Saturday 1 May 2021

Cast in the mask of a rulebound and covert identity BY the act of 'saving' a self apart.

 Natural is not separate, but true to nature or living principle.

Our mind 'thinks' itself separate, and perceives a fragmented or broken (fallen) nature to which it adapts as if to an external, alien will or realm of 'otherness'.
That it seeks and finds allies, props and witnesses is its 'survival' within a mind it casts out to receive in like kind.
Contractual agreements can become invisible tacit social rules and filters by which to seem to rule out or cast out conflicts so as to seem to escape by distancing, lockdown and masking.

What runs beneath is the basis from which all else proceeds. When proceedings are intended to hide what runs beneath, we live the result of sharing in such an intent, until we release the cover story to a willingness to reevaluate what we thought or reacted to as true, trustworthy or real.
But we are thus cast in the mask of such a rulebound and covert or hidden identity BY the act of 'saving' a self apart.
I find A Course in Miracles speaks to and illuminates what is going on in the 'mind that makes such a world', in such a way as to recognise it is not Who I am or what I truly want. But while it lies hidden I 'see it as an insane world that baits me to react in its own frame of fully believed deceits. For we are convinced and convicted by fear-backed thinking that has all the pain of loss compounded by defences that reinforce fear, as threat, attack and pain of deep conflict in a heart that becomes victim, armoured, masked over hidden, denied, 'made safe'.

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