A bit of a tired repetition chimed at the Daily Bell - champions of the free marketeers
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Capitalism has often been designated as the least worst of available evils, but it is a catch-all term that has many facets.
is all about power. About fear and guilt and the self-protective
defenses that become the very thing we thought to defend against.
What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his Soul?
does it profit a man to scam others into losing their Soul for the
promise of a future that never comes - or is over in an instant?
What profits us is determined by what we define ourself to be - in relation to our Life, our world and each other.
These definitions are the scripts by which manipulators lose their Soul for the lead role on a stage set for fools.
Ultimately we do unto ourselves - but in the 'mean-time' we seem to get at ANOTHER's expense.
win relationship remains available - but winning from the loss of
others has become the modus operandi. It all comes home to roost - not
as a punishment - but as an opportunity to choose anew.
While the
terms of choice are set by a false premise, only powerlessness is on
offer. The power that seduces and corrupts is powerlessness in exquisite
disguise. The power of illusion is the opportunity for creative freedom
- but the illusion of power is the denial of creative spontaneity and
appreciation, in favour of the worship of achievement and self-will.
once hoodwinked we do not recognize the nature of our mis-invested
identity. Steal a loaf and get jailed. Steal a kingdom and be called
king. Steal the mind and become a god who lets fools rule by whatever
system they will - for they all depend on your dictates and come to you
for power and rescue.
The addiction to power uses whatever serves
and has no allegiance to any persons or ideas beyond the term of their
usefulness. As long as this mindset of rules 'rules', powerlessness is
the presumption from which all follows on. To break the spell rather
than recast it in a new disguise calls for the 'cold turkey' of the
Soul. But it isn't the Soul that is in turmoil ... only the idol or
image of it that the mind has stolen as it own precious specialness.
the mask of relative innocence is the mask of guilt. Beneath the mask
of guilt is a perfect Innocence that the mask of guilt was made to hide.
But you cant have it without sharing it. Perfectly hidden to that which
wants it so!
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