Monday 1 February 2021

Communication Failure by Design

 When a mind is baited into investing in a narrative deceit, it is similar to assigning and insoluble problem to a computer which results in a crash, loop or a hang such that the engagement operates a loss of function to 'garbage' in as garbage out.

There is NO dialogue or reasoned process of discovery going on between a weaponised narrative assertion and those questioning its veracity. And the narrative operates as an expression of globally orchestrated Banking and Corporate financial leverage, or indeed capture of trusted institutions. This can be obvious. For the whole thing could be snuffed in a few days if it was NOT deemed to be serving their interests.

This suggests that the 'covidian cult' is leveraging as cover story for the management of the public as a sealed system of owned assets to which they are denied access or right to question, challenge or change. In this sense we are being 'made safe' or neutralised, and they - or their mouthpieces - are being honest with us.

The nature of an offer is to engage a contractual consent.

The new social contract on offer is the abnegation of or 'freedom from' responsibility to anything but what the 'State' dictates compliance to, under premise of being made safe from whatever it designates as the threat, at whatever level of always changing threat, and with whatever tiers of permitted freedoms, as the 'State' determines and mandates.

Life taken out of its living context and experimented on so as to engineer outcomes for the purpose of indulging private fantasies, is the contract to inhuman nightmare given permission by subscription. Death is not the worst outcome and survival is not in and of itself purpose for living. For what we call death is part of the temporal nature of our human experience no matter what meanings we give to our experience by which we have our reward.

The world of change does not give us any meaning but what we first give to our world but then suffer as if at the hand of another or circumstance. the weaving of narratives by which to evade, delay and mask over fundamental change reveals itself as 'anti-life - that is as actively undermining and attacking the conditions for life - under the dictate for 'protecting the Model, the System, derived from self-image set in its 'will to power' but cast in its own Net unknowing.

To question what seems to be the reality to which you adapted requires owning and moving through your fears from a true willing acceptance of connection and communication within Life - and not apart and set over it in distance, distrust and active denial masked as virtue.

The Call to Life and joy in being, is as loud as your willingness to hear it. But will not coerce or violate your choice as to what you WANT to hear. And so in a sense its stands at the door and knocks, to your readiness to share it, for that is the nature and condition of living, as distinct from gratifying or seeking life in fantasy that fails and fails and fails to fulfil or recognise and reveal you to yourself - and in fear of Life is why we look everywhere ELSE for answer as a way of NOT finding - while masking as the search for answer in a world where conflicts go forth and multiply as 'solutions'.

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