Thursday 6 April 2023

Vaccine Risks or Benefits - Beneath the appearances


in response to the themes in:

 amidwesterndoctor's substack article:

What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccines have provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to answer this question.



People have to operate within or at the edges of their current belief system.
there are loads of things in supermarkets I no longer regard as food, which shrinks it to a specific few items.
I don't subscribe to the pathological medical model - including nano agents hacking cells to make more nano agents to go forth and multiply - migrate and mutate as they go - without any characteristic of a living agency.
This since before the covid operation, for medicine is the Trojan horse of our times and the most popular way to die (unofficially - I mean who dies from chemo?)
BUT - our beliefs serve purpose for us or they would fall off.
It is that facet of the medical market and modelling that I feel more significant than the behaviours that automatically follow.

I read a v good piece recently. I'll quote a bit of:

"The present medical profession is sadly hampered because of its own beliefs. Often it operates as a framework in which poor health and disease are not only accepted as normal, but the concepts behind them strengthened. Here you have again, as in psychoanalysis, a hide-and-seek arrangement in which both doctor and patient take part. (See Chapter Two.)
Both believe they need the other, of course. Behind this is the psychic pattern of beliefs in which the patient often assigns to the doctor the powers of knowledge and wisdom that his beliefs have taught him he does not have. Knowing otherwise, the patient still wants to consider the doctor omnipotent.
Upon the patient a doctor often assigns and projects his own feelings of helplessness against which he combats. The interactions continue with the patient trying to please the doctor, and at best merely changing from one group of symptoms to another. Far too often the doctor shares the patient's unshakable belief in poor health and disease.
Not only this, but the medical profession often provides blueprints for diseases, and the patient too often tries them on for size. This is not to say that the medical profession often is not of great aid and benefit, but within the value system in which it operates much of its positive influence is negated.
Because they are held in such high esteem, the suggestions given by doctors are paid particular attention. The patient's emotional condition is such that he or she readily accepts statements made under such circumstances less critically than usual.
The naming and labelling of "diseases" is a harmful practice that to a large extent denies the innate mobility and ever-changing quality of the psyche as expressed in flesh. You are told that you have "something." Out of the blue "it" has attacked you, and your most intimate organs, perhaps. You are usually told that your emotions or beliefs or system of values have nothing to do with the unfortunate circumstances that beset you."

(This is from The Nature of Personal reality by Jane Roberts)
I don't put it to be agreed with or believed but to reflect and consider your own questions or observations.

If the belief in vaccine protection is strong enough NOT having it becomes dangerous.
Of course the intervention may be dangerous but as notable with covax, believers are grateful to be saved more severe symptoms.
This invites asking what the believed protection is actually protecting.
Fear of the unknown generally receives the deepest fears from our earliest experience - before we developed conscious articulation or reflection. Like Orwell's Room 101. Many may choose death or madness as escape from terror set in naked defencelessness to pain of loss.
"And WHO told you you were naked?" - said the Lord.
Masking solutions repackage the problem so as to redistribute psychic energies. IE Blaming gives a relief or feel-good release - but the conflict itself is not addressed - only a narrative shaping of responsibility. As we escape responsibility so we pile up 'treasures' of conflicts pushed out to others, to world and to a past that all stamp us into conditioned responses - robots.

BTW we are never looking at an isolated anomaly. The patterns are within our psyche, so we start to see that we 'do this' or are framed to see and react by beliefs and definitions running as perceived or even self-evident reality. IE Anyone who won't take covid "vaccine" must be insane, is not hard  to find examples of - even now.

As psyop is in my humble opinion the nature of the beast, the most fundamental issue is a regaining of integrity by which to become either immune, or actively learning from susceptibilities that reveal themselves, for there is the experience from which to ask better questions, grow and learn of life - which is joyful because it is reintegrating who we truly are instead of doubling down in what we thought or even greatly feared to be - but are not.

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