Saturday 8 April 2023

The deeper emotional context in the room


 in response to the themes in:


Its often hard to find water of truth in today's dessert of lies, so pointing people to what you think is water, for them to decide for themselves, is a worthwhile endeavor, even if many refuse to even look.

Seems I'm more optimistic than you, based on my take on Milgram experiments -- ~1/3 retain critical thinking skills and ~2/3 bend to perceived authority, with about half of this 2/3 susceptible to influence by the critical thinkers.


By sharing worth, we strengthen and grow it, so of course give as you would (in truth) receive.
Beneath our mind and world of errors omissions & lies is a felt quality of existence that our thinking cant get hold of, but can set in symbols, ideals or models of exploration and experience - as a sense of self-becoming. Representations or symbols are not 'true or false' so much as fit for purpose or not. But taking them as reality itself sets a lie and the father of it, for now the idol or the model tells us what we must think. This is coercive experience of limitation. Yes we can assign the dissonance to past, to others, to faulty, weak and susceptible bodies, or treacherous minds but the primary error is a mis-taken identity, phished by our own image and thought.
So it isn't that I am pessimistic or cynical, but that an addict has to 'bottom out' before he or she can 'look within' to find what was feared or hated to be true (of self) was never so. There is another basis for living in the world we map and model or uncover to wonder at and wander in, but it cannot be given or taught to those who are insistent that they already know, and that life is set in emotionally invested judgements set too big to fail.
Context is everything, and despite our posturing of independence we have a primary conditioning of belonging for survival, and rejection as loss of self and life. So if everyone else acts to a 'reality' we don't see, we may mask in it while seeking further evidences as to what is happening. This can then become a 'face' to maintain against an experience of social conflict. Many are content to lead their own life in the role of follower that uses others who are set up or disposed to take the lead - while it suits them, but to reverse roles as the take-down or subjugation of a leader when they don't lead where followers want to go.
The desire for unconsciousness or a bubble of protected self and life from raw conflicts, adjusts and adapts within the limitations such evasions  inherently impose. As a path of depletion and diminishing returns, set in rigidifying structures - or strictures.
The nature of deep fear set in conflicts of emotional pain can set a life to choose suicide (overtly or covertly as giving up the will to live under official channels) rather than move through pain to a deeper joy or wholeness of being.
So I am moved to align in the call to renewal in life that can yet reach to any whose love for life finds them despite, regardless or because of an (dissociating) insanity set in fear of pain, loss or humiliation.

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