Friday 10 June 2022

The Control Mindset as GoF - Gain of Function

The fundamental GoF is what we may call 'ego' or a masked self-image as control mindset.
That which is, and of its nature unfolds all that is, can be viewed through mindset of distancing and masking denials asserted and defended as survival.

In terms of the current situation, the psyop of the nature of the control mindset is the underlying pathology. There is no pathological intent in the symbiotic whole that life is, so the hack and hijack of apparently endogenous mutations of 'genetic information' are a mythic reflection of the mind that made them, for a split mind must seek its 'survival' in mutually agreed self-reinforcements as its personal & social 'reality'.

The contagion fear is an archetypal fear of retribution or repossession for transgressions buried in the unconscious by such masking. Transgressions can be seen as the wish and belief to think and create in our own image such as to take or steal or break the heart of a love and power that becomes at war with itself or split, fragmented and defended against total loss.

Survival of the sense of self then drives the attempt to regain what was lost and prevent further loss vicariously or externally by manipulating externals onto which such fears or 'solutions' are projected.

The control mindset operates a weaponising and marketising filter to any genuine seeking for truth or for the 'more of who we are' in which a more truly aligned sense of self and world, replaces misdirected futility. So it found 'bacterium' called germs the cause of disease and sought to eradicate our biological matrix of adaptation and life support. In the process developing poisons that generated what was then assigned to 'germs', or when no bacterial suspect could be found, the hypothesis of a virus ran as the belief that persisted support for a pharmaceutical medical monopoly. No virus could be found, so the genetic dogma was generated to bypass any need for empirical verification in favour of arcane elitist definitions that supported the desired outcome for invested Pharmaceutical (medical) model. That this is also deeply flawed merely shunts a compound set of conflicts down the generations as a parasitic or self-cannibalising split mindset  and society, acted out upon the body and asserted and defended as a framework of meaning for invested identity, that has lost its true relational context for a conflicted meanings set in blind struggle that renders further unconsciousness as a model or system to which the life is given in sacrifice.

The captured mind cannot question its own making’ that runs as its reality. The freedom to ask a real question is in our being, not in our thinking, so putting aside our own thinking or drama, is the opening to receive answer rather than persist in manufactured ‘solutions’ that merely go forth and multiply a mis taken identity running covert to who we think we are.

Without a relational appreciation for the source and nature of our being, the truth of honest enquiries into the veracity or otherwise of scientific claims to life or reality used as basis for claim to power, will be distorted by our own invested bias.

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