Thursday, 24 October 2019

Deceit can hide in and thus corrupt the forms of anything

Capitalists accept rights of property but many 'capitalists' are willing to steal or deny others their right under regulatory monopolistic control - which can be extended to the idea of a corrupt monarch or state that operates to enrich itself and its cronies by overriding the natural rights of citizens or subjects. It is this overriding or denial that results in the equal opposite reaction of the intent to overthrow a corrupt system - and yet both operate the same belief in power to get or take from - as a basis of having.

There are balance points that hold the stability and workability of any system - but in humans the balance point is found within the heart - as the resonance to the zero point - rather than identification in polarising and exclusive action and reaction. Or as systemic attempts to impose a balance of powers without reference to the underlying and dynamic causes of imbalance.

Scarcity likely set the mind into its 'reptilian loop' of a permanent fight-flight response. But the deliberate imposition or artificial generation of scarcity is the intent to dominate and in effect subjugate or capture other to dependency.

While diamonds flaunt wealth - and so are in demand by those who want to be seen to have or be associated with wealth - the primary control resources are energy - such as oil. Having just read 'Myths, Lies and Oil Wars by F.William Engdahl' I can more clearly see that it is not possession itself that is sought but control of distribution and use. In other words keeping circulation limited to maintain high value through which to leverage control.

Deceit can hide behind rights of property just as it can hide in rights of association in solidarity.

Deceit actively operates to hide and deny a commonwealth by assertion of lack, grievance and revenge. This is also known as judgement (over life) - as distinct from discernment within life).

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