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in response to the themes in:
Reductive physical determinism represents the assignment of Causation to external factors producing physical effects (That extend or multiply a chain of cause and effect).
This negates, discards or downplays the psychic element of a psycho-physical experience - albeit perceived through a dark glass of its own thinking.
Because such a 'consciousness' or definitional posture is socially, culturally and economically normalised, it runs invisible BUT for its effects or fruits of experience.
Yet conflicts, incongruences & dissonances are effectively remapped to support the original thesis of a separated or encapsulated 'self' seeking externally for connection and sustenance as survival and fulfilment within the frame of mortal threat.
The pattern here is of a life-shock by which a mind is split from it true source and nature to operated from a false or mis-taken inheritance - ie from separation trauma associated with fear of pain and of loss, set in rejection, abandonment, treachery & betrayal.
To the post-separation psyche, nakedness is undefended, and shame is an exposure to lack of having, knowing and being - hence the invocation of the masking defences of the means to distance, divert, displace, deny and obfuscate - a mindset we see more readily in others rather than recognise ourself in.
When fear is projected to a 'solution' by which to scape it from our mind, we give the power of mind to the elements and arena of its premise as a gain of function – to boost the mask of 'defences' by sacrifice of 'conflicted' life to external associations or answers.
That this can relieve temporarily makes it expedient as a temporary measure against overwhelm under fear, but as a basis for protecting conflicts from healing, runs a death wish of refusal to love or give & receive a wholeness of being - at 'cost' of invested identity in defences.
Death wish operates on many levels, such as to take many forms, and a collective loss of joy in being collapses to 'normalised' despair framed in psuedo-community that seems to join while maintaining distance against knowing and being known truly.
But we are sharing in the realm of life-shocks and countermeasures that reveal more threat than the conditions they are purported to defend against.
The experience of operation covid - regardless the shaping of our individual pathways of perception and response - was shocking. The countermeasures were also shocking. The consequences on many levels of our participation in these is shocking, and yet while the shock is active, many symptoms are suppressed. It is as we start to heal or regain perspective that the healing phase or release of shock from our body-mind manifests as symptoms of what our current culture attacks as 'disease' caused by alien or external powers.
Such is the scape-value of the war on 'disease', that it has become systemic as an institutional, corporate and financial capture of the mind that made it. The sacrifice of truth in life for idol, model or invested self image renders itself to a false god of possession as control - by which to become dispossessed of all that we have and know and be.
Not in truth! But in concept of minds set in lies given power to usurp our own recognition, and sharing or extension of true with-ness and worth-ship.
What are the respective life-shocks running through the shock-hyped 'pandemic' and its unfolding of coercive and deceitful countermeasures?
Opening perspective on our being - as distinct from enacting countermeasures of learned or acquired self-interest in the frame of what I wrote above, is not a basis to release from responsibility for criminal acts, but the law for correction of error to the restoring of a true peace needs address underlying social and cultural terrain - else it becomes a mechanism for scapegoating collective blame to socially or politically defined 'diseases' that can be arbitrarily framed by the manipulation of narrative or mythic identity, especially in the mask of science, but clearly generating a market in equally manipulative anti-science identities.
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