Saturday 10 December 2022

Terrain is True Context

 in response to the themes in:


Any specific expression is of a field or total environment.
We have a 'reality adjuster' of a mind that creates a model of its reality to 'contract into'.
Reality is 'one' - (the one is redundant).
But our imaging projections - given priority as a self-creation generate a 'choice' between imaged meanings of truth and acceptance of truth.
Why do I go 'deeper' than our world?
Because there is a sense in which we 'made a world' to hide in & hide from by contracting to mask a split mind in mutually agreed definitions. Not by bits of paper but by mutually reinforcing self-illusion. So in that sense we are deeply invested stakeholders in an underlying  'war' on reality-feared' and protected by projection of denial cast out to 'others' and to 'world'.
But thoughts do not leave the mind of the thinker, and so there is nowhere 'else' to get rid of denied or ignored Self but unconsciousness that is nested IN the arena of its denial as its filters of experience, and running as if 'conscious'.
But thoughts do not leave the mind of the thinker, and so you never did and never did and never could 'leave' or be rejected from the Mind of your Creator, of which your true expression as a true heart, waits only on welcome and not on time.

There is a meme that we only use a tiny percent of our 'brain/mind', but the reality is we use 100% to create the experience of being tiny, limited, vulnerable and bio-insecure in need of constant boosting via sacrifice to fear masking control as Protector and Guide.

The disempowering of Mind is an 'attack' on reality, but if looked at directly it reveals our power in its ability to set up defence against (our own) reality, as if at the hand of an other.

The pathogen is but one specific representation of the 'reversal of cause and effect' of a virtual image or model running the minds that made it!
So at this level 'terrain' is Context - not just of associated symptoms or effects - but of of an embracing reality denied by the focus on selected effects as causes to the masking or denial of our own participation.

So every experience has an element of usually unconscious participations that can be revealed by willingness to let curiosity move us past the rules and filters of a masking strategy for surviving lovelessness set in fear and guarded by guilt. Likewise abiding through the appearances of lovelessness to the uncovering of a true appreciation, removes support for a gaslighting around an apparent security set in substitutes for a real relationship. Love and science area truly grounded reality. Both are used to mask in - but then our experience of reality is false, hollow and demanding sacrifice to maintain 'control' or save the face of our ego from a real relationship (Reality).

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