Sunday, 16 June 2019

Slow down, you move too fast!

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This is an excellent witness to the deceits of the mind set against the knowing of the heart - that can only be felt or rise as awareness in silence of unconflicted being.

The mind gives power to the mind (thinking) and generates 'realities' of its own spin that effectively phish the identity of giving attention and focus there. Invested identity in the false and conflicting generates a 'negative creation' or anti-life experience of struggle against unified awareness as the expression of the wish-belief of possession and control.

While the human 'world' is an ever more complex defence/entanglement of debt and depletion set under the marketisation and weaponisation of 'possession and control' - it remains at root a mind-spin given power - or in old terms a false god (self or reality). However the only true release of a false god is in wholly attending and aligning in the true - while the temptation to deny, attack and hate the false is its secret source of fuel - because a negative attention is no less supportive to its reinforcement than a positive - and thus the 'politics' of polarised identity-entanglements is the battery or fuel cell from which to induce allegiance, conformity and compliance to the hidden framework of 'separation' or mind-dissociation in its own fragmentation.

Todays OG post resonates with my morning reading:

Inner Teacher: Today I want to tell you how to awaken from the dream. It isnt a mystery, and anyone can awaken when he is ready. He simply will not awaken  until then, but his time dreaming can be spent preparing himself to be ready. This  is the purpose of devotion. Devotion is willingly awakening to what has always  been true by leaving everything else behind.

Devotion is a slow process. I do not mean to say it will take many, many lifetimes  to wake up through devotion. I mean to say that devotion is a slow process now in every moment. It slows time by slowing the mind. And with practice,  experience becomes richer. You might liken it to enjoying a fullRflavored meal  more when each bite is taken slowly and held in the mouth while you enjoy the  richness of its flavor. This is how life becomes when the busyness of the mind is  absent and does not interfere.
The mantra will help to slow the mind and pull focus inward, which is devotion.  This is because the Heart is within, but the mind is without. When one is focused  on the Heart, one sees all things from within. One enjoys all experiences from a  point of certainty that is within. But when one is focused on the mind, one is  focused without. Without is a delusion of chaos made by staying without and  refusing to live from within.
So as you see, you do have a choice.
~ (Teachings of the Inner Ramana)

How does the mind terrorise (itself) into NOT slowing down and connecting?
By emotionally conditioned sympathy or antipathy or fear framed manipulation.
Regardless the 'science' of any assertion, its framing can be discerned by anyone who is awake to listen rather than already reactively invested.

The mind aligns in true function as the embodiment and expression of the heart of true or whole desire - which is the need to give, share or extend itself as the current or movement OF being - TO Itself.
Blocking function generates dissonance or pain such as to sooner or later ripen a crisis of awakened responsibility. The ingenuity of the mind in packaging toxic debt in complex instruments of seeming value or appeal is that of avoidance and delay. We are running out of time - and of consciousness - as a willing sacrifice to denial seen as power of possession and control. However, the deconstruction of the self-illusion serves its illumination AS a self-deceit (regardless the actors and agencies involved).

Looking Within AND Without as one - is the releasing of a spell or fixation in 'Without' - as the escape from conflict within. Conflict within is 'separation trauma' however packaged and presented to a narrative continuity of the will to persist in self-evasion' in the name of image and symbols of the true that thereby become hollow and destructive or life denying.

The drive to validate (or vindicate) our 'self' stems from a sense of self-lack pictured out in fig-leaf thinking in fear of exposure to truth - and renders 'truth' in terms or frame of illusion. Wholeness is not attained by division given power.

While much could be said about the development of an 'anti-life' sense of power from denial, it will mostly feed the fear of pain of loss of life rather than re-mind a re-membering as one with Life.
But it may be that until the cost of a mis-identification is truly FELT and known as an insanity or meaninglessness - it will not be released in the Call for sanity that is natural to being in dissonance.

Trying to 'wake the dead' is futility, but aligning in and attending the Living is the gift or release and being released of a futility. A living death is an unconsciousness of life under a substitution of thought, feeling and experience that is an identity or worldview. A golem or robotic set of reactive conditioning to systemic control set under tyranny of believed and perceived necessity or 'survival' under threat.

The true nature of the 'threat' needs to be re-evaluated from a willingness to accept healing (wholeness) - by which the simplest movement of curiosity finds answer that the most ingenious complexity cannot allow. The 'mind' would short-circuit or subvert this as the intent to frame itself as a directive to fix others perceived as lacking - instead of leaving the bait to such reaction hanging, and let the moment  and movement be from wholeness and gift wholeness. Regardless any addictive fixation in thinking. learn to give disregard for what no longer speaks for you or serves who you now recognize and accept yourself to be. You have this freedom as you give this freedom. But this releases the ILLUSION of possession and control to free willing - in place of manipulative overriding of the will by fear and tyrannous dictate that becomes systemic denial of all that truly Lives and Moves.

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