Friday 7 April 2023

Addressing fundamental errors in our active, running and protected beliefs


 in response to the themes in this comment in it themes at

What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccines have provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to answer this question

Much evidence indicates there is wide variation across batches (eg, the 3 non-overlapping toxicity tests done on US population in 2021, without their knowledge, as observed in VAERS database by Paardekooper). And to keep such variations -- and other useful details, like what you note -- from distracting us from holding the guilty accountable in a timely manner, we need to take the criminals down quickly by staying focused on the basic, fundamental egregious flaws in mRNA technology first (rest would come next).

Is important to act quickly as the evildoers are moving all human vaccines to mRNA, without proper testing -- when all are unsafe, as explained by Dr Bhakdi in Refs. But sadly, it seems MDs/attorneys are unwilling to fight such crimes with the long-established and very solid immunological principles noted by Dr Bhakdi. Expect this approach is off-limits, per those pulling the strings from behind the curtain, hence distractions galore.


I (at first) thought (john) was giving focus to the fraud of the sealed system of 'ascended science' running as the playbook or manual of mRNA technology aka Global Gold Rush.
So while I don't doubt a spanner in the works, or wrench in the gears, i don't accept 'science' just because billions of dollars are focuses in framed and directed and often dark/defence 'research'. Specifically toward the establishing/imposing of a global bio-security state - that actually means globally enforced bio-insecurity status.

The guilt is part of an extreme dissonance that is intolerable to bear and so there is a need to discharge or dump it out. Manipulators work emotional energies from a cold calculating dissociation set in 'right or claim to power'.

The need I align with is the correction of the error, which calls for truly addressing rather than engaging in false-flag diversion or displacement to masking deceits or cover stories.

The fundamental errors are in our active, running and protected beliefs - yet to most of us, these are accepted and operating as IF self-evident reality in which we have staked an invested identity for some level of payoff.

In principle, lies are being given power or priority over feared disclosure as being without worth, validity or substance.
In this sense the Emperor's New Robes are constantly re-woven as the mind of the means to 'see' them. For we are all stakeholders in social masking defences, dependencies and of ideas set in conflict for ascendency.

The defence I see being played out is to run every kind of conflicting polarity of emotional reaction and investment, so as to effectively undermine capacity to tell real from unreal. In this context I am obliged to seek a discernment within life - as a felt or intuitive honesty or self-responsibility for my own experience.
This can also be recognised in terms of energy and presence prior to thinking that can then be evaluated for it relevance and resonance to a desire to heal or correct errors that persist in patterns  of fear pain and loss as the 'new solution' - which always dictates terms of prioritising an emotionally framed reaction without pausing or even stopping to check in at the heart - in a grounded presence of a capacity to recognise anomalies that invoke genuine question of native curiosity - rather than combative questioning of a need to be right over hated or feared wrongs or indeed evils (intolerable outcomes).
I write into the overall - and underlying themes - and just happened to have alighted in a part of your comment that served this particular reflection.
To check an active ongoing harm is indeed needed. But without grounded perspective we can waste efforts in tragic misdirection.
I trust that you are where you need to be in your own determinations. Our purpose aligns our thought, perception and outcomes.

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