Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Got it off my chest?

in response to the themes in:



 A downside of seeing 'conspiracy' of control agenda is becoming defined by reaction. Which could be seen as the most potent aspect of a control agenda!
However, I cant read of the global situation without a sense of a world being 'reconditioned and restructured' by orchestrated applications of fear, guilting, and false solutions, as a complex of carrot and stick running rats in a lab maze.
This winter looks to be a significant turn of the screw in terms of applied torture techniques set onto social scales. Good Cop is waiting in the wings when we are taken to breaking point.
All for our own good of course! Well for human 2.0 if indeed that remains human or some kind of golem.
Funded and securitised narratives operate the minds in which most everyone 'thinks'. Choking sustenance or supply to any other perspective is its 'creative' power by which to make life in image to which the living must sacrifice?
The willingness to sacrifice life for lies is the sustenance and supply to a 'control agenda'. Thus the giving to Caesar will choke dues to God and vice versa. You have to discern my reference to 'God' in a living sense for yourself or run dead thinking and be-live your result! Love cares not our 'belief system' but that it truly serves life and the living in practice.

Have a good day!

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