Saturday 10 December 2022

Luciferase in Biotech & its namesake


 in response to the themes in:


Consider the shift from clinical sickness requiring empirical facts to 'syndromes' set in biomarkers setting diagnosis by adjustable 'tests' rigged to definitions that spin out of a black box science of a self-regulating elitism.
In other words question the veracity of 'the science' ESPECIALLY when funded by huge investments that not only seek a profit, but a platform through which to operate.
From 'virology/immunology' to 'genetic modifications' to biofield hacks.

The ability to use biomarkers is set in narratives based on heavily funded and often dark science - ie spun out of defence research to corporate 'application'.

Perhaps you believe viruses have been found to operate as sold, but even so you must be able to see that belief generates an ideological capture.
So there may be something in cellular debris that 'spike'-protein can be assigned to, but it didn't come from a whole virus as purported. It preceded the construct of the gene sequence from which it is suppose to have derived. So how can mRNA 'work' to make 's-protein' - for example.

I am suggesting a deeply set series of fallacies on which a framework of experienced meanings are be-lived real, by reactions that 'deliver to the physician'. That is 'Luciferian' in terms of guilting or gaslighting as a means to possess and control the living as a source of vengeance on life.

How many see the lie on which the world of control set in fear and conflict operates?
But then to truly see is release, but to set the lie as a mystery cloaked in terror, is to believe it the source of life; the way it works, the stamp of a mind by hate. In other words a self-reinforcement of what we are looking WITH.

Well done for picking the strands out and honouring each for its contribution.
Both the religious and the scientific mind can serve the masking of truth even while seeming to seek it. But deep dissonance needs to be brought to light, rather than used to invoke light as a weapon. For when we would make truth a weapon, we run off with a false light, that reveals only to conceal - as endless hoops or rabbit holes by which to 'seek truth' but never find.
The mind of defence is ingeniously evasive to capture the belief we have eradicated it.
But only love is truly creative. Fear makes shifting illusions by which to 'keep us in the game'.
That illusions have only the power we give them, is hardly powerless to the mind made by believing.

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