As long as we think in terms of war, the underlying sense of self-lack set in fear and guilt will never rise to awareness or healing, but always be repackaged as blame-hate and attack or denial. Yet even with this is the capacity to seek and set order against a chaos-as yet unable to be more truly discerned to a higher or more embracing order than set by masking orders in which to contest, redistribute or collectivise sacrifice.
The seeking for obstacle or enemy outside is the mindset and narrative justifictions for 'eradicating' whatever flagged threat or scapegoat for guilt and penalty can be displaced to.
This is not to say there is no call to meet lawlessness with an embodiment of lawful with-ness and worth-ship, else we play doormat for abuse.
The saying assigned to Jesus of 'resist ye not evil' could be taken to mean passivity in the face of abuse, false witness and socially masked blame-hate. But nothing in the story of Jesus supports that excepting if the Cross is interpreted as sacrifice to sin instead of sacrifice of the mind from which sin and sacrifice arise in place of love's with-ness and worth-ship.
What we resist, persists - is not obvious as appearances, but is revealed to operate by stealth. If we take or boost an identity of self-lack and division by 'righteous war of hate made 'holy' by War on perceived and believed 'evil' (whatever hated or feared evil), then we become secret worshippers of the thing we say we hate or even die hating, for it would make us 'right' by the sacrifice of the wrong. If you don't get the pattern that pervades our collective thinking, you are not paying attention!
A wrong or error does call for correction and healing, but not for hate-driven vengeance– nor for a blind justice by which to 'resume or reset a normal' by which fallacy is protected because it 'protects' its stakeholders.
The yielding of our 'thinking' or conditioned reactions of personal, family and social survival, is not surrender to an 'other' but to the currency and presence of our very being - otherwise masked out by drama of driven distraction (for which the world we know was invoked to maintain).
Translation of weaponised and marketised language of a false possession (or indeed, dispossession of true appreciation lived and shared), is not undermining or sabotage of the capacity to stand and live from an integrity of being in our endeavours, but of the capacity to self-sabotage our very nature in Communication and Relationship, such as to react from a sense of self-lack, distanced, masked and tooled for attack.
So there will seem to be a war of epic proportions such as to divert attention NOW to such defences and solutions as can buy time...against truth corrupted and feared by the guilt that must accompany or underlie the wilful attack of our own hate in another, or the wilful gratification of fantasies of power acted out upon the body or the bodies of others.
Once you recognise the pattern of the lie and the father of it, yu no longer need follow the rabbit-holes to smell the rat of DANGER! LOOK! THIS WAY! NOW - OR ELSE!
The nature of charged conditions in motion is of the transmission or transference of energetic states or patterns of giving and receiving. If attending the quality and capacity of our energy or connection to life we can see immediately what does not serve and we cannot afford, IF we value connection to life above a conditioned preference or habit. This keenness of awareness is perhaps first found under the conditions that can no longer be fudged, masked over or denied - lest we be denied of our life and will.
Until we accept a whole decision, we will be conflicted in what we want, and meet conflicted or self-sabotaging situations in our day, our kitchen, & our World.
So to know who you are is to receive it of That which does in place of seeking to set or make yourself in your own image or thought and warring to make its so.
Give unto Ceasar what is due unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar, and give unto God all that is due unto God.
I know the word God has been abused almost as much as the love that created us (if not the conditioning of a world set by and masking over trauma). But Caesar is symbolic of powers in the world, and God is power the mind in the world thinks to have grasped or become possessed by. The call is for discernment within life at the heart. Not for a rulebound reaction in groupthink - regardless of apparent 'sides'.
For those who must 'fight', take no joy in war, and side with freedom until you recognise it is your embodiment of freedom that calls you not to give up and die! Or die to hate while still alive.
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