Sunday, 16 June 2019

Under a false sense of protection

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Many people seek to feel secure or protected by powers or shields that convey a psychological belief in benefit regardless that the protection is false. So if one dies of chemotherapy it is assigned to the cancer. Dying of AZT was assigned to AIDS. Reasonable estimates rate the adverse vaccine reactions to be extremely under reported - and hence assigned to something else. Likewise many people seek to heal or help others by offering well intentioned or believed support that may help or may harm - or both. Some people seek to take advantage of others fears and promote fear so as to sell the answer.

John D Rockefeller (the elder) sold crude oil as a cancer cure - as a travelling salesman (Nujol) before changing it to a constipation cure, run as a settled business. 'Rockefeller medicine' is another term for pharmaceuticals. The financial, energy and oil cartels and their extended networks of dominance and influence became more powerful than any government or regulator and effectively farm human sickness, debt and war through back doors in politics, science, education and any other sphere of influence. It isn't just seeking profit, but runs captured revenue streams and a captured mindset or socially engineered society. It is now seeking total energy control through the back door by means of socially engineered environmental guilt. The basis is that corporate lawlessness incurs toxic consequence that the population are induced to pay for in scarcity and deprivation as in sickness and war.

However, many of such a public are induced to do so under a sense of averting a greater evil, and thus mitigate their sense of guilt, hate and powerlessness by rituals and beliefs that serve the corporate agenda's capacity to persist in lawlessness (fraud, corruption and pollution) as part of survival of a 'sustainable business model' providing access to the status and privileges of wealth and networks of influence. Lawyers working for big money or financial power are drafted to set up a regulatory capture of society such that nothing can really rival or compete with a cartel power or power class that only seems to compete - or only competes in limited agreed arenas.
'Competition is a sin' - Nelson Rockefeller.

Corporate alliances and combinations are not in and of themselves an evil - so much as becoming effectively out of range of any real accountability save token sacrifices to maintain appearances or plausible deniability in the face of adverse publicity.
And all of us are for the most part almost completely dependent on corporate services and management for almost all our needs and wants not least by the use of technologism to set up apparent expansions or progress that turns to dependency and powerlessness.

i write to sketch a bigger picture than good v evil - because much that seems good is a false promise that turns sour, and much that seems bad is simply choosing not to give allegiance to the current set of 'good ideas' or narrative assertions. If ideas and actions demand sacrifice of freedom in exchange for a presumed or promised benefit or escape from penalty of pain of loss - then they are false.
If vaccinations were as safe and effective as they are asserted to be, there would be no fear of critical investigations or scientific accountability. Easier then to forcefully assert the science is 'settled' or that a consensus exists that sets deviation as deviant. This is entirely a political ruse or manipulation that masks in science so as to assume a mantle of authority.

Part of the nature of corporate and institutional investment in a scientific model, is a defended identity set against threat of change rising from new discovery, while paying lip service to science, service or communication under fear of loss activated into patterns of evasion and denial.

By the way children do not choose to vaccinate - still less babies newly born. This is a parental choice that is increasingly socially and even legally mandated by a one sided 'debate' - ie there is none allowed, encouraged or supported. Vaccine 'hesitancy' and 'vaccine preventable diseases' are part of the mind-control or PR that seeks to frame the issue in such a way as to disallow any other mind than what is inoculated into the public. 'Post truth politics' is the dark arts of deceit and manipulation - all in a 'good cause' of course. or rather always justified by being set against a greater evil or fear. The mind is ingenious in the art of evasion and self justification.

“No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is NEITHER TO CONVINCE NOR EVEN TO PERSUADE, BUT TO PRODUCE A UNIFORM PATTERN OF PUBLIC UTTERANCE in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.” ~ Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Attributed to Mark Twain

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