Sunday 4 December 2022

False framed - Why not Both And...?


 in response to the themes in: Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?


When an issue is framed in such terms, I feel disinterested in participating in its terms.
Mass formation is a coined term for emotionally driven mind-capture as narrative framed identity.
Conflict in the mind are never in one alone, but expressions of a shared field of unconscious resonance.
That I can articulate some of this does not reveal it nor enable me to claim freedom for myself alone or apart.
Truth reveals only to an honesty of relationship, which in our terms will involve a release of a masking dishonesty set in defences that are for the most part internalised, invisible and running subconscious as habit strategies.
So where is our self and world in what I said so far?
As inherited and acquired conditioning its split runs as causal but masked over.
As an experience its result reflects and reinforces its cause.
Yet within our lives run conflicted and conflicting thoughts, beliefs and purposes - including attempts of All the king’s horses and all the king’s men to maintain a mask of control, continuity and unity. And such is the overhead in unconsciousness and taxes as to leave little free attention for receiving and sharing in anything outside the terms and conditionings of personally nested social rules and filters of security or support relative to an arena of conflict whose core holds archetypal patterns of separation trauma, that can be now articulated as forms of rejection, abandonment, treachery, betrayal, shame, and corresponding defences or coping substitution, but were laid down prior to the development of a mind that is predicated in and by such defences.

So where in this is agency or freedom of will to align in truth that heals and corrects error in ourselves and others? In our present and our past, such as to release the stamp of a past set in grievance to receive future of unbounded potential as our true inherence of being?
It is not in understanding about, taken as knowledge, and applied as a narrative as if to nudge or frame life into order - but in this specific situation given in faith to an awareness that is not our manufacture, but the source of life as one through the whole. In practice this can be likened to pause reaction, so as to listen at the heart in a moment of stillness for connection at a level of knowing that is entirely qualitative - or directly felt or known yet through the situation and to it, so as to run prior to conditioned reactions of a mindset of distancing, masking and attack.

When a masking 'reality' breaks down, it becomes increasing unworkable even in its own terms, such that what was kept hidden or 'cast out' and attacked in the other, can no longer be redefined in a continuity of supplied unconscious for the identity within 'control'. This implicitly offers an opportunity for healing, awakening and reintegration, even while presenting as breakdown to defencelessness against rising threat as loss of control and therefore loss of face to ourselves within deeply unsettling inability to regain or re-assert 'control' without sacrifice of consciousness of integrity or self-honesty. HERE is the choice to NOT choose to deny the life we have and know despite our fear, and this is the release of a groupthink or stake in 'mass formational identity', as a freedom to give attention to the movement of our being, as innate curiosity or freedom to question the questionable. while partaking of a love we have chosen not to deny.
That what we accept we extend is the nature of mind, such that we no longer accept the mask of socially reinforced denials or projective hates as true of us. Or find the habit deeply distressing to allow to run for the sake of 'peace'.
Do the extension in the doings of our lives of a qualitative connection goes forth to gather witnesses and align outcomes, just as did the teaching and learning of a split mind set in evasion or distancing as its 'salvation' from a deeper fear that shall not be known, but masked and attacked in complex defences that teach 'love' demands sacrifice as the means to keep the little that ye hath from the whole of total loss.
There is no substitute for love, nor can All the king’s horses and all the king’s men regain or remake a Golden Age set in and by trauma of loss to seek vindication in vengeance for being denied.
But there is a freedom within being to release the mind of its own mis-creative self-reinforcement, that is ours but for the giving.
But of ourselves alone we cannot give life or even recognise another in life, but must 'join' in substitutions, coded ritual behaviour, wishful acting out of symbols set in mysteries kept obscure.
Eyes to see are not denied us but by an inner dictate running under a blind eye. For believing is seeing, while what we say we believe seeks to mask over what we hate, fear or are ashamed to look on.

Law is rooted in being, by true with-ness given true worth-ship.
False premises set false profits to align as false witness to protect its invested stakeholders.
Attacking the lie and the father of it, is its means of contagion and replication as a 'mind -virus'.
Undoing the basis for the lie to pass off as real, is the result of seeking and loving truth.
Who would make truth a weapon must frame a life in vanity.
But defending awareness of truth is the basis for our sanity.
For without a grounded reference point, a mind spins in its own tale to reap as it sows.



  1. " False framed - Why not Both And...?
    in response to the themes in: Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?"

    One of the comments at that site (see "Mr. Peele") gives you the answer on "why not both?"

  2. I had read that comment before making my own. I also stated Both AND.. - as an indication of an embracing whole that cannot be fitted into either and yet embraces both. The 'murder' of wholeness is set by projecting the conflict out and away from the victim/victimiser–BOTH.
    I join the willingness of seeking truth, but I see no truth in covid, but much induced & managed hysteria, seeking reset to an ideal of total control - as if there ever was.


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