Thursday 21 January 2021

By what is a mind undone of false conditioning?


Reply to  Binra
Unless a mind comes clean of programs and conditions it will remain prisoner in a world it does not understand. Grief as impression/expression of loss is of no lesser value than its inseparable counterpart of joy. The attempt to isolate grief is similar to the desire to remove negativity from life. Everything has its place in life. A battery does not work with a single positive pole. It takes both polarities to ‘create’ electricity.
As a non-theist, I have no problem with people believing in any God. It is people who believe in God who are insecure when someone does not share their view. Man created God in his likeness and it is this succumbing to authority that is now exploited by those who put people under house arrest and take away everything a human being needs to be at peace.

Grief indeed serves a function in a mind that grasps and is prisoner to its world.

'Everything' and 'nothing' can indeed be set as polarities - but one has no existence except that you give it yours.

The underlying electrical nature of the universe of manifestation is a polarised expression from a zero.point infinity. Within desire for experience your view is integral to the whole - (Thank you) but if it is out of accord with who and what you are it will render a fragmented and dissonant experience. You are free to engage this forever if that is indeed your freedom.

That 'God Creates Only God-in Extension' is not recognisable to a mind set in mask of division that rules out wholeness to 'separate holes'. Realigning in true Authorship undoes the false substitution or indeed the false god of a man made 'power' set over Life. We can let this be so by desisting active belief in such 'power' in any moment of willingness.

'Believing', and 'God' are words. Such words can be woven into masks by which to signal virtue while hiding secret hate and fear. True word can be invoked and spoken for vanity.

The mind of Man, set in masking division, does not 'create' anything true - least of all his own authoring. But be-lives that limiting, dividing and destruction are power over life by which to make new. But this replicates the wish to create all things in 'self-image' as a mind of a dissociation from 'Is' - that may be indicated as...

 "I Am". 

Which is a Name of God that cannot Be named by the measure that is the mind of Man.

Giving without measure is sharing in the gift of Life. This is what we have forgotten.

Yet as we give, so shall we in truth receive. For the Law of Mind is no less true in faithful feedback to predicates - be they true or false. But who in hate and fear recognises Divine Synchronicity as perfectly in order?

Even as we do - we do unto our Self.

This adaptation of Jesus' saying counters the distanced and locked down world of 'the body as saviour', to a mind set under terror. The mortal conditioning is a 'world' set in fear of pain, loss and death. Attempts to control change by ingenuity of psychic manipulation programs the worship of the image and model over the Living or truly Current relationship. Which is backwards - and renders a 'world' running counter to a truly living will in fear set as a mind of evasion.

I appreciate your comment and for what you drew forth as a freedom of response. The facing and living of fear, pain grief and loss opens the capacity for joy in being. Joy is wholeness of being that knows its freedom as extension or the disposition of radiance. If we short circuit our honesty of being, we set ourself IN the thing we resist.

No one can freely choose to release what they are not the owner of.

While we give authority to an 'outer god' of powers, circumstances and conditions, we are giving life all the meaning it has for us, while suffering the measure of our giving as a recipient of an 'alien' will.

Responsibility for the reintegration of our mind to Mind that is edgeless and infinite, is not an act of the 'mind', so much as a recognition of transparency within Mind - given welcome instead of denial and attack. In this sense a full acceptance is release to Life.

This can be recognised or intuited as a grace of simple noticing - and has nothing to do with intellectual sophistication. The 'Bridegroom' or fulfilment cometh when ye thinketh NOT. Unselfconscious joy is natural flow and alignment of being.

Responsibility for life as energy is not just conservation within a closed system but alignment within an Open 'System' or indeed Creation. Both are operating together. When the inner and outer balance is lost, the cell or self or system breaks down, but the underlying energy and information is not IN its expression.

God (All That Is) is not IN a world of object modelling. The mind of private judgement is limiting, selective and rejecting, for those who choose it, and usurps direct recognition as a masking over of a self-imaged reality.

We might call this a mindtrap or psyop, but how can a mind BE trapped by or rejected and excluded by its OWN thought? Except by choice that can be changed? First it must judge itself, and then suffer it results as IF denied. By reaction are beliefs and convictions set in fear and hate of violation. By such conditioning are 'conditions' set and contracted to as polarised identification.

What others choose is their freedom - even if choosing to deny their freedom. But what I accept is my own freedom by which I join IN freedom of willingness. How can we join in fear and hate masked over by coercion? As sick illusions of life set in parody - driven by denial?

Thanks - but no thanks!

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