Saturday 21 October 2023

Inner conflicts are not truly resolved externally

 Inner conflicts are not truly resolved externally

 in response to the themes in:


Any moral judgement of the Other is an assumption of superior or better or right that seeks to guilt the other as priming for sacrifice.
The self-image is how we present to others AND to our self.
Saving the Appearances then becomes the preservation of the social order to which the perceived assigned threat is sacrificed for virtue's sake. This ritualises the violence by which to raise it above vengeance - in a culture that shares the same moral 'conscience' of belonging - from which the scapegoat is excluded or denied.

Of course I see the denial or erasure of consciousness of felt connection, to a ghastly pardody of life, but I also see it is the result of our basis for seeking and applying ‘solutions’ that do not work, but deliever us to the evils we thought to escape.

In terms of magical or external ‘solutions’ to masked or dissociated inner conflicts, we buy time perhaps to a mitigated experience before all the elements of the original conflict partake of the arena of the wished for ‘solution’. What have people ‘injected’ - regardless of the sales & marketing claims of bent and bought ‘science’. For our science is also used to seek external ‘solutions’ to inner conflict, as the predictive control - to which our felt sense of participation is sacrificed to the Model or idol of ‘Progress’ - which is predicated on the demonising or invalidating of the past.

Deep cultural framing in guilt and fear born of self-lack seeking external boosting is ‘responsible’ for the unchecked ‘correctness’ toward groupthink of a collectivised mob or herd identity - cast out in any number of ‘individualised’ and constantly mutating ‘identities’.

Polarised identities are tyrannous, while also operating in sync with their shadow or double - in which they are intimately entwined.
To seek & find or be found in a ‘greater love’ than self-seeking (which easily masks in virtue signalling, is to release the judgemental convictions of self-& other AND therefore the face of control, to acknowledge in truth, “I do not know what I truly need, and above all esle I want to know”, Real questions open the receptive to real answer - that rises of and as our very being - not as a repackaging of a manufactured identity. And always as a quality of connection from which to take encouragement in recognising direction or guidance and support.


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