I support Corbett with a sub and appreciate it.
But there is a dimension that is as far as I know not opened to in James' work - and not surprisingly so, because the framing of the mind operates its own self-limiting division which rules out awareness of wholeness. Excepting in Humpty Dumpty terms.
The pattern of the psyop or deceit by which mind control operates as the filtering censor to a true freedom of integrative being - is becoming more and more evident - in the 'shenanigans' of our world, but we are still for the most part fixated as the 'mask' set to look OUT as a way of not owning, facing and releasing the underlying cause of the effects and symptoms that we (for our own reasons WANT to) see or 'flag' as causal agents of threat. Nor am I suggesting recognising what lies beneath as a witch hunt, inquisition of leverage of guilt and blame set over fear and division - but of its immediate release.
Psychology as a term contains its own liability of self-reference under the belief in stepping out from Mind as IF to be set over and apart from Life. The use of the mind to generate AS IF is clearly reflected back to us now as the 'computer modelling' taken as the reality itself and protected against empirical evidence or indeed true witness.
The self-image and Model, protected from truth is the pattern pointed to in the symbol of the Fall or Separation.
As long as you only 'think about' you only bring information into your 'model' or narrative identity, as a means to reinforce possession and control as ITS continuity at expense of the actual field, terrain or energy and information of its sustaining and support.
I am offering a sketch of how an anti-life agenda operates within a dissociation believed real and defended against a reintegration that is all very well to call waking up, but is not at all what the narrative sense of self might project into or wish for as its ideal - in the frame of its own limited and limiting conflicts of thought and purpose.
To say the Universe is not hostile is not at all apparent to the physically limited or locked down, distanced and masked sense of self and life - that then perceives its world and relations through the lens of its own alienation from Universal Awareness - which is not in a body or defined by the form of its expression and is therefore outside the capacity for the locked-down mind of the masking narrative dictate, to conceive or perceive. For it was made or invoked to 'make you safe' from trauma or overwhelm of self-conflict, by a denial that casts out to get rid of - and has been reiterating this 'service' ever since.
You are not limited to or defined by the lockdown of your mind to your body and world, but by your will to persist in taking your identity from its dictate - which is tyrannous even as it 'delivers' a seeming freedom. But every 'solution contains the problem it was seeking to evade, escape or overcome, and these 'denials' grow as instabilities and conflicts requiring always more 'control' or limitation in order to save us' from full Disclosure. To the fear defined sense of life, the 'unknown' is feared with the contents of all that has been pushed down or suppressed and denied and demonised - so as to operate as Winston Smith's Room 101. And so the way to a true solution is to recognise and release investment in fear-defined thinking, so as to free awareness in which to look AT it for the feedback that it yields us when no longer running its script.
Likewise reading our World to re-cognise our own denied Self, Life and true Relation.
Freedom is relational.
the attempt to USE a relationship to GET for a 'separate' self or GET RID of the toxic debts and denials of such denial and dissociation renders our relationships (and world) unrecognisable.
A stranger in a strange land. A split off sense of love under alien will or hostile world.
I sketch out these things to those who are not so addicted and invested in conflict as the frame of their own life or salvation. But the willingness to listen outside the 'locked down judgements' is where the mind can be aligned in the heart of stillness. I say stillness but there is nothing 'static' to the source of all polarity in expression.
If you are not truly apart from Life that Is - then there is an integral inherence of being that is you, that is in a sense within you but by nature of conflicted self and world, discarded, unheeded, overlooked, and rendered 'invisible' not least by a 'control' mind interjecting as if the doer and achiever of a life that is Always a relational expression.
The answer to insanity is not how to overcome it, but how to release it as the focus and basis from which to live. Uncovering a true foundation as our contextual responsibility for our lives, action and endeavours, is yielding a thought of control masking as freedom, to the Thoughts that join us with all that Is. There is no symbol or idea for a wholeness in all its parts one, and one in all its parts. But we recognise the qualities of its expression as true current - and currency of transformational exchange.
Perhaps we cannot help but initially clothe the resonance of our being in symbols and narratives of perfection or ideals set in image and form.
But grasping or masking in the forms of life is a hollow parody of a failure to grasp and possess Life that also seems to despoil our experience and condition us to lack-driven scarcity seeking control.
We have tried to do it 'my way' and have our result. An artist has to learn how to get out of the way to all that truly moves us, so as to become the instrument of a living desire. The art of living is as we are truly moved, called and inspired to be, but the call to a self-gratification set in roles or narratives of self vindication masks over a sense of self-lack that can never truly rest in fulfilment even it is seeming victories. There is no peace in it.
How can we clearly discern or determine what is here going on and how to be with it if we are pushed and pulled from a true presence by the stamp of fear reiterating its past onto the present into the future. A true peace is the centre that embraces and extends all polarised expression.
This is not a person or a mask - but an already Condition to uncover, recognise and align in.
Love is the capacity to be with what is to the point of recognising truth. If we short change ourselves, we generate false currencies and gain a 'world' at cost of a truly lived and shared awareness.
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