Friday 5 February 2021

The Lie that Dispossesses the Mind Set in Fear 

The underlying truth is paradoxically the experience of a lie given power of priority over honesty of true relationship and communication. Thus it is not merely hiding from a true disclosure of transparency and just account but actively set in attack of the movement of life toward coherence, integration and health.

This may originally have started off  (in principle) as hiding from truth, but a lie can only be protected by more lies, and this must than seek and find the narrative evasions by which to operate a plausible deniability within narratives into which others are induced or deceived into sharing personal investment in.

That the tares multiply to overrun the crop, is to say the lies become a death cult in the name of a personal survival set in a masking over fears and hates that are seemingly treated or managed by various methods, rules and procedures that started out as 'solution's but become the arena of all the psychic-emotional conflicts that are in a sense dumped there in hope of magical or wishful escape.

Displaced fears grow in their repackaging narratives of their seeming solutions to take on monstrous and demonic proportion - yet the core fears are still truly addressed in the 'separation trauma' of our formative experience of our life in the world as the adaptation to a world we learn as both a sensory extension and a human modelling of rules, procedures and behaviours. Which is to say a conflict mind under mask of social and personal control.

I see this 'conflict mind' is being disclosed as its masking disintegrates of the capacity to pass off as truly present and alive, and so is seen as obviously self-dissociation in those who currently double down in the narrative led lie for their own sense of safety in the frame the narrative sets.

It is disturbing and disgusting and yet truly needs to be recognised as a mask of meaninglessness, so as NOT to be given permission to operate our mind by reaction and induction to a false frame of thinking - that is always a mask of seeming unity over self-contradictions - such a Orwellian double-think.

Fear of truth makes sense only as fear of what fear makes truth seem to be.

Truth reveals freedom - but we cannot see this while we identify in fear that leads us to hide from or attack the messengers of healing and wholeness. In scientific terms, this is to admit the empirical evidences or witnesses as valid feedback by which to truly evaluate our model from which we think or question, so as to correct errors and ask more truly aligned questions, that allow coherent and reintegrative answers. Unless we live this, we don't have the basis to meet and join in the movement of this. So first to accept healing and be moved and guided accordingly, rather than evade true healing under the banner of saving everyone else. When the isolation is broken to let love and life in, there is a synchronicity of its extension as relationship, that we need be open to allowing and extending rather than inhibiting or denying. The light of life is not to be hidden in secret bubbles or bodies masked in sickness and death. Unless of course you insist!

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