Sunday 25 April 2021

Negative Expectations as self-fulfilled measure of worth.

As you give so shall you receive.

As a man thinks, so shall he perceive.

By the measure we set are we given.

Garbage in; garbage out.

Living Idea is already alive.

If we embody dead thinking, we 'meet' a dead world, or rather a masked and dissociated attempt to set terms and conditions on Life - that then condition us in our own measure.

Note the novel V for vendettus was 'unknown' as so automatically assumed maximal fear.

We could just as easily expected a novel change to restore awareness of the miracle of Life. Not in concept but here now - exactly as we are. For an unknown is an opportunity to learn of Life anew. Where what we think to know is a past stamped on our face.

Addicts will persist in seeking outside themselves for what can never actually substitute for connected love of life - as it is. We are diverse in our particular strategies, but the underlying issue is a sense of self lack, masked over and denied in the attempt to reinforce or 'save' the mask at cost of our lives.

The hidden mind or Covert ID is masked over, But in the disintegration of the mask are all the underlying fears and denial exposed. Fear of lack seeks boosting aggrandisement, but fear of Infinity seeks to lockdown in littleness and sickness where truth cannot enter, so your face is saved from total loss by sacrifice.

There is a reset for those who want ignorance doubled down.

I don't know that anyone truly wants this, but while it is chosen, it choice is hidden, to operate as being denied, deprived, deceived, and abandoned.

Will you abandon your Brother and world because it failed to give you what you demanded of it?

Give as you would receive.

How does that work when all your reactions are set in fear, horror, disgust, derision or inadequacy and powerlessness?

It works to not give until you have truly received.

And so not to invest in or indulge our mind's scripting of judgement on others as Others, with the measure we would give to ourself if it were our own self we see and meet.

The key takeaway is to find the way to give something worthy of appreciation regardless appearances - if only for a moment that breaks the isolation of a mind set in its own conviction. Judge and be judged applies no less to release and be released.

What does that mean?

It means releasing the meanings we set and hold everyone else to, so as to be free to learn of them - and our world anew.

Freedom to learn or indeed release false thinking, is not at the body level.

No one can take this away from you but your own decision to believe your own conviction is final and irrevocable. Grievance and fear do that.

Aspirational development meets the blocks to unfolding fulfilment. Until they are recognised as stepping stones. Very little of what I write is addressed to body level thinking where body is assigned autonomy by a mind that distances and masks in the limiting, so as to then cast out its inner conflict 'externally'.

Elitism generates toxic shit, and repackages by redefinition to dump out to a sacrificial willingness to eat it. I don't mean elite excellence, but self-specialness operating exclusively or as a self-exceptionalism.

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