Thursday 24 October 2019

A Googleplex of Quantum Supremacy 
(Unposted as the site wasn't open to UK posts)

PR works its own influence by passing off as true - often by insinuation.
If Google indeed has such 'supremacy' it would be in the realm of National Security interests to all regions of jurisdiction and therefore incorporated into the National Security interests of its host nation.
Then any Press release would itself be under the jurisdiction of 'Intelligence' services to serve its own sense of purpose or agenda.
The 'Deep State' is not so much deep as deeply hidden behind all sorts of fronting organisations, corporations, media and vectors of influence toward gaining possession of control by means that would never be tolerated openly, unless of course it only comes out into the open as a takeover from inside by stealth - not unlike parasitic infections changing the biochemistry and behaviours of its host.
'Deliver unto evil' is the hidden subtext to promises of a sense of false self-empowerment.
What does it profit a man to gain control of a world if it costs relational honesty freedom?
Relational freedom is not algorithms of definition and control.
Do as you would be done to because you shall receive the measure of your giving.

Weaponising and marketising technology as well as communication itself is wreaking destruction. Fear attracts parasites.

They come in by your trojan horse.

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