Friday 7 May 2021

Virology reveals a picture of an 'ego' hack and hijack of fear

Arby (in relation to discovering viruses and their components)

You can’t sequence nothing.

 Take a scrabble set and sequence its contents.

What you discover?

Is what you are looking for.

Heidegger discovered 'kzomil'.

(He made it up to make a point regarding the prevalent emptiness and evanescence of the word 'being').

A failed virology resets itself or makes up the basis for its seeming to be, by substituting mathematical modelling - (computer assisted models of predictive outcomes relative to the input definitions and parameters) - for empirical verification and relational honesty.

That virology has failed to validate its basis empirically since it began should not surprise when its remit is the false flagging of fear (of pain and loss) to 'scientific' authority of explanation, intervention and control - as conflict management set under authoritative dictate, but masked as Enlightened Progress against evils. The process of self reinforcing loops of interpretive ingenuity, extend the model to protect the model against question - because its foundations are in error and from the invested identity are deemed too big to fail. So we are all told to degrade and contract to something that a bio-tech leveraging believes it CAN control - free from empirical or relational accountability, as a monopoly 'science' (sic).

The indeterminate matters that are sequenced are all short fragments - thousands or millions of them. We can only 'realign' them with software to reverse engineer variations of a posited Humpty, without which all the king’s horses and all the king’s men would be released from service!

Once you learn to 'see' an invested masking narrative dictate, you will no longer be able to recognise or accept what is beneath the masking.

Do you WANT this?

For in simple terms - and no matter how they bark - it is your Choice to accept truth or self-illusion set in fear of truth - when fear is reacted to AS true.

Virology offers a picture of the 'ego' of hack and hijack of Self - within the idea of being set in and subject to the body, as a result of what the mind elects to use the body for. (lockdown, distance and mask - or as a vehicle of communication embracing all levels of sensing - as a whole).

That we project our deepest fear onto the 'unknown' is a dead giveaway of the active capture of a fearful imagination. Where is the media coverage of a 'novel virus' that restores health, inspiration and sanity as the intuition and awareness of shared being!

It's everywhere as the lie by which to recognise and release what we are not.

PCR sequencing uses primers (short strings) to seek a match. If you start with a real world example - as say a whole and definitively characterised example of an specific entity - then you can use sequences that are unique to that identity to see if there is meat in your burger from species that you might not want to eat. But without real world empirical standards, you have a circular reference of arbitrarily set 'definitions' set in the template from which all else proceeds.

This is not specific to virology - but to a bought or captured 'science', tooled to only operate in the lines of its own institutional reinforcement.

We are sacrificing the Living for the Model of structural identity set over Relational Communication or 'being' - not least by the attempt to save such identity as if it IS our being.

The practical of this is simply to open the awareness from which to question by uncovering an honest question. Most of what we take as questions are identity reinforcements masking in the form of a question.

Innocent perception does not pre-empt what shall reveal itself to the willingness and desire to see, know or appreciate and be the experience of.

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