Saturday, 24 September 2011

Lawlessness, fear and a greater Embrace

(This originally started out as a response to 'Why don't we riot more? on a BBC site. As ever, I look to the underpinnings rather than the effects themselves. There are negative cooperations in which we mitigate or dampen the liabilities of war and conflict that are strategies of self seeking by mutual agreement - yet without any actual joining of heart, any intimacy of life shared). Then there is an idea of law as emanating from an Innate and abiding Wholenes and Sanctity of life - such as the law of Moses - which is not simply utility - but to serve as a stability for a more conscious life in alignment with - rather than in opposition to - revealed truth. Not as revealed or determined by man - but as revealed in the heart of one who trusts beyond their own works or the experience of their own ideas reflected. Practice of such receptivity is spontaneous movement of life - and is not dependent on religious beliefs or concepts - which arise from such pure experience and yet tend to become substitute for realisation. As images that distract from what cannot be defined.

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It might seem that the fear rules the world because, ‘getting’ and ‘getting away with and not ‘getting’ caught are secretly enshrined in the heart and mind of man. When getting by force of will meets overwhelming opposition, strategies arise in the mind and evolve - born of the wish to prevail at least temporarily - as a life against overwhelming forces that can not finally be overcome or resolved - except perhaps by death!

But the true Power of love embraces the world, despite all experience of a fearful & coercive self-seeking that blindly attacks its own Source & Self. Its Guidance discerns from a true Peace of wholeness, as the basis of law of sameness, (Golden Rule) and law of oneness (Love). True Law is held in the heart. Coercion undermines heart-trust & ever demands more 'control'. But such insanity calls for healing, not feeding.

IndaUK replied:
If your day job involves writing lyrics for pop stars, well done, keep the words flowing.
I think you'll find, when you look closely, the only law that counts is not God-fearing-love but the law of the jungle. The first law, your golden rule, is eat or be eaten. Feed yourself or you will become food.
The weak have be gnawed to death. The fat will be eaten next.

To IndaUK 89:
Our thoughts are what we currently accept true for us. As we do accept, so do they program our perception and experience. Such fearful 'mind' as you indicate is to be uncovered - but it is a veneer of confusion that can be undone; healed, If you will. Apart from Love's reality, there can only be the mad scramble to 'get from' or avoid being deprived, even if civilly managed. Mind can deceive!

When life happens different than we expect, we seek to ‘regain control' by our thinking. But what IS to happen is NOT under our thinking-control, which reactively reenacts 'old tapes' BUT we can respond truly from a present discernment of life as it is. Everything in the ego-mind works to AVOID being still and simply knowing - such as to live out from a shared presence of life. A Prodigal waste!

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