Wednesday 15 June 2022

GoF is the eGoF by which to interpret life fearfully

 in response to the themes in:


 Note that uncovering the truth of virology (sic) is hardly helped by its heavily invested status as THE basis for defence against plagues that 'mutate' as hijacking narratives.
Or that uncovering the truth of man made global warming/climate change (sic) is hardly helped by its heavily invested status as THE basis for defence against global Catastrophe that mutates by weaving itself into every imaginable & contrived association.

Likewise genetics is a form of sorcery in which the modelling of control over life is set on and from definitions made in secret, for purpose of division, by which to persist a mask of power over the living one set by deceit, to use the mind of attack as a pre-emptive defence against a true power of Relational Communication, or being.

Mind-capture to the mind as controller, is the division from the heart of One in All.
Core definition and belief (running unconscious to its effect) is the mind of opacity or transparency to the movement of being that is the communication; life.

Uncovering our core definitions and beliefs is hardly helped by its heavily invested status as THE basis for defence against undoing of a self-made sense of power over, that always carries the result of subjection under.

The capacity to question the basis for a masking over of self-lack, fears, shame or guilt, hate, and the gamut of Separation trauma is already within the movement of being that we are, but which we are trained to discard or ignore by invested identity in the call to war, running under masks of virtue that disintegrate to reveal a hate set in self-evasion, running blind.

WHO told you you were naked?
That is lacking 'cover' for a use of the mind as a covert ID?
GoF is the eGoF by which to interpret life fearfully, such as to demand or drive 'solutions' in need of a problem that must be given in sacrifice to booster a private agenda running contra to our function in reality as unfolding discernment and distillation of living truth, freely shared.

There are some in the field of every study who call out the dogma as false doctrine, but who would lose his world to regain the Soul such a world has false flagged, depreciated and framed unreal? Only those willing and ready to recognise the nature of the stirring of truth within and choose not to deny it.

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