Sunday 19 May 2024

The Compleat Angler - A Cast Away

 The Compleat Angler - A Cast Away From Being Caught

in response to the themes in:
by Edward Curtin


Value-fulfilment is integral to being (& thus to being you).
Seeking outside ourselves is a world of conflicting or competing values. But the experience arises from a creative 'casting out' and being caught!
Aligning our giving & receiving has an outer aspect - wherever your focus is actively manifesting-such as sport, or writing as a quest-ionic uncovering of 'deeper fishing' by which to undo or release 'being phished'.
Are we ready to be 'realed in'?
or is there something 'out there' that MUST be different than it is, because we made it an image of self-conflict. How many hoops must a man jump through...
That Gorilla suit attention test comes to mind.
Your mission; count how many times the basketball bounces.
Identity contracts to such an external fulfilment as value 'achieved' - excitement! Don't take your eyes off the ball!
A spotlight hides far more than it illuminates.
Such is an attention to a received situation- whether incisively focused or fragmented and diluted.
A Field-awareness is always and already beneath, prior & embracing our harvest of each according to its kind.

Non duel awareness is not locked down in conflicts seeking external fulfilment but embracing the richness of polarities that might once have been appreciated as life engendered.
My first angling catch was a perch - a stunningly uncategorisable experience that I didn't know how to respond to. It wasn't properly hooked as it wriggled off the bank back into the lake while I stood there like a boy whose first date says "yes". I regained my wits to run and tell my siblings and parents in the pent up excitement that outweighed the 'got away' - "I caught a fish!". None of them believed me, but laughed at me as if nothing had happened ergo I was nothinged.
Themes of our lives repeat like a tapestry in so many different situations and perspectives.
Now I am caught by a life I thought to run off with as mine to win friends & influence people or at least be someone to someone else.
James Carse writes in 'Infinite Games' that we seek to prove we are not who we think our parents* think we are. You may need to read that again.  (*or other significant placeholders for authority - that are inherently facets of our self).
Casting out is projection. It has been said Man is the measure of all things - or that as a Man thinketh, so he is. Giving and receiving are one without a second, but in time we can seem to scape our unwanted consequence or fruits to others, to world or a life gone wrong-including our bodies.
A Prodigal wasteland is really a reflection of an inner landscape or terrain - like factory pharmed humanimals or laboratory experience.
All truths can be misused or 'taken in vanity' as a permission slip to mask agenda in covert identities judged real. yet all that we deny or 'kill' thereby now lives within us as the shadow to a right to be seen, honoured and accepted.
It is fashionable to say 'everything is connected', as a cutting edge science in search of a Spiritual connection - or value fulfilment. I'd say that nothing can truly be disconnected, but that we die trying, over & over & over again. A resonant integrity of being need take no thought for itself alone and apart, nor teach another they are what we do or don't need them to be.
Balance points of consciousness are more of a fluidity of renewal within flux than a lockdown to an Ideal by which endless hoops are manifested from failure by design.
Biodiversity of consciousness is aligned purpose of joy in being (and thus being you).
Neither forcing inclusion or exclusion as the fish is one with the current flow of living waters.

I didn't set out to copy - but to join with, which for me always involves a tuning into qualities. I don't mimic other's songs, but give them life through my attunement to the spirit of their being through me. But I have appreciated a 'give & take' or dance of qualities through words and meanings of value appreciated and felt in the singing.
Judgement is a killer instinct. I now see that first fish was a greater gift than if I'd netted it to show my score and claim to title. New eyes to see release a tired world else I let baited react engage in futilities of hype-fully framed netting. Not because action is uncalled forth, but because ungrounded reactions block a true Calling - that cannot be defined externally to 'resolve a past in a future' by sacrifice Now!
I drowned a poisoned & dying mouse once - I'd found it on the lawn. There is a spirit that comes into the release that honours the spirit of life in death - when the mind is not 'charged' with the function of control.

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