Thursday 28 January 2021

Polarised Reaction and Fidelity to True Principle 


Polarised reaction would be 'anti vax' - just as polarised reaction to enforced lockdowns and degrading impoverishment would be anti-lockdown.

The true way to frame this is never in the terms of those who seek to claim a moral high ground from which to frame NOT joining their war as a a betrayal in 'anti', 'denialist' or 'terrorist' terms.

Very very few take responsibility for their own thought and speech, and so they effectively 'think' in programmed terms. The lockdown of the mind is achieved with locked in meanings - taken and used as currency. Orwell pointed out the use of language as a weapon and a denial of consciousness.

The 'creation' of the 'anti-thing' is the generation of the hate and threat as falsely flagged out AWAY from self onto others - who can then be attacked, degraded, denied.

I could tell you all about how this runs as an 'unconscious bias' - but this has already been taken as a weapon of the Inquisitor for evil hates and blames - so as to deny the territory of uncovering to an honest open communication of responsibility and choice.

But this reveals the 'enemy' for what it is; hate, fear and control - (read that as attack and denial). An anti Life agenda or identity, is set against feared and hated evils, perceived and believed, that it is unwilling or unable to face, to own and to release unto healing.

It is for the proponent of an intervention, protocol or system, to demonstrate its worth or value in terms of cost and benefit - but also at the level of it teaching. For 'protections' that teach and condition us to identify as weak and helpless may then appear to save us from the fear, that the proponents of the 'protection' target, feed and leverage to induce the fearful to give consent to.

If you chose to enter into such an abusive and tyrannous relationship, then it will be framing your thought, perception, and range of response AS IF your survival on one or more levels of your sense of self and life. To truly think, is to consciously live from and give the worth and vale of your thinking an embodiment in act. Most of what is called thinking is a program for defence set over a sense of nakedness against threat seeking cover.

But WHO told you you were naked?

Spiritual responsibility is reintegrative as the willingness and desire to heal, rather than cast out onto others and world as if to 'save' yourself or your identified group' alone. A split and dissociated mind cannot SEE anything but as fear dictates. The way out of an impossible situation is the recognition that you are not in it. This is to say our current definitions have painted us into a fearful and hateful 'reality' - and yet many here can now SEE these definitions are being manipulated in forms of naming magic dressed up in opaque and impenetrable mysteries of 'science' as the appeal to authority, yet invoking 'moral' outrage as religious fervour against open questioning or revealing of a lack of substance, under a false god of hate and fear given priority and therefore power in our minds.

Thanks - but no thanks!


I appreciate the sentiment, but data is meaningless without interpreting structure of consciousness which is a mind of values and meaning.

The adage Garbage in; garbage out - comes to mind as a modern 'take' on as you sow so shall you reap. So first principles are the predicate or premise that sets the parameters for all that follows.

A garbage result properly addressed does not attack and deny the 'garbage' or reframe the 'model' to SEEM to make the garbage disappear while of course the corruption at the level of cause will show up somewhere else - as a redistribution of blame and penalty - that is reflected into social terms as wealth and control.

The recoil of a split off and dissociated mind, desperate for its own survival at all and any cost is judged evil, denied and 'cast out' onto others and world.

We are being denied by such a pattern or programming of denial that is 'contagious' as hate and fear interpreted as attack and triggering a like response.

Triggered moral outrage can thus so easily give consent to worship hate as righteous in casting out blame hate and attack as if to get rid of it and feel better. THAT we feel what we feel is part of a valid feedback, and to abide it is to open relationship in which the underlying beliefs and past conditioning can be noticed, recognised or brought to question - with the result of releasing deep shit from our own mind to a quality and clarity of presence that had been covered over and masked in as our strategy for surviving our past.

To resist the temptation to evil is a totally different principle than resisting evil in the frame it presents. Where, what and who we choose to come FROM sets the alignment to principle for what we then receive and share in, as our life. This is our inviolable freedom of conscious being, but if given to self contradictory 'code' of garbage 'meanings' fed back into our mind, we use freedom to achieve the experience of bondage and slavery under tyrannous dictate - or a 'mind' that cannot be looked at - let alone held to question.

Clearly this is not just in 'psychic-paths' but in a sense installed in the population at large as our 'normal' or human conditioning - set as the parameters to live and die in. Except that there's no life or love or peace in it. Only hollow parody of substitute illusions set in narrative dictate. Breaking the isolation is letting love in, and the condition for such a reconnection with our very being, is the willingness to extend it, for such is the nature of love, not a systemic correctness by which to 'save our face' in a realm of appearances given 'locked down' meanings that render life meaningless.

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