Saturday 3 April 2021

The function of narrative displacement identity is masking

 That China will 'catch a cold' was leaked in advance.

That the cold or flu is CAUSED by a virus is an extremely protected narrative of leverage.

So to swallow the virus is to take the bait for the core element on which the others all depend.

Sickness is not in question, but that there is one sickness to which a specific virus is flagged to as its cause is false and diversionary to an honest and open investigation of disease conditions that share various causes and whose symptoms will often but not always include short samples of RNA/DNA matters resulting from cell death. The presumption and even science of contagion is predicated on a model that can be tweaked to give the desired result.

The deeper point is not a moral outrage that points the finger, but to reflect that the narratives that gain support or traction are those that attract funding or investment and in this fear provides the opportunity for 'solutions' that not only attract great wealth and positions of control to protect the revenue stream, but a bandwagon effect, where once it becomes embedded or 'normal' to mask, slosh antibacterials, vaccinate and track and trace, all these become iconic attractions to align business towards, and away from what else would have operated as a market economy serving human culture. And so corruption sets in to protect a negative Economy as a private taxing of the Living in death, taxes and degradations, for the sake of 'saving the System' deemed too big to fail. And so everyone else has to fail, and the narratives that are invoked and planted often decades in advance are pushed with disproportionate financial leverages that disregard any process of reason, to install global guidelines that mission creep to regulations and enforcements right down to local level. The capture of the brain, nervous system, defences, blood supply are all symptomatic of a parasitic 'infection' but this is ultimately an out-picturing of our own projected denials set in grievance and blame, as hated and feared.

Some elements of the Chinese ruling elites are corporations and stakeholders. Thinking in terms of independent nations in today's world is a circus side-show - and yet the pivot of power can and does shift from the nations it has hollowed out to a new host.

Back to fundamentals; a lie is without substance even if weaving in the truth of a love that fears to hurt or be hurt, and willingly limits and denies itself to allay the fear. And so it is lack of love that allows the reactions and defences to be the actual agent of destruction, regardless the Fact, we operate on fear as if already true, and in doing so are its masked or secret agency even while propagating warnings, rules, solutions and protections. It is our heart and mind that is infected with a kind of thinking that self-replicates and uses us while telling us it will make us safe. Lack of love is a result of giving love as energy and attention, value and focus of worth - to that which is unworthy, untrue, and unshared or private, locked down, distanced, masked and running as attack on truth. No matter how disturbing, bringing the problem into the arena of love, is releasing the diversion and delay in false flagged evasions of 'trouble so close to home, that it leaves us homeless, armoured and attempting to control a chaose we are not aware of causing - excepting by the accusation of blame to others and their attack, suppression or denial - be they living or imaginary agents, motives and dangers assigned to this then that and now another 'enemy'.

Wake up to the recognition of the need for love, from the honesty that what we have made of it is a grotesque masking parody of manipulative substitutions. Fear not given protection is the exposure to inner conflict that IS the Call for help - but has been directed to Fear for protection, as a casting out and limiting narrative identity.

No one can see what they are as yet unwilling or unready to accept, and so regardless the fact, their mind will provide something else as a block, buffer or delay, until they change their mind about their mind.

Negatively defined self-interest does not have to overtly conspire, but the capacity to frame the thoughts of others so as to direct their behaviours appeals directly to the need for control rising from a sense of self lack - which is lack of love. No amount of control will ever be enough to supply the lack, and in seeking it, will the underlying insanity hollow out and possess those who are addicted to or driven by compulsive traits or appetites that master them instead of being brought into a relational balance.

None of this tells you what to do or not do. But do you must, for the physical life has an action component. If willingness for joy, truth, love, peace, or any primary quality of human being is guiding us, then we are not wholly habituated in blind reaction to perceived and believed realities that some time later when the emotional context is passed, we can see as a misguidance from a past set of associations running as if to escape or overcome ancient hates and fears, from which our mind folds away in recoil to a contraction from relational communication set in armour against its reliving.

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