Thursday 24 October 2019

Nutritional disinfo is malnutrition

Why blanket all studies as 'a hot, steaming pile of contradictory nonsense'?  I am not seeking to save the bathwater  but the baby.

If you were to research pubmed for studies on Vit D for example you would find probably thousands that show very clear evidences for benefit and no less clear evidences for vit D deficit strongly associated with harm. But the media for the most part will cherry pick only fraud studies to create alarm for Vit D overdose. And regulate dose levels that may keep rickets at bay but may not allow a sufficiency for resilience against disease. Look up deaths for Vit D (=0?) and then look up deaths from legal doctoring - iatrogenic disease comes in third in the US as cause of death. Death from chemo is not recorded by the way.

The very nature of 'studies' is fraught with issues and - like toxic debt - much of the 'literature' is garbage but no one knows which - or they wont tell. Science has been corporately captured since its investors used technologically derived wealth to exercise overwhelming leverage in all walks of life.

So its all well and good to bring a critical mind to the peer review publishing of selected funded studies whose total parameters are not always transparent and whose conclusions can often contradict their own data. Dr Malcolm Kendrick's 'Doctoring the Data' looks at some of this use of studies and a compliant if not hostage media to effectively run a racket on a global scale that indeed is concerned to regulate the supply of toxic foods and medicals as a state mandate.

What is called for then is not to add more hot steaming judgements into an already confused and herded public but a re-education in self-responsibility. Disinfo is aimed at undermining such a capacity to make decisions and live by them in place of blind faith in a scientism that masks over weaponisation and marketisation - with systemic rationale that destroys us in the name of saving us.

Control of food supply reminded me of this quote from Myths, Lies and Oil wars - by F. William Engdahl: 
  "Rising pressures are necessary to hasten the day when population is stabilized. Pressures can be increased by reducing food production, reducing health services, and reducing industrialization"  ~ (Jay Forrester, in 'World Dynamics').

Note that Food is nutrition but many foods are so lacking nutrition such that obese people may be suffering malnutrition.
Malnutrition - includes psychic-emotional disconnection - and undermines resilience to toxicity that is often treated as if infection - where infection is one of the body's means to clear a toxic condition.

The 'ministry of truth' is for the purpose of the lie's sustainability. One needn't argue or be exasperated with an offensive defence. It is not listening for anything but the means to use what you reveal to serve its agenda. If you pitch in emotional reaction you will dilute a full feeling presence of true witness.

There is a war - but it is founded in deceit to feed on emotional conflict - and so can only be undone there by bringing the conflict to the light of a moment of calm awareness. For which we need only be actively willing - regardless the symptoms.
the basis of deceit is to bait reaction to its framing. To look at the frame, we need to OWN our reaction as our current consciousness.

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