Tuesday 23 July 2013

Porn, society, censorship and Angels

Cameron is getting tough on internet porn, so is a Fantasy Tsar now going to decide what's acceptable?

(An Independent article that I could not get this comment to insert into)

The once private aspects of our mind - of our collective mind - is becoming public.
Some of this are desires that are socially unacceptable or surrounded by taboo, inhibition and dare I say it - a relational consensual willingness.
Some are simply a wandering fascination in what is still 'taboo', out of bounds, hidden from sight, as if one were private in the act of looking.

The mind conditions itself by what you use it for. If you cultivate an appetite for fantasy 'satisfactions' in porn or shopping or any other realm of activity, then you cultivate a mode of private personal control that you get a 'hit' from and then a miss - or a trough in which to look again for the 'hit'. Not everyone has an obsessive addictive approach. Some can spread their addiction across many private satisfactions, like a gourmet, and keep also there actual relational life in some degree of balance. This is like having a compartment or many compartments for different aspects of your personality - but not losing cohesion among them so as to become dissociated in the sense of clinically insane.

What fantasy does by definition, is substitute for actuality. Escape into fantasy is an expression of a lack of joy in the currently framed moment of existence. The uncovering of a pattern of virtual self in its own made up story is a breadcrumb trail of reintegration - if reintegration, peace and joy is actually the accepted desire.
In ultimate sense true being is not damaged by anything because all the ideas by which such experience was had are ideas that are chosen and experienced. But the mind can seem to become victim to its own ideas and suffer as if compelled and victim to forces beyond its control. At this level, trust is the uncovering of an integrity of being that is both ground and guide. What you give out is what you get back - always, without exception. This is a current reality - of what you are currently putting out being the nature of what is reflected as experience. but the surface mentality that identifies a sense of personal control as survival and sanity is by default in denial of its so called 'unconsciousness'. So we are as ones "who know not what they do".
Beneath the surface, beneath the fear and guilt which taboos against looking within, is the be ing of love- apparently suffering the fantasy of our collective 'reality'. But within the loving nature of what we have mostly forgot, is the Angelic realm. One simply stops energizing the jamming chatter, to let a natural whole Communion/communication resume in an awareness that was momentarily distracted by grasping at some image or object or experience as if it could or need be possessed.

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