Friday 22 January 2021

Fundamental Principles 

Crystal Decanter

as a previous poster has mentioned

Fighting against this is a losing battle

acceleration is the key

Do you mean 'mutate now - avoid the rush!'

(An old anti-Nuclear badge slogan).

There are two principles I offer for consideration.

They are likely to remain unrecognised.

  1. What you resist, persists.
  2. What is not used, fades with non use.

Jesus put it as

  1. Resist ye not evil.
  2. Put (the mind of) deceit behind you.

The fundamental phishing of identity by deceit is to elicit reaction by which we are framed in the deceit. Having already taken the bait, the mind seeks answer only as framed by the falsely flagged problem. The conflicts and dissonance is then assigned by the narrative beliefs in which we are already identified, but falsely, as the attempt to save ourselves or our world from threat.

Questioning narrative definitions and assumptions is like looking for the errors that must be there because garbage out (feedback) is witness to garbage in (predicates and parameters).

The human mind is liable to inhabit a virtual dissociation of its own image and collective modelling of reality. But only as an expression of conflict arising from such a misidentification. The pattern of lockdown, distance and mask is the recoil from feared Relationship or indeed feared Reality.

Identity IN the masking persona is completely unaware of Reality and seeks power, love and freedom in a substitution that can never satisfy, but delivers disempowerment, lovelessness and slavery, because these are the underlying 'self-lack' set in fear, that drives the world of the attempt to get or force life to fit our image or mind - willingly supported at cost of a direct and truly felt awareness of Life that is the source and nature of what we seek 'outside ourself' and thereby give power to, and suffer under when invested realities change.

If you allow Life to register as your awareness of being, you will not be addictively thinking, and the thoughts or perspectives that naturally arise to you will be relevant and resonant to who you truly are, rather than what you fear to have become or that fear says you must become.

Or you can persist in what cannot really work as if This Time - it will somehow work. If 'they' can do such tricks on us, is it not because we are all already liable to do this unto our self? We can in this very moment recognise and take responsibility for our thought and experience, without waiting for others or the world to change. That it is in any case always changing will then align with your accepted purpose for you, because you are aligning with Life, rather than telling it what to be. We don't  readily want this because it calls our invested identity into question. But of course!

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