lived experience as a Scripted 'Reality'

 in response to the themes in:

BREAKING NEWS: Yevgeny Prigozhin, the owner of the Wagner Group has died in a plane crash--or has he?

The Script acted or playing out at the End of The World, disintegrates to a babel of absurdity & insanity, in which the deep state actors be-live their Movie as their lived experience.
But the Script of Awakening from a mind deceiving & deceived under mis-taken inheritances reveals to the inherence of a mind restored & renewed.
We chose & choose experience - life - through the mindset of a separation as a developing consciousness through which life reveals to the yielding or releasing of possession & control as power set over and apart from life.
So indeed what do we know?
We can know that our basis for knowing is revealed corrupt - as unable to know whether or not it knows or not! So the end of the mind is the Call for Renewal, from a Source outside 'control, manufacture and artifice' but within the More or Whole of which we are. A true discernment is of a direct awareness given welcome & appreciation - because truth is true.
Awakening from the world, may freely play out the World Script as to be in it but not of it. Because the Call to awaken is not IN a world of lies given power, but to accept, extend & thus receive love's honesty in place of conflicted attempts to 'save ourself' in our own way.

As for the geopolitical arena - what can I know of what is being indirectly purveyed?
The discernment of the Holy Spirit is the gift of what I need to know, when I need to know it, as I am willing to accept and extend or share in action - in living from who and what I am, not as 'actions' that meet or mask as support for the rules and filters of a guilted sense of self-lack seeking security ever shifting 'meanings' that cannot really lock down, mask and distance - but the will to do so is given worth-ship over true with-ness.
Love does not torment or torture, but refusal of love sets up pain in the heart - no matter how that can then be cast out, demonised, attacked and eradicated, over and over and over again.
That we don't know what love is, is recognising a dissociation as a call to be shown our true be-longing.
Question 'lived experience' - not to attack or judge it, but to recognises and release the hidden tyranny of judgements we know not that we do - that set our measure, fruit, experience in terms of exclusion masked as forcible inclusion running righteous by polarising against the hated, feared 'unworthiness' or illegitimacy of evil of malice and deep shame.



I considered this to be the most fascinating time to be alive. Fyi, I was told recently that all corn is genetically altered.


It may be that 'gene mod' is not as 'engineered' as its investor stakeholders promote and sell the world. More a spanner in the works or a wrench in the gears.
As with pharma, the ability to suppress specific symptoms is never limited to the 'mechanism of the model being utilised by invested technologism, but acts upon the whole, such that the invested model is given more problems to solve, driving the development of new models as platforms for increased 'control' in terms of invested model-fulfilment.
Be aware that the operating system is not really a genetic code, but the mind of the willingness to participate in its be-lived experience as their own.
Living waters pervade above and below. We could use the term Bio-Field as the medium of Qualitative translation to quantitative representation or mapping to physically tangible experience. Like this!
Can thoughts phish or trap the mind of the thinker?
Be-lived experience is no less a gift for its pains, but if it's no longer worth the candle, alight in the truly living of a joy! Anyway. Any way. 


If we insist on knowing, (in our own terms) do we set the conditions of confusion, so as to have the temporary experience of being right - or indeed wronged?
So yes 'confusion' is a means to an end, where that goal is a 'time out' in which to generate our own version as a gift to ourself that may then share with others as a way to think and see reality as a confusion to order.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Narrative ID masking over feared or hated reality

Narrative ID masking over feared or hated reality


 in response to the themes in:

Super Karen Escapes Dr. Evil

A revealing & humorously framed article.


I appreciate your sharing here.
I also notice that those who want to mask a mind by which to deny (their own) feared or hated reality shall find one. But who has eyes to see shall see.
Mythic or narrative identity is part of our tuning mechanism for the exploration of experience through consciousness.
The transparency of the attempt and intent to manipulate narrative belief, perception & response - in my experience and therefore in resonance with you and others - is a natural alignment in being life that releases then frame of narrative compulsive dictates that arise as part of my own personal - within the larger gestalt of the 'Shit - oops Shift - that may be for some the means to more deeply contract in masking over the movement of being for the shaped charge of the Great Psyop or Projection? But I see that only as a wish for death (in life & of it) set in some sort of dramatic meanings as 'lived experience' under frameworks of covertly operating core beliefs and definitions' aka rules.
I claim or rest in appreciation of my own fruits by recognising others are no less free to create or interpret their own personal experience of life. But that what we give energy, attention, value and identity to, become part of our own chosen meaning.
I notice the patterns of hack & hijack that runa, renders & replicates a mindset of covert separation set in judgement of a life (self, other and world) set over and set apart, and so seen separate.
Strange fruits, set us strangler -oops stranger- to ourselves.
I read of gourds staked to the ground, with a hole large enough for a monkeys hand to enter, but too small for it to retrieve while clutching a fruit (that baits the trap).
He who binds unto himself a joy, does the winged life destroy, but he who kisses the joy as it flies, lives eternity's sunrise. (Blake)
Grasping for possession and control 'make a world' by which to be dispossessed.
But in the instant of release, is a true inherence, from which to live & move and have our being.


Thursday, 17 August 2023

Unclear Weapons - Terror Threat or Mind Manipulation?

Unclear Weapons - Terror Threat or Mind Manipulation? 


Tom Cowan offered an overview of reasons to be sceptical of the claims of atomic weapons - particularly the two that were claimed to have destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I was already aware of this but interested to see if there were further information - but also as part of willingness to openly question the questionable- when locked behind securitised secrecy, and carrying many anomalous accounts.

I felt to offer the following as a linked example of bent bought science regarding radiation - that I have mentioned before.

This series of video segments (ignore the intro & outro to optimise attention) is a very worthy example of a trail of bent and bought science that began in a race for a Nobel in proving evolution by experimenting with radiation on fruit flies (Ie why not start with a minimal exposure of 100 million times background radiation for the lower dose cohort.
False positives were later retracted but a model of linear no threshhold risk was established (& from then on protected). This runs the closed mechanical system of assumption that genetic damage was cumulative regardless dose and irreversible. But regardless the discovering of genetic repair and even adaptive resilience, the model was philanthropically protected in later developments of the use of a genetic vector that switched to from evolution to carcinogenic risks - running on the LNT modelling.
Among documentation shown by Dr Edward Calabrese is the reports of the 25 year study of Hiroshima & Nagasaki survivors that did not show support for the radioactive poisoning projections (though didn't question the actual event),
The whole thing is a worthy example of how science is bent to set false models by which then hype risks as a means to garner public support for regulatory capture that was in any case intended.
Calabrese presents to a scientific audience in that he understates his case and couches everything unemotionally, but I recommend anyone who actually seeks to learn by recognising the pattern of relationships that constitute a false narrative, as part of their own integrative renewal & release to life in true & free appreciation - would benefit from giving attention here.
I note the full interview on this site - but the youtube channel for it only has the earlier and less contentious segments of the interview. There are other interviews with calabrese, but this one sought to show the whole timeline.
The use of science to set risk by which to justify overriding powers is part of its 'DNA' that is - predictive control of technologically driven 'solutions' for what are truly relational conflicts - with inner and outer facets.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Is the mind a uniquely filtered expression of life embodied?

Is the mind a uniquely filtered expression of life embodied?


in response to the themes in:


 The communication that IS electromagnetic (& possible other subtler) resonances is part of synchrony and balance within constantly fluctuating inner and outer conditions.
As the physical and biological and psychic realms of one Spirit through the Many as of the Many in or through the one. Much that we assign agency to is a realm of filters by which a specific focus opens or unfolds a unique expression and experience. It's Life Jim, but not as we think we know it.

I felt to mention Manel Ballester-Rodes's witness to the nature of the heart. The interview I watched was a bit hard to follow (his Spanish accented English required I listen actively)
Video isn't linking any more but audio podcast is on this page: (The video didnt use slides or images)
The manual unfolding of the anatomy of helical heart he alludes to, can be viewed easily
search helical heart
The journey his witness offers is from a manager in a heart transplant surgery to a recognition of energy healing restoring physical function.

The enquiry on MWD into zeta potential goes beyond a 'battery' though that is a factor of charge carrying capacity to the balancing of our own 'organs - including blood - with our relational environment. For we are each a 'cell' of life with inner and outer balance operating the expression and embodiment of life - that is not separate. lacked down and disconnected - excepting as a dyying phase of releasing functional integrity of the body.
I would enjoy learning more of what Ballester has found - but note the key of life is in the love or honesty of living - not in a complex model or application of arcane information masking as a predictive control model or defence system.
However I see a need to bridge from current beliefs set by fear or trauma-learning, to a felt current of participance and presence that holds within itself the wherewithal of living.
Re-alignment in Spirit is a gift of Spirit.

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Phished into a virtual nightmare?

 in response to the themes in:



Phished into a virtual nightmare?

Ideological manipulations precede the 'opportunistic synchronicities'.
The 'elitism' of established possession & control sets the narratives, with 'thought leaders'
The attempt to wrest or gain control is part of the ongoing intent to maintain or not lose control. And economic incentives are a key part of driving or shaping such agenda. We can call this perceived self-interest. No one wants to lose, but in fear or predictive models of loss, many will seek to boost or bolster their position against threats in ways that undermine, abandon or active deny the lives of others. This is the wielding or opportunistic use of the scarcity principle.
The defining and shaping of core social & personal beliefs is no longer in the sphere of traditional religious values or beliefs, but set by sciences that replace or substitute for qualitative frameworks of moral integrity with quantitative systems of control. With the hollowness of a social masking seeking and being fed 'meaning' through media manipulations or ungrounded fantasies, that in turn become part of the framing and incentivising of predictive control, by which people are induced to participate or conform in sacrificial behaviours as morally necessary & thus requiring subordination and sacrifice of all else to maintain social and economic inclusion.
The centralisation and securitisation of ideas reveals itself in protected narratives that are set outside the realm of public discussion, or any kind of revision, as effectively 'sacred' and out of bounds to any but those operating insider to such power and privilege.
The final solution is thus always actively seeking out & setting the problems that will be manufactured or rigged to save the system or mindset of insecurity or vulnerability to fear of pain or loss. Fundamentally driven by lack, to 'get' & keep fear, conflict & attack as the means to protect the self - behind the mask of virtue or plausible justifiction.
In psychic terms - this operates the 'left hand of darkness' of the covert and tacit agreement to mask and distance in personal and social narratives of exclusive identities seeking validation or vindication in terms of the 'othered' who are associated with evils that are thus 'outsourced' or projected to get rid of and attack 'externally' to maintain the 'self' interest within the frame of conflict.
In physical terms, the primary leverage is gained from the use of bent and bought science, by which to limit and define for the purpose of predictive control.
The false or partial definitions of theory adopted as model are then used for modelling risk that is fed by Media to generate fear and sympathy of support for prioritising funds and ratcheting regulatory controls by which to feed the active tumour of an encapsulated 'protection racket' running on primitive fears set in converging and consolidating means for limitation or sacrifice as the focus of a centralised collectively enforced control. Smart systems of machine think run virtual replacement for golem-tools & bio-assets?

The ascending/descending ladder of health/alignment/consciousness can be sketched as:


Our willingness to release unconsciousness encounters the territory of its 'protection' but a true enthusiasm is simply aligned in joy of being as the unfolding or extension of a felt participance in being alive rather than a permission or compulsive requirement. Conversely a forced enthusiasm set to escape or eradicate and overcome pain by anger, set in grief, rooted in powerlessness will sacrifice consciousnness for fantasy or lies given power or priority over truth.
Self-illusion is not a sin, but using self-illusion as a basis to attack truth is a definition of sin, with the belief that we can and have killed or defiled truth operating the guilted reinforcement of error as if irrevocable, beyond revision or correction and thus set 'sacred' as the power to which all else must align.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner


Saturday, 12 August 2023

Framed in our own illusions & deceits

Framed in our own illusions & deceits

in response to the themes in:


Scientific 'knowledge' is like the banking system - full of toxic debts packaged as IF appreciable assets in complex instruments devised to obfuscate while packaged and sold in narrative persuasions for private manipulation seeking covert gain of believed fiction. So the need as i see is to seek logical consistency while also identifying the assumptions or assertions on which logics are based.

There is another innate approach to any offer or engagement that discerns gaslighting, neediness, manipulation, persuasion, as fundamentally false - even if using truths to mask a-tempt to gain covert boost of identity by the manipulation or use of the other. BUT if we are already engaged in such patterns we will not want to see, but instead seek our own boosting reinforcement within the framing narratives for self-specialness - or 'being right' over others wrong, or enlightened over others ignorance - including first to know and 'we told you so!'.

Narrative coercions result the struggle of minds in conflict to redistribute blame & penalty away from self - and by extension group - that holds the position & means to define & dictate terms of engagement - such as insider-elitism in banking, science, and ideological construct (I wont call it philosophy).

The root of conflict is in wanting or needing to believe true, what is not so, or of course wanting or needing to ignore or deny what is true as a means to escape or evade conflicts that hold inner patterns of self-division as masking relational conflict. The mind set in judgement from which all else proceeds in like kind.

I don't accept coronovirus, covid, pandemic, SARS Cov2, 'tests', 'vaccines', 'gene-therapy', spike protein' as valid definitions from which to respond.
I do accept that the mode of attack is the principle means of defence for a covert masking identity of conflict set for getting, instead of giving & receiving. So the body is used as both means of defence - as masking and distancing a 'special private judging mind' , and as a means for attack with, and upon both self and others, for the true function of body is Communication. Attempts to use communication as a means of attack is to 'attack our own functional joy of being' under a sense of lack-driven override or control.

So the signature of such a dissociating 'self-conscious' conflict is of hacking, hijacking and replicating itself as the determiner of meanings, taken out of context as a mis-taken inheritance, set on getting, by an unconscious underlying fear of lack, invalidity, untruth or lie set in place of a life we 'attack' by a mode of thinking that knows not what it does - for that is its raison d'etre - to defend against what we do not want to see, know or face and own.

The physical cannot really disconnect from its psyche or psychic context, but insofar as we see its patterning or structural order, we see charged domains of flux - an electromagnetic binding and transmuting transformation interactive exchange of molecular to galactic order that is 'in motion' as a balanced disequilibrium. Our current maps & definitions of reality reflect the nature of predictive control as an automata or asserted rule or dictate to which reality conforms.

But the logical outcome of attempts to control life (Reality) is to be controlled by our own judgement unwittingly. The fragmenting dissociations of conflict do not really 'control' but operate as an externalised systemic experience of subjection - no matter how intense the fantasies acted out on the body as 'freedom' to be what we are not.

Toxic thinking underlies our engagement in a toxic 'reality'. But release of the false is the gift of the truly shared - not the machinations of thought-control set as 'inclusion' by which to exclude the love of freedom to be all that we are, for an 'ideal' gaslit projection against which life is held unreal, unworthy, sick, weak, and shameful - to be stamped out or replaced by vengeance as a 'self-vindicating' 'death' set over life.
Rinse & repeat - or Reset "New Game!" ?
Living thought joins across space and time.
True resonance receives to give all to all. (Meaning)
Playing in the dissonance sets up a complex of 'meanings' by which we can be phished.
"Come into my framing" said the spider to the fly.
Thanks - for your offer - but, No thanks!

How deep is your love? (the love that you are?)

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Let the dead bury the dead

Let the dead bury the dead

I commented into the above article.



Let the dead bury the dead - or you choose to join with them in dead concepts charged with ever-shifting 'meaninglessness' running Self-evasion.

The way out of an impossible situation is in recognising and accepting its impossibility.

Covid offers an opportunity to see how the mind can be 'trapped' in and by its own invested emotional reaction. There was no pandemic. There is no novel virus, nor specific contagious disease of risk vector by which to kill or be killed by your loved ones. But there are very tangible fears that are targeted and weaponised to service the sacrificial demands of your psychic defences - set into physicalised ritual entrainments of a false or outdated protection.

Psychic 'attack' is a breakdown in Communication, for Mind Is Communication.

if you don't inhabit yourself, you invite 'whatever' to come in & use you. It will then set 'your thinking' to serve its agenda. This is more in line with the idea of a hacking and hijacking 'viral entity' and is everywhere obvious as the conflict of identity in shifting judgements seeking authority by appeal to sickness as much as by appeal to 'power-boosting'.

Expand to embrace rather than polarise to exclude.

Bent-bought 'science' is leveraged to set 'definitions' from which all else are conformed.

The virus model is but one signature example of its 'hack & hijack' of living relational exchange.

Its quantitative replacement for a qualitative and truly felt awareness of life is a death-mask set in parody of life in which to be-live our moment of vanity - or 'superior smugness'.

The covert manipulations are in process of disclosure - but where that most calls to our own need is within ourself - as withheld or withdrawn from the life that is the truth of 'others'.

What we give out is what we keep - that's how to keep it!

What we would keep for a self apart is then hidden by masking deceits of a wish to be other & apart from or alien to the life that gives itself wholly and without measure, withholding not.

The alien disclosure is at once a terrible reversal of thought, and simply untrue or without substance. But what we give power to has neither more nor less power than we give it. Ideas can ‘run minds’.

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Joining the dots v pattern recognition

 Joining the dots v pattern recognition

 in response to the themes in:

The Lost Art of Connecting Dots by
Todd Hayen


Joining the dots to defend an invested identity is guided & supported by the initial investment – ie in masking over & distancing from a deeply disturbing sense of loss of face, of control, of defence against threats projected & perceived in others & world.
But when more fear is raised to make defence than is defended against, the questioning of the patterns we took as joined dots making reality, opens a fresh awareness for a desire to reintegrate.

Pattern recognition is not a linear process of idea-construction but the recognition of patterns that underlie the image or form of whatever expression they mask in or strategically manifest as. The underlying purpose or intent of our mind is never more than masked, or transparent. That we join in masking (mask in the illusion of joining) is our capacity to engage a psychic 'privacy', but the psyche has access and remains accessible to the whole.What does it profit... to gain a world, but lose our Soul connected awareness? it reaps a harvest of false profits set in conflicted premises that deliver unto an abundance of debt & conflicts running thestricture of a dead structure in paralysis & death. Everyone in your Dreamcast represents some facet of the More of What & Who you are. The game of judgement is predicated on thinking to know without checking in with Me. or a purpose set in its own self-referencing spin, by which the surface masks its own depth.
Recognising we do not know, allows that which is Knowing to move through and align our thought, our perspective, our lives within the source & nature of a self-aware existence.
our self-conscious reflections are not direct knowledge, but experiential feedback to our thought & word in action.
So to learn to watch our thought & speech of reaction, is to check in that is is who we consent or accept to the be-living of – Now - in this situation or moment at hand. If not then, we have already released it of status as true, so as to access and act from a more truly aligned appreciation of presence drawn from future potential and past experience in free association, in place of the stamp of a past on its 'present' as a means to make the future continuous - as in joining the dots of an algorithm made from core beliefs & self-definitions.

Monday, 24 July 2023

Representing the qualities of life as data points

Representing the qualities of life as data points

in response to the themes in:

The 200-year-old mathematics behind half the internet

The above is a concise & well presented summary of the use of Fourier's Transformations to represent analogue or real-time information into simplified or reduced coded formula that can then be recoded back to a visual or auditory image or sound. My comment is from a curiosity in the translation of qualitative experience to quantitative representations.

- - - 

The interfacial means or medium by which qualities are translated to quantities, that are then be-lived or experienced as Meaning made flesh gives the objective experience of discretely defined or locked down meanings that are a basis for creative exploration in terms of the manipulation of such 'meanings' running as a masking augmentation to the original 'qualitative' or implicate Meaning. The nature of what gives & receives is an equation with the fulcrum being the = sign. in some sense the predicate of positing anything operates its own logical outcome, with the caveat of Garbage in; garbage out.

I am obviously listening in with a different purpose to education in conventional terms (though grateful for that too), but as a living desire to understand integratively or intuitively from a wholeness or qualitative sense of life as coherence, rather than the habit of defining in terms of predictive control or manipulation of outcomes.

The transfer value of all learning is its application to life. Now embodied life (our experience of a physical existence) may be an awareness of focus through interference patterns in an electromagnetic medium. But a truly resonant reflection or match is Good in the original Biblical sense of qualitative recognition, love or framework for the unfolding or going forth of value.

"Forgive me my trespass" into your consciously concise expression of both the value of what you teach and the value you extend to those who are willing to learn or share it with you.

The current 'globalism' of bought or bent science is as I see it the result of seeking to enforce a quantitative basis in thought & behaviour for life as a predictively controllable system, via the substitution of derivative-meanings that conflict (awareness of) reality, such that the official reality filters out whatever doesn't 'fit' its invested model - which is actively invested in as risk modelling that induces of support for regulatory capture to the use of bent or bought science as a tool for weaponising truth.
Garbage in; garbage out.

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Obfuscations to Innate Awareness of our true Nature

 in response to the themes in:


Obfuscations to Innate Awareness of our true Nature

The fear-control loop is globally supported by setting bent and bought science into modelling 'risk' that is media hyped to narratives that trigger fears to generate funding & regulatory controls as the mindset & instrument of defending avoiding fear of pain of loss.
In itself this mindset has no direction but getting (possession) and getting rid of (control).
So why doesn't the healing reintegrating phase reset equilibrium after a 'challenge or shock to which it was called on to react to'?
The tipping points are progressive (regressive!) steps in a culturally and socially invested identity in possession & control set over the nature of discovery. Structure serves life until its stricture conserves dissociating patterns of instability and conflict. But here's the rub - the symptoms resulting from the mindset of of justification to engage in control as a 'moral right' and 'necessity' become the asset-base for the marketing and propagation of life as 'the right of access to controls' presented as a means to 'make you safe' or any other play on fear or hate driven 'solutions' that engage processes of invested belief, trust and compliance by which to be effectively entrained to emotionally invested narratives that persist and propagate the 'problem' in the 'solution' so as to ensure continuity while always ratcheting up 'control' to counter the growing instability of the 'system that is not at all as it masks or presents or is be-lived to exist.

Our primary of core definitions are our current personal and cultural 'template' - not in the sense of physical determinism, nut as part of a physically and emotionally reinforced loop. We see according to what we are looking through, but as a 'managed' sub conscious reflex we see our world as if it self-evidently exists entirely apart from how we have learned and adapted to see - and participate in. Getting this across is impossible to the 'slave in Plato's Cave' but not to the curiosity that has released its 'conflict-management' or defences enough to allow the free attention in a felt and relational participance rather than a mapped out strategy running as guard and guide.

But insight alone is not enough if it is still fed back into the same old pattern, and indeed to attempt to manually reconstruct humanity or society is in part the subversion of insight to weaponising and marketising goals, not because its 'evil' but because that is what it is made or evolved and adapted for; - possession and control. We need a fundamental back up of support for our physical experience of development to enable continuity as workability. The so called conscious mind is not at all fitted, equipped or intended to manage the multitude of on the fly processes of communication, energy exchange and functional response within our environmental flux - but is the gift of the ability to focus in wonder and conscious growth of perspective and participation in an existence that we both have and are. We are free to focus in a sense of self-lack by which we are then driven to seek to augment our innate nature with a self-reinforcing capacity for predictive control - so as to think in place of what came naturally as the need of the moment, and so we developed a 'technologism' of thinking as a subcreated overlay by which we interact with our world in a new way - and experience a new world reflecting back in our image and likeness.

The wisdom or differentiating imaged reflections or predictions from what is truly unfolding as the situation at hand, could be described as cultural guards against being phished by our own thinking running wishful rather than as as supporting an action element of conscious or real relationship or endeavour. But even these became taken in the letter of an identity by association rather than a boundary for protection of a true awareness beneath whatever symbols or teachings were running. For the system (or law) is made to serve Man (the whole - not the sex or gender attributes!). Man is not made to serve or be sacrificed to the law - else we run a rule-based & blind model or idol that regardless of 'too big to fail' must fail, because it isn't true, doesn't connect or align us truly and puts us at odds with our own nature as well as the nature of reality that is not in any way bound to support or fit our image, myths & models - but that we hold integrity in its grounded reference point where thought, word and deed are aligned in a felt value - not imposed dictates!

BTW - I was offered the above video presentation by Youtube after watching this video on the history of mass 'education':