Saturday 11 June 2022

Expanding Models posing as Universal

 in response to the themes in comments to

Physics is absolutely fine.
Our model is 'broken' or flawed as a result of false evidences accepted real.
Narrative dictates are not set by science, but by invested stakeholders.
This is what is seriously wrong.
Marketisation and weaponisation of theory makes unnatural selections!
False investments repackaged in complex fudge!
Building on the shoulders of giant...mistakes!

Halton Arp established facts contra to defended dogma on red-shift used as a basis for Big Bang theory.
Electric/Plasma Universe paradigm persists in empirical science - while 'The Science' is sacrificing the capacity to question and find out, for a Model serving egoic reinforcement as the presentation of predictive control' - but after the pride comes the fall.

When I first tuned into Big Bang, I thought - its didn't 'happen' long ago, so much as is Now - the 'Only Thing Happening' - so I must be dab smack in the centre of it - as is everyone and everything else. As the Idea is a representative in quantitative terms of the Infinite - into finite expression (wasnt it first from a Belgian theologian?), it can represent the Infinity Point in every energetic expansion TO a polarised system of relationship to the Whole.
But Compression is simultaneous to expansion, while cycles within nature can oscillate or breathe between the poles.

In human terms a period of compression is where self contradictory conflicts can no longer be 'expanded' as time or space, but must be resolved to a compression of time and space. Self-illusions can no longer be supported, so the unworkable is released, while the seed essence of refined experience, is held as the energy/information complex from which a new expansion spontaneously unfolds.
"It's life Jim, but not as we know it!"
(Thought we knew it).

Q: According to you, what's the greatest unsolved mystery in science?

Mystery framed as 'a problem to be solved' sets science in the false frame of 'Saviour' or Solver to a sense of self-evasion masking as a Seeker & finder of problems to be solved, such that underlying conflicts and contradictions can be protected from Disclosure by further research required, needs more funding, and of course HUGE modelling of drsamatic consequence by which to remain in emply or inndeed in control of a mind that has forgotten what a real question Is.

Q: I wonder if it is possible that what we see when we look away from earth is a reflection rather than infinite objects in space?  I think about what we are expanding into.  It seems there has to be a container of sorts or boundary at some point that holds everything, otherwise what and where is space?  How can it be infinite?  So many questions and sadly none will be answered in my lifetime.

The expression of 'boundary' conditions is itself the Matrix of Communication.
Looking at boundary as distancing separator or container is a polarised or split perspective.
Surfing the wave is a vehicle of the zero or balance point to the summary of force in motion.
If you delay or defer a decision it can be temporarily held within your 'field' even if not in your current focus of attention and awareness.
The Idea of Universe as reflection is the Ancient or pre-scientific perspective.
Materialism effectively makes the external 'Lord'.
But field effects bridge back to the tangibility of underlying qualities that inform and express quantitatively.
How can you be Infinite?
or to put it another way, edgeless and without measure.
Judge not lest ye be judged, or as you give so shall ye receive, or Garbage in; garbage out!

Q: What if the light that’s travelled to us went through heavy gas clouds slowing its speed from different locations, since they’re so far away we can’t prove it hasn’t?

Its often blocked. 99% (ish) of the physical Universe is plasma. This infers that its electrical field pervades and informs all structure.
Plasma physics incorporates 'resonant effects' as self-organising systems that are not within the thermo-dynamic (closed) modelling.

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