Wednesday 15 June 2022

Particles and Fields are intimately connected

 This was posted to Mike Stones comments at:

The behaviour of nanoparticulates in solution (living waters such as blood, cytoplasm etc) comes into the realm of plasma physics, which is in some sense an electric self-organising principle running beneath our sense of things, objects, impacts and thermodynamic (closed) system thinking. In biologic terms the bio-field relates to a matrix of organisation, homeostasis, as communication/energy exchange as the adaptive symbiosis within what might be called a resonance of qualities translating to quantitative embodiment.

If that is too abstract a sketch, it is known that for example lead doesn't behave/interact as metallic element when in specific terrain conditions of ionic suspension. But under certain electrical conditions, clumping occurs such as to become interactive in the body in the way that we associate as lead poisoning.

So this is just to prompt an awareness that particles and fields are intimately connected, and that in water, (possibly other mediums) this expresses an 'interface' of synchronicities or resonant exchange/communication that includes our own consciousness or thought.

The intent to hack a life we do not create is a mind set as if apart in judgements over (and subjections under). A recent & current biotech focus in nanotech as ways of hacking, augmenting, surveiling and controlling biology exogenously is of course the 'virus' of a pathological mindset, but nonetheless given cover by genetic dogma running from black box 'science', and fed by contagion fear that harks back to fear of retribution at the pre-verbal or primitive level of our psyche.
Various means of making materials available to a 'self-organising' biotech could operate as intended or unintended consequence.
The ego or as I might put it the eGoF runs contra to the natural extension of joy or wholeness of being (integrative, whole). If the segregative element persists dominant, a death stricture limits and effectively replaces a living expression with a hollow or blind structure no longer resonating with or responsive to life. Such can a mask become.

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