Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Reflections on Support for Being Truly Human


I feel various responses meeting reaction to social lock-downing of mind and body, and feel for aligning in support for being truly human - which includes our fears but is not defined by fears. This makes me a not very 'political' candidate to go out and change the world, wake everyone up, stop the madness, or save the world.

I write to this situation in my own way, in my own willingness, and have been writing for years as part of who I am - or perhaps as the releasing of who I am NOT to a reintegration of wholeness in being. 

So I feel and participate in the spirit of any meeting, which is what we bring of ourselves and share in, as a sense of worth or value, some of which is called forth by the anti-life agenda that is currently 'infecting' the minds of the susceptible, which includes our own liability to become fear-defined and fear-directed when triggered. 

This to me is a re-education. The choice NOT to choose fear, leaves the way open for Life itself to move through us, though the situation, as a synchronicity or revealing of what fear hides or denies of a shared or connected quality of being. To call it love-in action is already to bring it into the mind of rules, and should's and correctnesses, instead of abiding in the freedom to be who we are the revealing and unfolding of. As Life.

As always I start out thinking to say something simple and find a fundamental difference that prevents language working simply, and that is that the mind in its world is already locked into a complex of rules, that distance from and mask over as if to validate self *over and against* a feared and negatively charged outcome. 

Our current world is reflecting the regulatory capture of Living to a 'control agenda' claiming every kind of pretext - not just the virus story. I see this as fear of Life and Living, running in multiple shifting disguises of competing 'normals' that are narratives setting rules for narrative identities operating in polarised and polarising fragmentation and paralysis toward a systemic 'control system' - that has no life or joy in it! And so masks as a robotising or reducing the consciousness that remains, to a computer modelled 'reality' management system in which the will of true desire cannot be felt or move or recognise being alive, where a thinking substitution runs on algorithmed rules and parameters of system control. Cognitive dissociation.

But connection and support in Life is where I am, and my trust is that what rises from this has an alignment in wholeness, that communicates not just locally to the perceived situation, but within a Mind we are for the most part 'distanced' and masked off from, BY the attempt to control Life - as distinct from discerning our way within Life. 

I use a capital L for Life here, because the current idea of life is a body-bagged bubble kept from death by the 'laws that become their own systemic structure' as a degraded world in which;

 â€œEverything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner). 

Law serves Man (Humankind) - not the other way around. And this relates to the current rediscovering of the difference between legal fictions of often tacit contractual agreements with lawful being of act and communication.

I see this is my morning meditation!
And is one with the meditation my Companion in Life and I read together as daily inspiration.

In Peace

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