in response to the themes in:
Questioning our reality – as a desire to be true founded rather than ruled by deceit – which is the same as desire to heal rather than hurt – must question our beliefs about it. For we only have an experience reality through an interpretive ‘consciousness’ of definitions or beliefs.
Clearly we cannot Really question, align or heal our beliefs from any particular belief or identity and worldview already accepted. Else the circular reasoning seeks and finds only as its internalised rules and filters dictate.
So the first recognition of a mind and world of lies is the need to choose not to use it.
Put the mind down. relax, be still and let being move you.
This can be short-circuited by the projection of the hate of pain set in grievance OUT as blame, onto Other, to World and to shifting targets or scapegoats in the world, whose shadow is then seen in all who don’t see as you.
Watching our thought in the act, is no longer choosing to fall or focus in its use as our own narrative adjustment or boosting of identity. Not living in our own movie as a mask or adjustment layer over living relationships, recognised or as yet to be revealed.
Therefore meeting ideas that evoke emotional reaction in any situation, is also looking within, at the same instant as looking out to form and appearances. Looking within is then discernment within life, in place of a ruleset of comparative judgements based on an inherited or acquired adaptation to a world you are now at least not entirely asleep in.
The factioning of beliefs set in narrative identity operates an exclusion zone to awareness rising from peace that your dramatic attachments rightly sense to be threat, or rather the undoing of your allegiance and support, without which the story is dropped or repurposed to a call for connection in place of a call for distancing, masking, denial and attack – set of course as virtue.
Until we recognise the signature patterns, we are taken by the same game in a different form. Hence the lie and the father of it is a shapeshifting deceit, but lockstepped at the level of image and form, or appearances running as if built-in meanings.
The meaning you give to your relationships and world is the measure you set and receive.
The meaning arising from wholeness as of an uncarved block can be shaped
by your thought and desire, but taking or making novel ‘meanings’ out
of any true relational context, as mutually agreed currency, sets a path
of separation from peace and power at heart, to tip into conflicts
persisted in as invested treasure. Such that the maker of his dream is
subjected by it as against his will. Or as if a mind can be trapped or
even attacked by its own thought. Only in concept can thoughts separate
from their source. yet by such means are we phished by reaction to give
fear power by belief. And then seek to limit terror in masking beliefs
to offset the pain. Albeit by getting rid of blame to anywhere or anyone
else as ‘survival’ under masked terror.
Masking is where fear sets us in guilt of a fundamental disintegrity.
Choosing not to invest in guilt or blame must discern responsibility
where it is, and release it from where it isnt. But unless we uncover
the thinking that runs a fear and guilt operating system, we will act
within its terms as the reinforcement for mind set in being right – set
against a wrong.
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