Thursday 6 May 2021

On 'Getting' Colds and Lab Rat Thinking

in response to the themes in:

There certainly is an invested belief in a virus, such that to not support the belief is to be seen as mad by those who have adapted to defences and protections against it as their new normal.

Better to say there is disease with respiratory complications that is actually a disruption of blood function. But disease does not necessarily mean ‘virus’, or ‘contagious’.

Fear of threat CAN spread as contagion.

Toxic exposures or nutritive deficiencies (or both) can manifest as what fear than assigns to invisible malign agency – OR to a Divine Retribution for sins – or both.

Pellagra and scurvy are two of the latter and the diseases of malnutrition are often assigned to infectious disease but are not. Toxic exposure induces diseases. Infectious viruses or bacteria offer a get out of jail free card to polluters, along with a basis to ‘save’ the toxified with toxic ‘medical’ interventions – by which to beat the virus & etc.

The virus remains a theoretical model that has been accepted without rigorous proofs and persists without even needing them! They don’t even try to find actual viruses in sick people. They can test for the biomarkers that are part of the definition that they made up as an always adjustable or mutating model.

Its pointless to assert something is not real without a clear understanding. Mere opinions invested and defended are ‘identity’ polarisation.


I don’t think it is a quantum leap to say that people get colds: that colds are caused by ‘something’. And is it not possible that whatever constitutes a cold could be manipulated in a laboratory to be used as a bioweapon? If the ‘something’ has been manipulated by adding ‘gain-of-function’ to spread the ‘something’ far and wide, so people feel as if they have a ‘cold’ (even if they don’t really have one) and this is reinforced with phony tests and media scare mongering, one has a plandemic.

On 'getting' colds. Where do you get it from? And what is IT?

You are flagging its cause 'out there' as a 'something' that a lab can manipulate, and are aligning to your imagination because you made it by believing it. You CAN continue your thought experiment by challenging its premise or seeking alternate ways to account for the same observed experience. 

For thinking must be engaged with as a relationship, rather than running off a template of 'accepted or presumed currency of thought. If to embody YOUR own voice and choice.

That such thinking can manipulate and be manipulated, is the realm of invested narrative identity, as the perceptions that express and support the narrative definitions. You can believe as you will, while it serves the purpose you are aligned in. There is the key, for if you are aligned in a narrative of attack and defence, you will to 'see' only in such terms.

You may be aware that the lab rat is the new Model for a human existence, along with the virtual nightmare with no escape. Both these are the expressions and results of a way of thinking that is utterly alien to love. What did you expect? To create life in your own image? To control reality?

So while I could offer alternate ways of seeing and thinking, I would much rather invite you to look at your own thinking and ask 'where did you get it', and why did you host it or accept and replicate it as your own? In the Bible it was put in these words; 'And WHO told you you were naked?'.

The biological and physical tangible is overlaid by selectively filtered structural dictate, as what is fundamentally an attempt to separate or distance from the body (as vector of attack) while the body itself is used as a symbol of separation from Life or Existence - such as to possess and control  a private bubble with a public face.

Body is a rebalancing, renewing and regeneration functional adaptation. Much of what we call sickness is the body's self-healing. The psychic hijacker is itself a shock driven reaction of alienated dissociation, and not your true presence, and so the cause of sickness is not in the false flag of symptoms seeking a story, but our fundamental alignment or misalignment of self and mind with heart and body as unified purpose or spirit.

That said, let a cold be a cold, - that is let a functional and grounded or felt sense of practical Body as connection to Life, bring us present, for the mind can spin off into every kind of contortion when allowed to run off with a false or conflicted inheritance.

The BELIEF you are accepting as 'reasonable' is the vector of the 'lab' attack of weaponised thought and language. By that can bioweapons (toxic interventions) be framed as protections and defences.

Most of the psyop runs because we already believe its premise.

The seeding or feeding of false narratives prepares the soil - as in (KGB) 'normalisation', such that when the levers are pulled, no one looks at what the target has already long done unto themselves.

The levering of psycho-pathogenic fear is a revealing of being had, but to any invested fear-in-hiding will effect a doubling down in the underlying deceits as a 'gift that keeps on giving' to the frame of the manipulators - who may be a confusion of aligned self-interests running AS IF unity FOR the 'food source' or against the disclosure in deceit, loss of face, credibility, control and life as they 'know' it. Which is to say survival instinct set in manipulative intent.

Of course there are labs, thinks tanks, and every kind of attempt to manipulate the mind, perceptions and people, when driven by fear's dictate as necessary and masked as morally sanctified.

Having looked at 'germ theory', I find the Wizard of Oz, that is - the presentation of knowledge and abilities that are without substance, though they can and do redistribute attention and energy within a closed system in which 'means to escape' effect ongoing capture-compliance unknowing.

Any closed system thinking should be held knowingly as a 'model'. Life is Open - unless of course you say so. This capacity to misalign and rebalance is part of your freedom to know your being - rather than to be caused by external or alien means and subjected thereby to fear, pain and loss (of love as wholeness in extension).

I realise I dive off the deep end to what seems a simple set of thoughts. But that simple set of thoughts represents the unconscious identification in a residual wish to get rid of judged, rejected or hated self. The fear we mask over to deny is always seeking to get back in. This pattern can also be seen in  pathogen theory. Unless we own our fear, we must sacrifice Life to Mask of Protection that usurps our life and thinking - to run a bot-net or group-think of securitised narrative dictates - lest all hell break in (rises up within).

The Disclosure of what lies beneath has psychotic liabilities when fear feeds upon itself unchecked. I am not seeking to destroy or deny the freedom to mask, but to invite a relationship in which to re-evaluate the cause of fear.

Fear externalises its own cause to then attack and deny it.

What if the original identification that set fear as 'real', was taken in error?

You get an inflammation that can cascade to storm that exhausts your defences and delivers you from that which inspires, to an expiry date.

Beliefs run deeper than we think. It is not enough to think we do or don't believe - we will act from and perceive result as the actual measure of our active beliefs.

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