Saturday 23 January 2021

Masking over nakedness to fear as if to push and keep it out

Yes - masks as superstitious or magical defence lock the fear into the mind of the wearer who is induced to believe the fear is real, and they are both locking in their imagined but terrifying viral contagion, and masking off from a terrifying world of invisible viral demons that are in anyone and everyone no matter what.

This is the result of the degradation of the human mind by an ongoing media, corporate and socio-political management that replaces human community, and human intelligence. The spread of fear is not at all difficult to see and defend against - unless a mind is already captured BY it to a narrative diversion and displacement in which fears of pain and loss are pictured out in stories that become real in the mind that suckles on them. No one has isolated this virus apart from via computer assisted genome sequencing taken from an indeterminate mass that could as easily have yielded innumerable novels by shifting the parameters and predicates of the search and recombination. Only the most elite and funded specialists can operate such opaque procedures. No claim to casing disease was made for the novel genomic definition. But the unprecedented blitzkrieg of fear porn from a lockstepped media and political manipulation of our mind - which has not stopped but merely switches and reinvents itself, is backed up by an unprecedented and controlled demolition of the global economy alongside and sustained and mounting demolition of social structure and as I said - a degradation of our consciousness. Those who choose to mutate to a degraded and grey parody of life masking over a scream of denial, let them feast on hate set in 'moral self-righteous salvation'. “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". said Michael Ellner back in the AIDS scam. Jesus says, 'forgive them for they know not what they do'. The masking persona is a lid over great fear. All of this can be read at a deeper level, from a perspective of consciousness of love's recognition. It takes one to know one. But if love is redefined to some kind of war against a perceive, believed or flagged evil, war is made 'holy' and wholeness is sacrificed to a fear-driven polarised and polarising futility. What could possible go right? If your identity and function is given or determined by billionaire clubs and their private agenda set over the lives of others, then know this is Your choice, regardless the deceits by which You consent to contract and sacrifice to a system set in hate and denial of life, by which to 'save' your own. I do not need to deny what has not been proven or demonstrated true. That worldly power can assert and weaponise a narrative does not make it fact - even it it sets the basis for resetting the focus and priority of endeavour and funding. Neither virus nor carbon dioxide are causes of evil in and of themselves but are inherent to living function. But hate of unowned and unhealed fear MUST have a target directed away from the mask of control that fear hides in.

Jesus says, 'forgive them for they know not what they do'. How can a mask of self-evasion know Who You truly Are?


Please stop referring to Covid as if it actually exists. You have never provided any proof that it does. Neither has the Politburo. By referring to it consistently for almost one year now as if it does, you have effectively ensured its immortality. It has become symbolic of the idiocracy we know live in where everything that issues forth from the buro is never questioned but taken as a fact. It borders on a mental illness.

Well the 'buro' is a broad spectrum dominance of essentially corporately managed behaviours, and so recognising the underlying intent as one of having been delivered unto evil (by our willingness to be misled), is a big step that is initially extremely disturbing - such that many may cling even to the systemic dictates of an 'abusive parent' rather than lose everything they held true - as the 'devil they know' - but revealing itself as the archetypal Terror demanding sacrifice. The 'god' that devours its own children. The establishment is NOT just the 'control' but no less the invested fear on which it must feed in order to seem to run. Love is not coercive and controlling, but can and does hold the conditions for life. Control would usurp Life as the intent to remake it or redefine and replicate it as a systemic substitution. AS a mind under control we fear, hate and attack and deny love as threat - but blindly under a dissociating sense of mask over fear set in self-protection. Masked again in narrative of moral justification. What - if asked in our heart of hearts - truly exists? The capacity to think for ourself is really the capacity to think with God - or if you prefer - in resonance with the power of Life as Communication, Relation, Recognition, Extension and Exchange. Thinking can run within its own spin to set up an overlay of private or local meanings that mask out universal communication. Fear arises from a conflicted mind, persisted in and protected against healing for fear of loss of invested identity. Our human world is a pile of denials stored up against Heaven (restored true relation). Nor can we 'tell' the deceived they are not in their right mind and be received. But can we live our Right Mind as a witness to theirs - regardless the masking appearances? This puts me on the threshold of recognising and releasing my own masking habits of judging myself in others as if to escape it.

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