in response to the themes in:
Obfuscations to Innate Awareness of our true Nature
The fear-control loop is globally supported by setting bent and bought science into modelling 'risk' that is media hyped to narratives that trigger fears to generate funding & regulatory controls as the mindset & instrument of defending avoiding fear of pain of loss.
In itself this mindset has no direction but getting (possession) and getting rid of (control).
So why doesn't the healing reintegrating phase reset equilibrium after a 'challenge or shock to which it was called on to react to'?
The tipping points are progressive (regressive!) steps in a culturally and socially invested identity in possession & control set over the nature of discovery. Structure serves life until its stricture conserves dissociating patterns of instability and conflict. But here's the rub - the symptoms resulting from the mindset of of justification to engage in control as a 'moral right' and 'necessity' become the asset-base for the marketing and propagation of life as 'the right of access to controls' presented as a means to 'make you safe' or any other play on fear or hate driven 'solutions' that engage processes of invested belief, trust and compliance by which to be effectively entrained to emotionally invested narratives that persist and propagate the 'problem' in the 'solution' so as to ensure continuity while always ratcheting up 'control' to counter the growing instability of the 'system that is not at all as it masks or presents or is be-lived to exist.
Our primary of core definitions are our current personal and cultural 'template' - not in the sense of physical determinism, nut as part of a physically and emotionally reinforced loop. We see according to what we are looking through, but as a 'managed' sub conscious reflex we see our world as if it self-evidently exists entirely apart from how we have learned and adapted to see - and participate in. Getting this across is impossible to the 'slave in Plato's Cave' but not to the curiosity that has released its 'conflict-management' or defences enough to allow the free attention in a felt and relational participance rather than a mapped out strategy running as guard and guide.
But insight alone is not enough if it is still fed back into the same old pattern, and indeed to attempt to manually reconstruct humanity or society is in part the subversion of insight to weaponising and marketising goals, not because its 'evil' but because that is what it is made or evolved and adapted for; - possession and control. We need a fundamental back up of support for our physical experience of development to enable continuity as workability. The so called conscious mind is not at all fitted, equipped or intended to manage the multitude of on the fly processes of communication, energy exchange and functional response within our environmental flux - but is the gift of the ability to focus in wonder and conscious growth of perspective and participation in an existence that we both have and are. We are free to focus in a sense of self-lack by which we are then driven to seek to augment our innate nature with a self-reinforcing capacity for predictive control - so as to think in place of what came naturally as the need of the moment, and so we developed a 'technologism' of thinking as a subcreated overlay by which we interact with our world in a new way - and experience a new world reflecting back in our image and likeness.
The wisdom or differentiating imaged reflections or predictions from what is truly unfolding as the situation at hand, could be described as cultural guards against being phished by our own thinking running wishful rather than as as supporting an action element of conscious or real relationship or endeavour. But even these became taken in the letter of an identity by association rather than a boundary for protection of a true awareness beneath whatever symbols or teachings were running. For the system (or law) is made to serve Man (the whole - not the sex or gender attributes!). Man is not made to serve or be sacrificed to the law - else we run a rule-based & blind model or idol that regardless of 'too big to fail' must fail, because it isn't true, doesn't connect or align us truly and puts us at odds with our own nature as well as the nature of reality that is not in any way bound to support or fit our image, myths & models - but that we hold integrity in its grounded reference point where thought, word and deed are aligned in a felt value - not imposed dictates!
BTW - I was offered the above video presentation by Youtube after watching this video on the history of mass 'education':
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