Thursday 29 April 2021

Something Demonic-Satanic?  


Where is their humanity though would you or I do this to our fellow man?

There has to be something demonic satanic.

Fear of truth, demonises to mask over its denial.

Masking narratives operate plausible deniability as self justification.

If you see this event has been long in the planning, you can also appreciate much was already in place when 'China caught a cold'.

What narratives are people operating from?

Insider narratives will be fed as if privileged information serving some sort of worthy or necessary cause or duty. Mainstream narratives are mind-management.

Fear/threat, distancing/dissociation lockstepped denial, masking virtue in gaslighting reversals - its all demonic or satanic - but as a reiteration of a much tighter noose than was already normalised social masking.

We have no real sense of what we have already lost, as we are set up to lose even the little that we hath.

What do we truly Have and Be?

What SHALL we release as false or worthless?

What shall we align in as our true desire?

These questions are not self-reinforcing compliance to a mindtrap made real - for by reaction can fear make real, to the minds of its believers.

Fear of loss runs AS IF protection, by holding a fixation in masking over fear, pain and loss set as virtue,

Love of life lived and shared, is lost to a fixation in fear and control, set in separatenesses seeking social reinforcement, that of course reinforces fear of losing even the little that they hath.

Never mind what 'will be lost' - look at what is willingly abandoned and sacrificed even under the fear of the threat of 'losing'!

If the process is that of revealing or a self-disclosure, then invested self illusion finds no place to stand and is thus seeking to double down in weaponised and marketised cover ID, acted out upon the body to lock down the mind.

Live this day well!

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