Sunday, 6 November 2022

The use to which we put our mind

 in response to the themes in a thread on Viroliegy which like millions of others, diverted into personal trading of right over wrong, such as to shift from issues to moral judgements masking as reasoned or righteous claim. Within which was the idea of history as lies, periodically erased or reset...


A lot of this is the way the mind works.
If we understood how mind works we wouldn't need someone else to blame for anything.
Grievance rises from denial and deprivation. But we are unaware for the most part of denials arising from a selective focus.
A spotlight conceals more than it reveals.
While the story 'works' for what we want, we gladly turn a blind eye to witnesses to its nature as a chosen self-illusion.
Like children suckling that which supports their sense of self-autonomy.
Become enraged when it is taken away.
But in human experience I am talking of a sense of fundamental betrayal of the life we wanted or thought to have, and be-lived real.

The virus theory says a lot about our use of the mind, as does all our modelling. In a video of Kastrup and Vernon yesterday it was put that Galileo's 'sin' was not the heliocentric model (which goes back to the Greeks) but asserting it was (THE) Reality, rather than our map or model of representative appearances that reflect our mind - or rather our use of Mind, by which we 'see' through a glass darkly' or in modern terms through a lens of false narrative identity.

Consider the use to which we put the past.
Can you?
A narrative or mythic identity generates its own prequel or backstory as a basis for exploring experience as an unfolding of meanings.
What we then choose to remember or forget is a function of our active focus - which for many, defaults to a subsconscious illusion of self-autonomy.
Is this not the same as a wish to be unconscious rather than address the pain of conflicted predicates? Does this not 'automatically' find pathways and witnesses or proxy conflicts by which to reset some version of 'Private, do not disturb!'.

Deconstructing false narratives in the light of a love of truth, is a world apart from debunking others so as to boost a sense of being right by painting it so.
My sense of the deceiver is that it loves 'You are being lied to' or 'everything you have been told is a lie', because that ensures the reset of gaslighting as the guide. A shift of perspective allows recognising truth is always revealing, but we didn't want to see it, because we wanted to see something else.

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me" is a call to self-responsibility for our OWN. & for our knowing. For false knowledge phishes our mind as a belief thief steals identity - in concept if not in truth. Yet that is part of how we learn to discern in place of identity boosting for a self & world set by sacrifice of wholeness to seek somewhere 'else' and be-live our result.

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