Friday 7 May 2021

The Covidian Climax to an Old World Order


in response to the themes in:

If the v@x is the ‘weapon’  - then it doesn’t have to ‘go wrong’. The preparations for the the operation is of such an order that I don’t see it being a mistake – but I am open to that events can transpire to bring an agenda forward.

In a way the ‘genetically defined virus’ is the capacity to generate a model from which to leverage the reactions of testing, diagnosis and treatments, that are all fundamentally hidden in a dark room overseen by the Wizard of Oz – who can adjust the parameters of the model and reactive measures such as to – in a false sense – control reality.

The model gives control of funding, and securitised access to experimentations running under cover of treatments.

The idea of ‘virus in the wild’ may refer to a detoxification/healing crisis in which the process assigned as disease occurs, and some cross reaction of antibodies provokes overreaction – ‘immune enhancement’. But you may be right and its easy to suspect v@x along with other synergies of toxic exposure. However if there are significant examples of non vaxxed clinical cases, then it cant be THE factor.

Your recent republish of failed contagion experiments can also extend to animal trials – where the means to make it seem as if contagion has occurred are another dark room and similar to the preparation of a cell culture – as Lanka is currently showing is the cause of what is assigned to infected cells.

Invested belief in an ‘answer’ can persist against all reason, by interpreting all results through the conviction the problem is more complex and so the ‘answer’ has to extended, mutated or added to with dark fudge to protect the invested identity in its model. Its as if all our psychic conflicts are poured into a panacea that seemed to work but became the new arena for all the unhealed relational of conflicted identity trauma. I see this process of externalised projection as the driver of a world of lies, debt and conflicts that can only be truly resolved when truly addressed. This means releasing what is NOT ours as well as owning and healing or reintegrating what is ours.

Lies invoked to cover up unowned mistakes become active in attacking true awareness, to protect a mask that only demands more sacrifice. A negatively self reinforcing loop*.

The nanoparticle interface to Biotech hack and control is part of its latest iteration.

In order for fear to hack the mind it has to first be induced to disconnect from its Source-Nature for what seems to be extended powers, greater freedoms, protections or novel excitements. The ‘KGB leaker’ video on Normalisation fits the facts.

* Circular reasoning is apt to indicate its futility and vanity - but a a vicious spiral might be more apt for the resulting experience!

My writing is dense-packed - but there's no call to struggle - but a freedom to alight in what resonates to our own recognition - and so thank you.

In computing - its processing can be crashed by conflicting code, hung in self-repeating looping, or by being set in insoluble problems. I don't equate our whole mind with computing or logical processing - but we have made such technology as an extension of our logical thinking.

The covidian climax to an old world order is the attempt to become code to run in or entrance ourself to a computer modelling system. This is where we become so identified in our tool as to think and see only as it tools us!

While Hamer sees the expression of psychic shock through the biological adaption, I have a sense of a greater species shock that serves both a segregative conflict of dissociation to control, and a reintegrative healing to Communication restored. 

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