Tuesday 26 September 2023

Masking Artifice as Lockdown in Denial?

Masking Artifice as Lockdown in Denial?


in response to the themes in:




What God creates, shares being. What we make is artificially derived - except that we participated in the extension of Creation. Such that 'judgement' sets over and apart, as an artificial construct set in and by conflict & struggle under fear pain and loss; while discernment reveals knowing within All That Is - as felt awareness of the qualities of integral being - to which thought aligns in service instead of running dissociated, as mis-taken inheritances.

Narcissus in addicted image can figure for Human thinking. Is this our first begotten 'son' that we are called to yield in exchange for a conscious Covenant with Living Thought?
God is Source-Nature of Self in All and All in One - we cannot 'think' miraculously but that we release or yield to That Which Is - as the moment at hand. Always nigh - yet an perpetually busy mind has every kind of self-justifiction running for why to attend its own unfinished business first.
So don't just Do Something - Stand There!

Our resort to being is not an answer or response to any framed problem set to seek answer in some other moment, place or time. but re-alignment in and of the life we are as the basis to draw from and be moved by a true of being - to which all else must serve if we hold faith in purpose of healing and renewal.

How then shall I think, say and do? - but of a living will that I do not and can not make - but that receives all I thought to make to use for the healing of the split mind, that thinks it thinks alone, cast out, and beset by guilted fear set irrevocably by judgement.

Artifice is a masking 'reality' - but WHO told you you were naked?
Self-imaged consciousness serves a stepping stone to conscious co-creative being in true relational endeavour. But as grievance set holy, runs dark to its own Calling, perceiving threat in every situation as the call to war justified! In which a self made of lack and denial claims vindication in death set over life as 'victory'. There is no satiating such an 'appetite'. No resting point of sufficiency. True forgiveness accepts release from our grievances & hates in the 'othered' - be that our body, or our world. Give only as in truth we would receive, now and now - for willingness is always a present receptive to the unique discernment of the moment at hand. Through which is recognition extended - with or without a word. A qualitative consciousness is the root and branch of a true cultural endeavour.

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